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[미국특허] X-ray diagnostic apparatus with relatively moved x-ray source and detector 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61B-006/03
  • H05G-001/64
출원번호 US-0568545 (2000-05-11)
우선권정보 DE-0022346 (1999-05-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lothar Baetz DE
  • Wolfgang Haerer DE
  • Thomas Mertelmeier DE
출원인 / 주소
  • Siemens Aktiengesellschaft DE
대리인 / 주소
    Schiff Hardin & Waite
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 71  인용 특허 : 6


In an x-ray diagnostic apparatus for tomosynthesis or laminographic imaging using a patient positioning table, an x-ray source which emits an x-ray beam on one side of the patient positioning table, an x-ray detector arranged on the other side of the patient positioning table for the capture of the


1. An x-ray diagnostic apparatus comprising:positioning table adapted to receive a subject; an x-ray source, which emits an x-ray beam, disposed at a first side of said positioning table; a digital x-ray detector disposed on a second side of said positioning table, opposite said first side, so that

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  2. Linders Petrus W. J.,NLX ; Van Eeuwijk Alexander H. W.,NLX, Forming an assembled image from successive X-ray images.
  3. Hassler Dietrich (Uttenreuth DEX) Hoheisel Martin (Erlangen DEX), Solid state image converter with two oppositely connected diodes wherein the photodiode is reset by being forward biased.
  4. Stierstorfer Karl,DEX, X-ray computed tomography apparatus with optimized readout of a planar X-ray detector.
  5. Hu Hui (Waukesha WI) Fox Stanley (Brookfield WI) Toth Thomas L. (Brookfield WI) Ulijasz Thaddeus (Brookfield WI) Pfoh Armin H. (New Berlin WI), X-ray detector array with reduced effective pitch.
  6. Haendle Joerg (Erlangen DEX) Sklebitz Hartmut (Erlangen DEX), X-ray diagnostic installation for X-ray tomographic images.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (71) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ting,Rulei, Apparatus and methods of an X-ray and tomosynthesis and dual spectra machine.
  2. Lubock, Paul; Jones, Michael L.; Louw, Frank R., Brachytherapy device for asymmetrical irradiation of a body cavity.
  3. Lubock, Paul; Jones, Michael L.; Louw, Frank R., Brachytherapy device for facilitating asymmetrical irradiation of a body cavity.
  4. Hitzke, Georgia; Pickett, Kathleen; Gkanatsios, Nikolaos; Defreitas, Ken; Farbizio, Tom; Girgenti, John; Stango, Tim, Breast tomosynthesis system with shifting face shield.
  5. Ruth, Chris; Stein, Jay; Niklason, Loren; Smith, Andrew, Breast tomosynthesis with display of highlighted suspected calcifications.
  6. Ruth, Chris; Stein, Jay; Niklason, Loren; Smith, Andrew, Breast tomosynthesis with display of highlighted suspected calcifications.
  7. Ruth, Chris; Stein, Jay; Niklason, Loren; Smith, Andrew P., Breast tomosynthesis with display of highlighted suspected calcifications.
  8. Ruth, Christopher; Stein, Jay; Niklason, Loren; Smith, Andrew P., Breast tomosynthesis with display of highlighted suspected calcifications.
  9. Eberhard, Jeffrey Wayne; Claus, Bernhard Erich Hermann; Alkhalidy, Abdulrahman Abdallah; Dobbins, III, James Talmage; Godfrey, Devon James, Continuous scan RAD tomosynthesis system and method.
  10. Kang, Kejun; Li, Jianmin; Li, Yuanjing; Li, Yulan; Gu, Jingyu; Wang, Weizhen; Song, Quanwei; Zhang, Qingjun; Ming, Shenjin; Wang, Xuewu; Gong, Hui; Xue, Tao, Detector in a scattered configuration applied to X/gamma ray container/vehicle inspection equipment.
  11. White, Jack C.; Stephens, David Wesley; Govil, Amit Prakash; Bergman, Joshua J.; Griffith, Nathan Christopher; Millage, Kyle Kevin, Expandable brachytherapy device.
  12. Damarati, John, Flexible multi-lumen brachytherapy device.
  13. Eberhard,Jeffrey Wayne; Claus,Bernhard Erich Hermann; Landberg,Cynthia Elizabeth; Muller,Serge Louis Wilfrid; Wirth,Reinhold Franz; Delmas,Yann; Morrow,James George, Full field digital tomosynthesis method and apparatus.
  14. Jing, Zhenxue; Hitzke, Georgia; Kennedy, Donald; Smith, Andrew; Stein, Jay A., Full field mammography with tissue exposure control, tomosynthesis, and dynamic field of view processing.
