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[미국특허] Generator system with vertically shafted engine 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H02K-005/00
출원번호 US-0707062 (2000-11-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Frank Kenneth M.
출원인 / 주소
  • Coleman Powermate, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Rockey, Milnamow & Katz, Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 41  인용 특허 : 23


A portable generator system includes an interface mounting element for supporting a selected engine, from a plurality of engines, with a vertically oriented output shaft when the generator system is positioned on a substantially horizontal surface. A generator is directly coupled to the output shaft


[ What is claimed:] [1.]1. An energy system supportable on a surface comprising:an engine with a rotatable output with an axis of rotation oriented so as to be substantially perpendicular to the surface;a source of electrical energy coupled to the engine output;a sensor for detecting an electrical w

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (23) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ishii Akira (Sakaishi JPX) Iwai Koji (Sakaishi JPX) Ito Ryoichi (Sakaishi JPX) Murakami Osamu (Sakaishi JPX), Air-cooled type cooling system for engine working machine assembly.
  2. Nakano Yoshinobu (Toyota JPX), Apparatus for controlling rotational speed of Stirling engine.
  3. Polcz Laszlo (878 Cabot Trail Milton ; Ontario CAX L9T 3W3) Sgro Salvatore (85 Clement Road Etobicoke ; Ontario CAX M9R 1Z1), Auxiliary power generation means for outboard motors.
  4. Data Stanley E. (Ramsey MN) Koziara Robert P. (Lake Elmo MN) Lent Mark S. (Brooklyn Park MN) O\Gorman Patrick A. (Brooklyn Center MN) Rose Thomas K. (Plymouth MN) Shanks Eugene G. (Blaine MN) Norrick, Auxiliary power unit for a hybrid electrical vehicle.
  5. Collier Edward J. (Anaheim CA) Freuler George H. (Morena Valley CA), Battery booster.
  6. Nogami Eiji (Iwata JPX) Nakayama Hironori (Iwata JPX) Kitano Kazuhito (Iwata JPX), Compact power supply.
  7. Barnhardt Scott B. (Shawnee Township ; Allen County OH), Cooling arrangement for an integrated drive-generator system.
  8. Bracht Jeffrey L. (Sheboygan WI) Heinrich Martin W. (Cedar Grove WI) Van Maaren Richard D. (Sheboygan WI) Sleder Richard L. (Howards Grove WI), Cooling system for a compact generator.
  9. Ball Ronald (3639 Haven Ave. Menlo Park CA 94025) Eldredge William (1 Uccelli Blvd. Redwood City CA 94063), Electrical generator set.
  10. Ball Ronald C. ; Eldredge William A., Electrical generator set.
  11. Acker Richard M. (Delafield WI) Brunelli Brian T. (Greendale WI) Kautzer Douglas H. (Sussex WI), Engine housing for an engine-device assembly.
  12. Ishii Akira (Osaka JPX) Ito Ryoichi (Osaka JPX), Engine working machine assembly with soundproof cover.
  13. Ito Ryoichi (Osaka JPX) Ueno Kenji (Osaka JPX) Wada Tutomu (Osaka JPX) Murakami Osamu (Osaka JPX) Kawabata Shigeru (Osaka JPX) Higo Kazuo (Osaka JPX) Morikawa Akiyoshi (Osaka JPX), Forcedly air-cooled engine generator of vertical shaft type.
  14. Frank Kenneth M., Generator system with vertically shafted engine.
  15. Frank Kenneth M., Generator system with vertically shafted engine.
  16. Tanaka Yoshio (Saitama JPX) Fujii Shigeru (Saitama JPX) Nishida Takao (Saitama JPX) Fujita Yasushi (Saitama JPX), Portable engine-operated electric generator.
  17. Tanaka Yoshio (Saitama JPX) Yaguchi Tadahiro (Saitama JPX), Portable engine-operated working machine.
  18. Johnson Woodward (200 Bush Hill Rd. Ashburnham MA 01430), Portable power supply.
  19. Brown Julius (11405 Azalea Dr. Pittsburgh PA 15235), Power truck.
  20. Van Sickle Robert J. (Richmond VA), Rotary power module construction.
  21. Schooley Arthur F. (Box 812 Slave Lake ; Alberta CAX) Eben-Ebenau Wolf R. (Box 2320 Slave Lake ; Alberta CAX T0G 2A0) Nelson Lloyd J. (9523-64 Avenue Edmonton ; Alberta CAX T6E 0J1), Variable speed/variable voltage generator set.
  22. Drewry, Hugh S.; Keszthelyi, Ewald, Vertical shaft engine generator set for a recreational vehicle or the like.
  23. Locke Richard D. (Sheboygan WI) Rotter Terrence M. (Sheboygan Falls WI), Vertical shaft generator with single cooling fan.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (41) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kennedy, Gino W., Auxiliary power generator.
  2. Kennedy,Gino, Compact auxiliary power generator.
