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Truck box paddle handle assembly with rotatable release mechanism 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-055/14
출원번호 US-0426626 (1999-10-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Randall C. Hansen
  • Dennis J. Sadler
  • Michael V. Akright
  • William H. Poteat
출원인 / 주소
  • Randall C. Hansen
대리인 / 주소
    Dority & Manning, P.A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 10


This invention provides a latch assembly in which the operation of a paddle-type recessed handle pivots an actuating member carried on a rear side of the latch assembly. As the latch assembly pivots, a contact member of the latch assembly engages and moves an operating member. As the operating membe


1. A latch assembly for use with a receiving mechanism defining a receptacle, the latch assembly comprising:a tray having a front side and a back side; a handle member pivotally mounted to the tray; an actuating member mounted to the tray and responsive to the handle member to pivot therewith relati

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Bisbing Robert H. (Springfield PA), Blind latch.
  2. Sokurenko William E. ; Turner D. Dale ; DeCecchis ; deceased James T., Blind latch keeper.
  3. Larsen Marvin L. ; McConnell Ken L. ; Eschweiler Kevin P. ; Glaser Theresa M. ; Wildeboer Chris J., Latch system for movable closure.
  4. Parikh Bhupendra ; McFarland Donald J., Lockable slammable cam latch with handle key hole cover.
  5. Sadler Dennis, Paddle lock.
  6. Stillwagon Woodrow C. (Atlanta GA) Embry Donald (Cloverport KY), Post latching systems.
  7. Antonucci Jeffrey L.,GBX ; Ulisse Ralph C. ; Pinkow Christopher J., Ratcheting pawl latch.
  8. Sadler Dennis, Truck box with end-mounted paddle handle and latching mechanism therefor.
  9. Akright Michael V. (Lake Villa IL), Two-way rotary lock.
  10. Parikh Bhupendra, Weatherproof paddle latch.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27)

  1. Stuckey,David Martin, Backing plate.
  2. Stuckey,David Martin, Backing plate.
  3. Stuckey, David Martin, Dish.
  4. Stuckey, David Martin, Dish.
  5. Stuckey, David Martin; Fraser, Marc, Dish.
  6. Stuckey, David Martin; Fraser, Marc, Dish.
  7. Linares, Rodolfo, Double action push button locking system.
  8. Misner, Michael O.; Laabs, Timothy P., Front portion of a paddle handle for operating latches.
  9. Misner, Michael O.; Laabs, Timothy P., Front portion of a paddle handle for operating latches.
  10. Misner, Michael O.; Laabs, Timothy P., Front portions of a paddle handle device for operating latches.
  11. Weinerman,Lee S.; Arthurs,Scott A., Front portions of a stepped recess housing assembly.
  12. Weinerman,Lee S.; Arthurs,Scott A., Front portions of a stepped recess housing assembly.
  13. Weinerman, Lee S.; Arthurs, Scott A.; Kuminski, Arthur J., Linkage assembly for operating one or more latches.
  14. Lee S. Weinerman ; Arthur J. Kuminski ; Scott A. Arthurs, Linkage assembly for use with push button latch and lock operating assemblies.
  15. Weinerman, Lee S.; Kuminski, Arthur J.; Arthurs, Scott A., Linkage assembly for use with push button latch and lock operating assemblies.
  16. Weinerman, Lee S.; Kuminski, Arthur J.; Arthurs, Scott A., Linkage assembly for use with push button latch and lock operating assemblies.
  17. Weinerman, Lee S.; Arthurs, Scott A.; Kuminski, Arthur J.; Farkas, Leslie A.; Green, Robin T., Locking system and components thereof.
  18. Gulley,Thomas D., Paddle handle.
  19. Hansen,Randall C., Paddle handle having a five sided flange.
  20. Tweedy,Timothy, Paddle handle latch release device and spring latch system using same.
  21. Burns, Sean T., Paddle handle with raised finger area.
  22. Weinerman, Lee S.; Arthurs, Scott A., Portions of a clamp bracket assembly for use with push button latch and lock operating assemblies.
  23. Weinerman, Lee S.; Arthurs, Scott A., Portions of a clamp bracket assembly for use with push button latch and lock operating assemblies.
  24. Lee S. Weinerman ; Arthur J. Kuminski, Push button operators for latches and locks and locking systems employing lockable push button operators.
  25. Weinerman, Lee S.; Arthurs, Scott A., Slam capable latch and lock system.
  26. Lackey, John S., Truck box with keyless entry system.
  27. Cheney, Dale S., Vehicle storage box with closure system.
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