  15. Jing, Zhenxue; Hitzke, Georgia; Kennedy, Donald; Smith, Andrew; Stein, Jay A., Full field mammography with tissue exposure control, tomosynthesis, and dynamic field of view processing.
  16. Jing, Zhenxue; Hitzke, Georgia; Kennedy, Donald; Smith, Andrew; Stein, Jay A., Full field mammography with tissue exposure control, tomosynthesis, and dynamic field of view processing.
  17. Jing,Zhenxue; Hitzke,Georgia; Kennedy,Donald; Smith,Andrew; Stein,Jay A., Full field mammography with tissue exposure control, tomosynthesis, and dynamic field of view processing.
  18. Jing,Zhenxue; Hitzke,Georgia; Kennedy,Donald; Smith,Andrew; Stein,Jay A., Full field mammography with tissue exposure control, tomosynthesis, and dynamic field of view processing.
  19. Gkanatsios, Nikolaos A.; Niklason, Loren; Shaw, Ian; Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay A., Image handling and display in X-ray mammography and tomosynthesis.
  20. Gkanatsios, Nikolaos A.; Niklason, Loren; Shaw, Ian; Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay A., Image handling and display in X-ray mammography and tomosynthesis.
  21. Gkanatsios, Nikolaos; Niklason, Loren; Shaw, Ian; Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay A., Image handling and display in X-ray mammography and tomosynthesis.
  22. Gkanatsios, Nikolaos; Niklason, Loren; Shaw, Ian; Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay A., Image handling and display in X-ray mammography and tomosynthesis.
  23. Gkanatsios, Nikolaos A.; Niklason, Loren; Shaw, Ian; Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay A., Image handling and display in x-ray mammography and tomosynthesis.
  24. Gkanatsios, Nikolaos A.; Niklason, Loren; Shaw, Ian; Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay A., Image handling and display in x-ray mammography and tomosynthesis.
  25. Jabri,Kadri N.; Avinash,Gopal B.; Metz,Stephen W.; Sabol,John M.; Eberhard,Jeffrey W.; Claus,Bernard E. H.; Kaufhold,John P., Imaging chain for digital tomosynthesis on a flat panel detector.
  26. Kopans, Daniel B.; Moore, Richard H., Imaging system and related techniques.
  27. DeFreitas, Kenneth; Farbizio, Thomas; Ren, Baorui; Ruth, Christopher; Shaw, Ian; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay, Integrated multi-mode mammography/tomosynthesis X-ray system and method.
  28. DeFreitas, Kenneth; Farbizio, Thomas; Ren, Baorui; Ruth, Christopher; Shaw, Ian; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay, Integrated multi-mode mammography/tomosynthesis X-ray system and method.
  29. Defreitas, Kenneth; Farbizio, Tom; Ren, Baori; Ruth, Chris; Shaw, Ian; Smith, Andrew; Stein, Jay, Integrated multi-mode mammography/tomosynthesis X-ray system and method.
  30. DeFreitas, Kenneth; Farbizio, Thomas; Ren, Baorui; Ruth, Christopher; Shaw, Ian; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay, Integrated multi-mode mammography/tomosynthesis x-ray system and method.
  31. Defreitas, Kenneth; Farbizio, Tom; Ren, Baori; Ruth, Chris; Shaw, Ian; Smith, Andrew; Stein, Jay, Integrated multi-mode mammography/tomosynthesis x-ray system and method.
  32. Defreitas, Kenneth; Farbizio, Tom; Ren, Baori; Ruth, Chris; Shaw, Ian; Smith, Andrew; Stein, Jay, Integrated multi-mode mammography/tomosynthesis x-ray system and method.
  33. Benson, Maria, Lumen visualization and identification system for multi-lumen balloon catheter.
  34. Ren, Baorui; Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Wilson, Kevin; Stein, Jay A., Matching geometry generation and display of mammograms and tomosynthesis.
  35. Ren, Baouri; Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Wilson, Kevin; Stein, Jay A., Matching geometry generation and display of mammograms and tomosynthesis.
  36. Ren, Baorui; Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Wilson, Kevin; Stein, Jay A., Matching geometry generation and display of mammograms and tomosynthesis images.
  37. Ren, Baorui; Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Wilson, Kevin; Stein, Jay A., Matching geometry generation and display of mammograms and tomosynthesis images.
  38. Ren, Baorui; Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Wilson, Kevin; Stein, Jay A., Matching geometry generation and display of mammograms and tomosynthesis images.
  39. Claus, Bernhard Erich Hermann; Eberhard, Jeffrey Wayne, Method and apparatus for direct reconstruction in tomosynthesis imaging.
