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[미국특허] Container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 0903
출원번호 US-0127699 (2000-08-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Zettle Jeffrey J.
  • Steichen Richard T.
출원인 / 주소
  • S. C. Johnson Home Storage, Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 76  인용 특허 : 22


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for the container, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Guillin Fran.cedilla.ois,FRX, Angular fastening device.
  2. Gerber William C. (Wooster OH), Compartmented ovenware dish.
  3. Porchia Jose ; Zettle Jeffey J., Container Having a selectively detachable lid including an interrupted reinforcing bead.
  4. Maxwell Jason ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  5. Tucker Edward (Romeoville IL) Lueken George (Fort Wayne IN) Gross Luke (Churubusco IN) Cruz Mark (Fort Wayne IN) Melvan Jack F. (Oak Forest IL), Container for food.
  6. Tucker Edward ; Lueken George ; Gross Luke ; Cruz Mark ; Melvan Jack F., Container for food.
  7. Tucker Edward ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  8. Zettle Jeffey J. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Container having a selectively detachable lid including a rigid tab member.
  9. Ahern ; Jr. Richard B. (Akron OH) Jenkins Dennis K. (Medina OH), Container with handles and cover.
  10. Seppala Eino (Waukegan IL), Food container.
  11. Lippincott Howard C. (Madison WI), Food package.
  12. Hayes Thomas J. (Wauconda IL) Sagan Michael J. A. (Batavia IL) Gomoll James N. (Chicago IL) Spencer Mark (Pittsford NY), Food tray.
  13. Longbottom Karl (Burton-on-Trent GB2) Whiteley Norman (Walsall GB2) Bagnall Paul J. H. (NR. Rugeley GB2), Lidded containers.
  14. Lippincott Howard C. (Madison WI), Panelled food package.
  15. Zettle Jeffrey J. ; Evers Peter T. ; Hodge Donald E., Rectangular container with lid.
  16. Wilson Daniel C. ; Zettle Jeffey J. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Round container with lid.
  17. Wilson Daniel C. ; Zettle Jeffrey J. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Square container with lid.
  18. Pomroy James F. (St. Paul MN), Storage and cooking container with lid release tab.
  19. Wilson Daniel C. ; Zettle Jeffrey J. ; Hodge Daniel E. ; Schaper Eric B., Tall round container with lid.
  20. Wilson Daniel C. ; Zettle Jeffey J. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Tall square container with lid.
  21. Michaud John T. (Moraga CA) Hum Harvey (San Francisco CA), Tray with cover.
  22. Dietz, Raymond A. F.; Fundom, Danny L.; Henning, George J.; McKinney, Lynn B., Tray-type processed food containers.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (76) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hansen, Victor D.; Raimer, George E.; Tidball, Martin O.; Cramblet, Michael J.; Hitchcock, Lynn L.; Eckert, Elliott R., Accessible display package and method of use.
  2. Cramblet, Michael J.; Raimer, George E.; Vos, Kristie L., Composite package.
  3. Buchman,James E.; Gretz,Erica L., Container.
  4. Buchman,James E.; Gretz,Erica L., Container.
  5. Capraro, Peter I.; Singh, Rishabh; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  6. Freeman, Jennifer C.; Ramirez, Cesar E.; Sifuentes, Gandhi B., Container.
  7. Freeman, Jennifer C.; Sifuentes, Gandhi B., Container.
  8. Gosen, Craig R.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Stanos, Lawrence C.; Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Ordiway, Timothy R.; Broen, Nancy L.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L.; Hodge, Donald E., Container.
  9. Magana, Leonardo; Murphy, Laura, Container.
  10. Ordiway, Timothy R.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Stanos, Lawrence C.; Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Gosen, Craig R.; Broen, Nancy L.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L.; Hodge, Donald E., Container.
  11. Snedden, Craig R.; Sifuentes, Gandhi B.; Ramirez, Cesar E., Container.
  12. Chhay, Khim Seang, Container cover.
  13. Kim,Chang Ho, Container for storing foods.
  14. Hayes, Thomas J.; Cammarata, Brian J.; Loiselle, William J., Containers.
  15. Anhalt, Joseph P.; Turvey, Robert R., Containers with anti-buckling structural features.
  16. Sambrailo, Mark; Sambrailo, William K.; Cadiente, Anthony M., Cooling method and nine-down packaging configuration for enhanced cooling of produce.
  17. Ablo,Famia E.; Cautereels,Victor J. J., Cover for a container.
  18. Ablo,Famia E.; Cautereels,Victor J. J., Covered container.
  19. Hansen, Victor D.; Raimer, George E.; Vos, Kristie L.; Pankratz, Brian J.; Cramblet, Michael J.; Eckert, Elliott R., Double hinge display package and method of use.
  20. Hansen, Victor D.; Raimer, George E.; Vos, Kristie L.; Pankratz, Brian J.; Cramblet, Michael J.; Eckert, Elliott R., Double hinge display package and method of use.
  21. Sifuentes, Gandhi B.; Ramirez, Cesar E., Food container.
  22. Sifuentes, Gandhi B.; Ramirez, Cesar E., Food container.
  23. Sedgwick, Nathan, Food container lid having a passthrough utensil recess.
  24. Sedgwick, Nathan, Food container lid having condiment container receptacle.
  25. Sedgwick, Nathan, Food container lid having dual condiment container receptacles.
  26. Sedgwick, Nathan, Food container lid having utensil recess.
  27. Wichmann, Matthew J; Evans, Michael G, Food tray and mating cover system.
  28. Cossu, Gabriele, Kitchen container.
  29. Golota, George A.; Voityna, Andrei, Lid.
  30. Knutson,Herb; Iaquinto,Thomas, Lid for product holding containers.
  31. Cadiente,Anthony; Sambrailo,William K.; Sambrailo,Mark, Method and apparatus for packing and bi-directional cooling of produce.
