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[미국특허] Shower arm mounting 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47K-003/22
출원번호 US-0500945 (2000-02-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bertrand John E.
  • Brattoli Michael A.
출원인 / 주소
  • Moen Incorporated
대리인 / 주소
    Cook, Alex, McFarron, Manzo, Cummings & Mehler, Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 85  인용 특허 : 7


A modular shower arm assembly for use in removably attaching a shower fixture to the unthreaded end of a pipe extending outwardly from a shower stall wall without affecting connection of the pipe to a water supply system behind the shower wall uses an adapter sleeve closely fitting over the pipe and


[ The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:] [1.]1. A modular shower arm assembly for use in removably attaching a shower fixture to an unthreaded end of a pipe extending outwardly from a shower wall without affecting connection o

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Howell Dan R. (2606 Glenwood Rd. Florence SC 29505), Adjustable surface mount plumbing adapter.
  2. Byers Hugo (Amherst OH) Lang Tracy H. (Cleveland OH), Plumbing fixture with interior insulating and adhesive foam.
  3. Bjerke Thomas E., Quick connect water flow system.
  4. Arnold Don C. (Buffalo Grove IL) Wilcox Thomas J. (East Troy WI), Roman tub fixture.
  5. Gaffney Thomas E. (Sheboygan WI) Wahlen Patrick S. (West Lafayette IN), Sheet flow spout.
  6. Persson Bengt Arne (Djursholm SW), Sillcock.
  7. Wright John C. (Carmel IN), Spacer for mounting plumbing to a wall.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (85) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Jerome Warshawsky, Adjustable height showerhead.
  2. Golichowski, Gary D., Articulating arm for a shower head.
  3. Leber, Leland C., Bracket for hand shower.
  4. Quinn, Michael J.; Leber, Leland C.; Luettgen, Harold A.; Saunders, Ryan, Bracket for showerhead with integral flow control.
  5. Luettgen, Harold A.; Leber, Leland C.; Quinn, Michael J., Connection structure for handheld showerhead.
  6. Leber, Leland C., Converging spray showerhead.
  7. Macan, Aaron Damian; Quinn, Michael J., Drenching shower head.
  8. Macan,Aaron Damian, Drenching shower head.
  9. Macan, Aaron Damian; Quinn, Michael J., Drenching showerhead.
  10. Luettgen,Harold A.; Golichowski,Gary D.; Sokol,Gary L., Dual massage shower head.
  11. Luettgen, Harold A.; Golichowski, Gary D.; Sokol, Gary L., Dual turbine showerhead.
  12. Luettgen, Harold A.; Golichowski, Gary D.; Sokol, Gary L., Dual turbine showerhead.
  13. Luettgen,Harold A.; Quinn,Michael J., Elliptical shower head.
  14. Leber, Leland C., Hand shower.
  15. Leber, Leland C.; Moser, Anne Clare; Belliveau, Scott, Hand shower.
  16. Quinn,Michael J.; Williams,Brian R.; Belliveau,Scott; Moser,Anne Clare, Hand shower.
  17. Quinn,Michael J.; Williams,Brian R.; Moser,Anne Clare; Belliveau,Scott, Hand shower.
  18. Whitaker, Carl T.; Leber, Leland C., Hand shower.
  19. Leber, Leland C., Hand shower with an extendable handle.
  20. Peterson, Preston; Zhuang, Zuqiang, Handheld showerhead.
  21. Peterson, Preston; Zhuang, Zuqiang, Handheld showerhead.
  22. Peterson, Preston; Zhuang, Zuqiang, Handheld showerhead.
  23. Quinn, Michael J., Handheld showerhead.
  24. Luettgen, Harold A.; Leber, Leland C.; Quinn, Michael J., Handheld showerhead with fluid passageways.
  25. Luettgen, Harold A.; Leber, Leland C.; Quinn, Michael J., Handheld showerhead with mode control and method of selecting a handheld showerhead mode.
  26. Luettgen, Harold A.; Leber, Leland C.; Quinn, Michael J., Handheld showerhead with mode control in handle.
  27. Luettgen, Harold A.; Leber, Leland C.; Quinn, Michael J., Handheld showerhead with mode selector in handle.
  28. Luettgen, Harold A.; Leber, Leland C.; Quinn, Michael J., Handheld showerhead with mode selector in handle.
  29. Thurgood, Jeffrey, Handheld spray nozzle.
  30. Thurgood, Jeffrey Clayton, Handheld spray nozzle.
