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Serially-linked serpentine flow channels for PEM fuel cell 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-008/02
출원번호 US-0459592 (1999-12-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rock Jeffrey Allan
출원인 / 주소
  • General Motors Corporation
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 36  인용 특허 : 3


A PEM fuel cell having serpentine flow field channels comprising a plurality of serially-linked serpentine segments extending between inlet and exhaust manifolds. Each segment has an inlet leg, an exit leg, at least one medial leg therebetween and hairpin curved ends connecting the medial leg(s) to


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. In a PEM fuel cell comprising (1) a proton exchange membrane having opposing cathode and anode faces on opposite sides of said membrane, (2) a gas-permeable, electrically conductive cathode current collector engaging said cathode face, (3) a gas-permeable, electrically-

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Washington Kirk B. (Richmond CAX) Kenna John T. (N. Vancouver CAX) Ramji Shiraz N. (N. Vancouver CAX) James Gregory A. (Vancouver CAX), Edge manifold assembly for an electrochemical fuel cell stack.
  2. Rock Jeffrey Allan, Mirrored serpentine flow channels for fuel cell.
  3. Watkins David S. (Coquitlam CAX) Dircks Kenneth W. (North Vancouver CAX) Epp Danny G. (Delta CAX), Novel fuel cell fluid flow field plate.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (36)

  1. Choi, Kyoung Hwan; Lim, Jong-koo; Cho, Yong-hun; Moon, Il, Bipolar plate and direct liquid feed fuel cell stack.
  2. Rock,Jeffrey A; Griffith,Kim; Rapaport,Pinkhas A, Bipolar plate assembly having transverse legs.
  3. Rapaport, Pinkhas A; Rock, Jeffrey A, Branched fluid channels for improved fluid flow through fuel cell.
  4. Rock, Jeffrey Allan, Converging/diverging flow channels for fuel cell.
  5. Lee, James H., Coolant flow field design for fuel cell stacks.
  6. Wilson, Mahlon S.; Ramsey, John C., Direct methanol fuel cell stack.
  7. Rusta Sallehy,Ali; Vale,Michael, Electrolyzer cell stack system.
  8. Rusta-Sallehy, Ali; Vale, Michael; Frank, David; Joos, Nathaniel Ian, Electrolyzer cell stack system.
  9. Rusta-Sallehy, Ali; Vale, Michael; Frank, David; Joos, Nathaniel Ian, Electrolyzer cell stack system.
  10. Thompson,Eric L.; Goebel,Steven G.; Ofslager,Scott, Enhanced flowfield plates.
  11. Debe, Mark Kevitt; Herdtle, Thomas, Flow field.
  12. Bai, Dingrong; Chouinard, Jean Guy; Elkaïm, David, Flow field plate for use in fuel cells.
  13. Rock,Jeffrey Allan, Flow restrictors in fuel cell flow-field.
  14. Petillo,Phillip J., Fuel cell components.
  15. Formanski, Volker; Kilian, Peter; Herbig, Thomas; Becker, Marc; Willimowski, Peter, Fuel cell design with an integrated heat exchanger and gas humidification unit.
  16. Frank, David; Chen, Xuesong; Sorbera, Sonia; Joos, Nathaniel Ian, Fuel cell flow field plate.
  17. Bai, Dingrong; Chouinard, Jean Guy; Elkaïm, David, Fuel cell stack with even distributing gas manifolds.
  18. Bai,Dingrong; Chouinard,Jean Guy; Elkaim,David, Fuel cell stack with multiple groups of cells and flow passes.
  19. Fetvedt, Jeremy Eron, Heat exchanger comprising one or more plate assemblies with a plurality of interconnected channels and related method.
  20. Ramsey,John C.; Wilson,Mahlon S., High specific power, direct methanol fuel cell stack.
  21. Abd Elhamid, Mahmoud H.; Mikhail, Youssef M.; Dadheech, Gayatri Vyas, Inexpensive approach for coating bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells.
  22. Bai,Dingrong; Chouinard,Jean Guy; Elkaim,David, Integrated fuel cell power module.
  23. Elhamid, Mahmoud H. Abd; Mikhail, Youssef M.; Blunk, Richard H.; Lisi, Daniel J., Joining of bipolar plates in proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks.
  24. Kaye, Ian W., Micro fuel cell architecture.
  25. Kaye, Ian W., Micro fuel cell thermal management.
  26. Goebel, Steven G., Nested bipolar plate for fuel cell and method.
  27. Goebel, Steven G., Nested bipolar plate for fuel cell and method.
  28. Edwards, Leroy M; Hochgraf, Clark G, Passive hydrogen vent for a fuel cell.
  29. Lisi,Daniel J; Blunk,Richard H; Owens,John N; Mikhail,Youssef M; Abd Elhamid,Mahmoud H, Polymeric separator plates.
  30. Ballantine, Arne W.; Kirchhoff, David C.; McElroy, James F.; Gordon, Michael P., Separator plates, ion pumps, and hydrogen fuel infrastructure systems and methods for generating hydrogen.
  31. Ballantine, Arne W.; Kirchhoff, David C.; McElroy, James F.; Gordon, Michael P., Separator plates, ion pumps, and hydrogen fuel infrastructure systems and methods for generating hydrogen.
  32. Rock, Jeffrey A., Stamped bipolar plate for PEM fuel cell stack.
  33. Rock, Jeffrey A., Stamped bipolar plate for PEM fuel cell stack.
  34. Rock, Jeffrey A.; Schlag, Harald; Griffith, Kim R., Stamped fuel cell bipolar plate.
  35. Rock,Jeffrey A.; Schlag,Harald; Griffith,Kim R., Stamped fuel cell bipolar plate.
  36. Peters, Scott L.; Gittleman, Craig S., Using ionomer to militate against membrane buckling in the tenting region.
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