  32. Cadiente,Anthony; Sambrailo,William K.; Sambrailo,Mark, Method and apparatus for packing and bi-directional cooling of produce.
  33. Sambrailo, Mark, Nine container per tray packaging configuration and method for enhanced cooling of produce.
  34. Colacitti, Gregory, Oval shaped container.
  35. Epstein, Paul; Chiang, Shu-Ling, Oval shaped container with stylized lid.
  36. Colacitti, Gregory, Oval shaped vented container.
  37. Wolf, Tracy C., Package with a flanged back.
  38. Wolf, Tracy C., Package with a flanged back.
  39. Kwak, Ji-Hee; Kim, Il-Kyoung; Lee, Eun Ae Shally; Heo, Da-Hee, Packaging box.
  40. Kent,Michael; Polidoro,Frank, Pop up dispenser.
  41. Lam, John, Produce container.
  42. Cadiente, Anthony; Sambrailo, Mark, Produce packaging system enabling improved drainage for hydrocooling.
  43. Cadiente, Anthony; Sambrailo, Mark, Produce packaging system enabling improved drainage for hydrocooling.
  44. Cadiente, Anthony; Sambrailo, Mark, Produce packaging system enabling improved drainage for hydrocooling.
  45. Cadiente,Anthony; Sambrailo,Mark, Produce packaging system having produce containers with arched bottom and raised feet to enable under container ventilation.
  46. Cadiente,Anthony; Sambrailo,William K.; Sambrailo,Mark, Produce packaging system having produce containers with double-arched bottom ventilation channels.
  47. Cadiente, Anthony; Sambrailo, William K.; Sambrailo, Mark, Produce packaging system having produce containers with double-arched ventilation channels.
  48. Nichols,Monica Stautner; Robbins,Bruce; Boss,Virginia M.; Brookshire,Phillip L., Pumpkin-shaped baking pan lid.
  49. Hansen, Victor D.; Raimer, George E.; Lorenson, Jared P.; Eckert, Elliott R.; Cramblet, Michael J.; Korhorn, David A., Reclosable display package.
  50. Hansen, Victor D.; Eckert, Elliott R.; Tidball, Martin O., Reclosable display package and method of use.
  51. Hansen, Victor D.; Vos, Kristie L.; Raimer, George E.; Pankratz, Brian J.; Cramblet, Michael J.; Hitchcock, Lynn L., Reclosable package.
  52. Hansen, Victor D.; Vos, Kristie L.; Raimer, George E.; Pankratz, Brian J.; Cramblet, Michael J.; Hitchcock, Lynn L.; Eckert, Elliott R., Reclosable package.
  53. Hansen, Victor D.; Vos, Kristie L.; Raimer, George E.; Pankratz, Brian J.; Cramblet, Michael J.; Hitchcock, Lynn L.; Eckert, Elliott R., Reclosable package.
  54. Hansen, Victor D.; Vos, Kristie L.; Raimer, George E.; Pankratz, Brian J.; Cramblet, Michael J.; Hitchcock, Lynn L.; Eckert, Elliott R., Reclosable package.
  55. Colacitti, Gregory, Rectangular container.
  56. Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Stanos, Lawrence C.; Ordiway, Timothy R.; Gosen, Craig R.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L.; Broen, Nancy L.; Hodge, Donald E., Rectangular container comprising a bowl and a lid.
  57. Chen, Linzhao, Rectangular food container.
  58. Epstein, Paul, Rectangular shaped container assembly with stylized base.
  59. Colacitti, Gregory, Rectangular vented container.
  60. Holding, Bill; Cox, Ben, Set of nesting storage lids.
  61. Stanos, Lawrence C.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Ordiway, Timothy R.; Gosen, Craig R.; Broen, Nancy L.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L.; Hodge, Donald E., Short, square container comprising a bowl and a lid.
  62. Weiss,Sondra A.; LaMasney,Robert G., Single compartment container lid.
  63. Hayes, Thomas J.; Cammarata, Brian J.; Loiselle, William J., Smoothwall container.
  64. Hayes, Thomas J.; Cammarata, Brian J.; Loiselle, William J., Smoothwall container.
  65. Thomas J. Hayes ; Brian J. Cammarata ; William Loiselle, Smoothwall hinged container.
  66. Hayes, Thomas J.; Cammarata, Brian J.; Loiselle, William, Smoothwall hinged containers.
  67. Sedgwick, Nathan, Stackable food container lid having a condiment container recess.
  68. LeBoeuf, William E.; Schofield, Robert T.; Petersen, Sean T.; Boda, James C., Storage container lids.
  69. Zettle,Jeffrey J.; Stanos,Lawrence C.; Schultz,Marissa A. K.; Hodge,Donald E., Tab for a container lid.
  70. Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Ordiway, Timothy R.; Gosen, Craig R.; Broen, Nancy L.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L., Tall square container.
  71. Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Stanos, Lawrence C.; Ordiway, Timothy R.; Gosen, Craig R.; Broen, Nancy L.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L.; Hodge, Donald E., Tall, square container comprising a bowl and a lid.
  72. Buchman,James E.; Gretz,Erica L., Twist off lid.
  73. McCune, Clark, Utility storage base or top.
  74. Anthony, Patricia M., Versatile container lid.
  75. Anthony, Patricia M., Versatile rectangle container lid.
  76. Anthony, Patricia M., Versatile square container lid.

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