  31. Leber, Leland C., Hidden pivot attachment for showers and method of making same.
  32. Leber, Leland C., Low flow showerhead and method of making same.
  33. Leber, Leland C., Low speed pulsating showerhead.
  34. Leber, Leland C., Low-speed pulsating showerhead.
  35. Williams, Brian R., Mode control valve in showerhead connector.
  36. Erwin F. Mikol, Modular shower arm mounting system.
  37. Gillette,William J.; Bachman,Timothy A., Pan head shower head.
  38. Georgeson, Paul B., Paper roll holder.
  39. Leber, Leland C., Pivot attachment for showerheads.
  40. Leber, Leland C., Pivot ball attachment.
  41. Huffington, Todd A.; Jonte, Patrick B., Quick connect showerhead.
  42. Quinn, Michael J.; Leber, Leland C.; Luettgen, Harold A.; Cacka, Joseph W., Ring-shaped handheld showerhead.
  43. Quinn, Michael J.; Leber, Leland C.; Luettgen, Harold A.; Cacka, Joseph W., Ring-shaped handheld showerhead.
  44. Quinn, Michael J.; Leber, Leland C.; Luettgen, Harold A.; Cacka, Joseph W., Ring-shaped wall mount showerhead.
  45. Quinn, Michael J.; Leber, Leland C.; Luettgen, Harold A.; Cacka, Joseph W., Ring-shaped wall mount showerhead.
  46. Georgeson, Paul B., Robe hook.
  47. Luettgen, Harold A.; Golichowski, Gary, Rotatable and pivotable connector.
  48. Pinkston, David L.; Mistovich, Charles P., Shower arm.
  49. Quinn, Michael J., Shower arm.
  50. Wolff, Kevin; Golenz, Doug; Rowe, Philip; Quinn, Michael J., Shower arm.
  51. Leber, Leland C.; Golichowski, Gary D.; Quinn, Michael J., Shower arm attachment assembly.
  52. Leber, Leland C.; Golichowski, Gary D.; Quinn, Michael J., Shower arm attachment assembly.
  53. Whitaker, Carl T.; Leber, Leland C.; Williams, Brian Randall, Shower assembly with radial mode changer.
  54. Scott Ouyoung TW, Shower head.
  55. Yos Singtoroj, Shower head and arm.
  56. Yos Singtoroj, Shower head and arm.
  57. Thomas,Gary J.; Krajec,Russell S.; Gillette,William J.; Bachman,Timothy A., Shower head assembly.
  58. Luettgen, Harold A.; Golichowski, Gary D.; Sokol, Gary L., Shower head with enhanced pause mode.
  59. Georgeson, Paul B., Showerhead.
  60. Leber, Leland C., Showerhead.
  61. Quinn,Michael J.; Williams,Brian R.; Belliveau,Scott; Callif,Adam, Showerhead.
  62. Williams, Brian R., Showerhead.
  63. Williams, Brian R., Showerhead.
  64. Hanna, Ken S., Showerhead arm.
  65. Leber,Leland C., Showerhead assembly.
  66. Leber,Leland C., Showerhead assembly.
  67. Whitaker, Carl T.; Leber, Leland C., Showerhead assembly.
  68. Whitaker, Carl T.; Leber, Leland C., Showerhead assembly.
  69. Quinn, Michael J.; Leber, Leland C.; Luettgen, Harold A.; Saunders, Ryan, Showerhead bracket.
  70. Leber, Leland C.; Williams, Brian R., Showerhead system.
  71. Luettgen, Harold A.; Golichowski, Gary D.; Sokol, Gary L., Showerhead with enhanced pause mode.
  72. Whitaker, Carl T.; Leber, Leland C.; Williams, Brian Randall, Showerhead with flow directing plates and radial mode changer.
  73. Luettgen, Harold A.; Leber, Leland C.; Quinn, Michael J., Showerhead with movable control valve.
  74. Luettgen, Harold A.; Leber, Leland C.; Quinn, Michael J., Showerhead with rotatable control valve.
  75. Leber, Leland C.; Williams, Brian R., Showerhead with tube connectors.
  76. Cacka, Joseph W.; Leber, Leland C.; Quinn, Michael J., Showerhead with turbine driven shutter.
  77. Furseth, Michael R., Slip-fit clamping system for mounting a fitting on a wall.
  78. Furseth, Michael R., Slip-fit clamping system for mounting a fitting on a wall.
  79. Georgeson, Paul B., Towel holder.
  80. Peterson, Preston; Zhuang, Zuqiang, Wall mount showerhead.
  81. Peterson, Preston; Zhuang, Zuqiang, Wall mount showerhead.
  82. Peterson, Preston; Zhuang, Zuqiang, Wall mount showerhead.
  83. Miura, Shoji; Sumimoto, Emiko, Water discharge device.
  84. Jacoway, Michael G., Water stop valve device with rough-in sleeve and method of assembling the same.
  85. Danboise, Scott, Welded drain spout.

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