  3. Brandon, George; Atta, Mina William, Double source battery charger.
  4. Sodemann,Wesley C.; Stair,Kenny J.; Gull,Philip, Electric power system and method of operating the same.
  5. Sodemann,Wesley C.; Stair,Kenny J.; Gull,Philip, Electric power system and method of operating the same.
  6. Kawakami, Toshiaki; Inagawa, Toshinori; Wakitani, Tsutomu, Engine driven working machine.
  7. Misao Suzuki JP, Engine generator.
  8. Buck, John E.; Morris, Peter E., Ergonomic control panel for a portable electric generator.
  9. Buck,John E; Morris,Peter E, Ergonomic control panel for a portable electric generator.
  10. Wada,Masami, Fluid supply mechanism for power generator.
  11. Sodemann, Wesley C.; Brandenburg, Billy, Frame for an vertical shaft engine-driven assembly.
  12. van Deursen, Gary E., Frame for outdoor power equipment.
  13. Johnson,Andrew J.; Albright, Jr.,Jere B.; Shokrzadeh,Saeid, Generator having a plastic frame.
  14. Brandenburg, Billy; Hosig, Richard A.; Sodemann, Wesley A.; Hoenisch, Herbert, Generator including vertically shafted engine.
  15. Brandenburg,Billy; Hosig,Richard A.; Sodemann,Wesley; Hoenisch,Herbert, Generator including vertically shafted engine.
  16. West, Gabriel; Weatherill, Jeffery, Hydraulic power unit.
  17. Sodemann,Wesley C.; Brandenburg,Billy; Stair,Kenny J.; Hoenisch,Herbert, Method of and system for starting engine-driven power equipment.
  18. Sodemann,Wesley C.; Stair,Kenny J.; Nordman,Russell C.; Tharman,Paul A., Monitoring system for a generator.
  19. McKay, A. Todd; Bransford, Charles P.; Brown, Eric S.; Boca, Florin; Luo, Ling; Williams, Michael S., Plug and play control panel module with integrally socketed circuit board.
  20. Takamura, John, Portable electricity generator chassis.
  21. Buck, John E.; Grant, Jeffrey P., Portable power driven system with battery anti-theft apparatus.
  22. Sodemann,Wesley C.; Brandenburg,Billy; Stair,Kenny J; Hoenisch,Herbert, Portable power source.
  23. Serdynski, David P.; Gongola, Andrew G.; Marx, John G., Power-generating apparatus, such as a generator.
  24. Sodemann, Wesley C.; DeGroot, Stacy Paul, Removable fuel tank.
  25. Sodemann,Wesley C.; Brandenburg,Billy; Nushart,Peter, Standby generator.
  26. Janscha, Ryan D.; Townsend, Robert G.; Tesmer, Troy D., Standby generator including enclosure with intake opening in rear wall and exhaust opening in front wall.
  27. Janscha, Ryan D.; Townsend, Robert G.; Tesmer, Troy D., Standby generator with air intake on rear wall and exhaust opening on front wall.
  28. Janscha, Ryan D.; Townsend, Robert G.; Tesmer, Troy D., Standby generator with air intake on rear wall and exhaust opening on front wall.
  29. Janscha, Ryan D.; Townsend, Robert G.; Tesmer, Troy D., Standby generator with removable panel.
  30. Janscha, Ryan D.; Townsend, Robert G.; Tesmer, Troy D., Standby generators including compressed fiberglass components.
  31. Grant, Jeffrey P.; Forster, Michael K., Starter system for portable internal combustion engine electric generators using a portable universal battery pack.
  32. Grant,Jeffrey P.; Forster,Michael K., Starter system for portable internal combustion engine electric generators using a portable universal battery pack.
  33. Usselman, Robert A.; Mcfarland, Dalton E.; Grant, Jeffrey P., Starter system for portable internal combustion engine electric generators using a portable universal battery pack.
  34. Walter,Richard T.; Forster,Michael K.; Waikar,Shailesh P., Starter system for portable internal combustion engine electric generators using a portable universal battery pack.
  35. Bacik, Michael A.; Centanni, Michael A., Transportable decontamination unit and decontamination process.
  36. Bacik, Michael A.; Centanni, Michael A., Transportable decontamination unit and decontamination process.
  37. Grant, Jeffrey P.; Forster, Michael K., Universal power tool battery pack coupled to a portable internal combustion engine.
  38. Grant, Jeffrey P.; Forster, Michael K., Universal power tool battery pack coupled to a portable internal combustion engine.
  39. Grant, Jeffrey P.; Forster, Michael K., Universal power tool battery pack coupled to a portable internal combustion engine.
  40. Hawkins, Bobby L., Wheeled, manually moveable electric generator.
  41. Hawkins, Bobby L., Wheeled, manually moveable, propane fueled electric generator.

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