  40. Hj채rn,Torbj철rn; Danielsson,Mats; Hemmendorff,Magnus, Method and arrangement relating to X-ray imaging.
  41. Okunuki, Masahiko; Sato, Makoto; Tsujii, Osamu; Ogura, Takashi; Namba, Hisashi, Multi X-ray imaging apparatus and control method therefor.
  42. Ren, Baorui; Smith, Andrew P.; Jing, Zhenxue; Stein, Jay, Multi-mode tomosynthesis/mammography gain calibration and image correction using gain map information from selected projection angles.
  43. Ren, Baorui; Smith, Andrew P.; Jing, Zhenxue; Stein, Jay, Multi-mode tomosynthesis/mammography gain calibration and image correction using gain map information from selected projection angles.
  44. Ren, Baorui; Smith, Andrew P.; Jing, Zhenxue; Stein, Jay, Multi-mode tomosynthesis/mammography gain calibration and image correction using gain map information from selected projection angles.
  45. Manak, Joseph John; Langan, David Allen; Claus, Bernhard Erich Hermann, Portable tomographic diagnostic system with open gantry.
  46. Kobayashi,Masaaki, Radiation imaging apparatus and table therefor.
  47. Ohkoda, Keiji, Radiographic apparatus.
  48. Tsujii,Osamu, Radiographing apparatus and method.
  49. Akahori, Sadato, Radiography apparatus including a mode selection unit for selecting a tomosynthesis mode based on region being radiographed.
  50. Lowe, Chester; Butani, Vikram; Ely, Tim, Specimen radiography with tomosynthesis in a cabinet.
  51. Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay, System and method for generating a 2D image from a tomosynthesis data set.
  52. Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay, System and method for generating a 2D image from a tomosynthesis data set.
  53. Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay, System and method for generating a 2D image from a tomosynthesis data set.
  54. Ruth, Christopher; Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay, System and method for generating a 2D image from a tomosynthesis data set.
  55. Kreeger, Kevin; Smith, Andrew P.; Kshirsagar, Ashwini; Ge, Jun; Zhang, Yiheng; Chui, Haili; Ruth, Christopher; Zhang, Xiangwei; Wei, Liyang; Stein, Jay, System and method for generating a 2D image using mammography and/or tomosynthesis image data.
  56. Stein, Jay; Smith, Andrew P.; Jing, Zhenxue; Niklason, Loren, System and method for low dose tomosynthesis.
  57. Damarati, John, System and method for modifying a flexibility of a brachythereapy catheter.
  58. Chen, Jin-Long; Chui, Haili; Gkanatsios, Nikolaos; Kreeger, Kevin; Marshall, Julian; Mislan, David; Prazer, Mark A.; Zhang, Xiangwei, System and method for navigating a tomosynthesis stack using synthesized image data.
  59. Visser, Emiel; Ono, Youichi; Matsui, Ko, Tomographic image generating system comprising a three-dimensional camera for aquiring a thickness and/or a two-dimensional shape of a surface of a subject.
  60. Sendai,Tomonari, Tomographic image obtainment apparatus and method.
  61. Barbic, Mladen; Scherer, Axel, Tomographic imaging with a stripe-like shaped sensor.
  62. Eberhard, Jeffrey Wayne; Claus, Bernard Erich Hermann; Landberg, Cynthia Elizabeth; Muller, Serge Louis Wilfrid; Delmas, Yann; Wirth, Reinhold Franz; Morrow, James George, Tomographic mammography method.
  63. Moore, Richard H.; Kopans, Daniel B., Tomography system.
  64. Moore,Richard H.; Kopans,Daniel B., Tomography system.
  65. Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay A.; Defreitas, Ken; Shaw, Ian; Jing, Zhenxue; Niklason, Loren; Ren, Baorui; Ruth, Christopher, Upright X-ray breast imaging with a CT mode, multiple tomosynthesis modes, and a mammography mode.
  66. Smith, Andrew P.; Stein, Jay A.; Defreitas, Ken; Shaw, Ian; Jing, Zhenxue; Niklason, Loren; Ren, Baorui; Ruth, Christopher, Upright x-ray breast imaging with a CT mode, multiple tomosynthesis modes, and a mammography mode.
  67. Benson, Maria, Using a guided member to facilitate brachytherapy device swap.
  68. Yamazaki, Masahiko, X-ray computer tomography system.
  69. Rasche, Volker; Klotz, Erhard Paul Artur; Koppe, Reiner, X-ray device for tomosynthesis.
  70. Matsumoto, Kazuhiro, X-ray-tomographic imaging apparatus, X-ray-tomographic imaging method, and program.
  71. Matsumoto,Kazuhiro, X-ray-tomographic imaging apparatus, X-ray-tomographic imaging method, and program.

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