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[미국특허] Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-083/00
출원번호 US-0703409 (2000-10-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Donald J. Stern
  • James A. Tryon
출원인 / 주소
  • Homax Products, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Michael R. Schacht
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 65  인용 특허 : 42


An aerosol device for dispensing texture material for matching existing accoustical ceiling texture. The device comprises a container, a valve assembly, a dispensing nozzle, a hardenable material, and pressurized inert gas as a propelling mechanism. The hardenable material and pressurized inert gas


1. A system for texturing an interior surface comprising:a container assembly containing texture material and a propellant material, where the texture material is a hardenable material comprising particles and the propellant material is a is compressed inert gas; a valve assembly mounted on the cont

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (42) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Woods John R. (22647 Ventura Blvd. ; Suite 307 Woodland Hills CA 91365), Acoustic ceiling patch spray.
  2. Hansen Dennis D. (Luck Township ; Polk County WI), Aerosal fan spray head.
  3. Pelton Peter G. (St. Louis MO), Aerosol barrier package with a bag adhesively attached to the curl.
  4. Visceglia Marco P. (6118 Liebig Ave. Bronx NY 10471) Wisdom Trevor (41 University Place Glen Head NY 11545), Aerosol container having sealed propellant means.
  5. Gunn-Smith Ronald A. (Hampton Court GB2), Aerosol containers.
  6. Winckler ; Richard, Aerosol dispenser liner.
  7. Burger Norman D. (11621 Segrell Way Culver City CA 90230), Aerosol dispensing system.
  8. Burger Norman D. (Culver City CA), Aerosol dispensing system.
  9. Merton Wilfred R. (Stillwater MN) Pieterick Jerome A. (St. Paul MN), Aerosol fan sprayhead.
  10. Gilroy Gordon C. (R.F.D. 2 ; Darby La. Bedford NH 03102), Aerosol package having compressed gas propellant and vapor tap of minute size.
  11. Stern Donald J. (Bellingham WA) Tryon James A. (Seattle WA), Aerosol spray texture apparatus and method for a particulate containing material.
  12. Stern Donald J. ; Tryon James A., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  13. Zrinyi ; Nicolaus H., Aerosol, spray-dispensing apparatus.
  14. Werding Winfried J. (77 ; avenue du General Guisan CH-1009 Pully CHX), Apparatus to provide for the storage and the controlled delivery of products that are under pressure.
  15. Giggard Earl D. (Clarendon Hills IL), Barrier bag assembly for aerosol container.
  16. Flanner Lloyd (Hudson OH), Barrier pack product dispensing cans.
  17. Shaw Fred B. (Hinsdale IL) DuPuis Clyde F. (Downers Grove IL), Compartment bag for aerosol container.
  18. Giggard Earl D. (Clarendon Hills IL), Compartmentalized aerosol container.
  19. Irland Lewis F. (Palos Hills IL), Compartmented aerosol container.
  20. Howlett David J. (Grimston GBX), Dispensing apparatus for metered quantities of pressurised fluid.
  21. Bergner Arndt (Munich DEX), Dispensing device for flowable masses.
  22. Strasser Robert A. (Livonia MI) Goch Stephen W. (Northville MI), End cap for a propellant container.
  23. Diamond George B. (Anthony & Woodglen Rds. Glen Gardner NJ 08826), Expandable pressurized barrier container.
  24. Nikolich Milovan A. (Wilmette IL), Fluid dispenser having a collapsible inner bag.
  25. Stone Raymond (177 Woodsdale Ave. Dover DE 19901), Invertible pump sprayer.
  26. Diamond George (R.D. 1 ; Box 334 Glen Gardner NJ 08826) Helmrich Ralph (62 Anthony Rd. Glen Gardner NJ 08826), Low pressure non-barrier type, valved dispensing can.
  27. Lover Myron J. (Mountainside NJ), Metering dispenser.
  28. Paoletti Charles (Aulnay sous Bois FRX) Maurelli Manlio (Vaujours FRX), Metering valve for pressurized container.
  29. Stoffel Gerd (Constance DEX), Method for producing a container having an inside bag.
  30. Sperry Charles R. (Springfield VT) Raff Allan M. (Walnut Creek CA), Method for the cleansing of wounds using an aerosol container having liquid wound cleansing solution.
  31. Pelton Peter G. (St. Louis MO), Method of applying product bags in aerosol barrier packages.
  32. Winckler Richard (Ville D\Avray FR), Method of assembling an aerosol dispenser.
  33. Morane Bruno (Neuilly FRX), Method of packaging a fluid under pressure, and packaging container for use with the method.
  34. Diamond George B. (Anthony and Woodglen Rds. ; R.D. Glen Gardner NJ 08826), Pressurized barrier pack.
  35. Bouix HervF. (Marly le Roi FRX), Pressurized container including a valve and a device for actuating the valve.
  36. Miller Teddy (Skokie IL), Product bag for aerosol container and method of utilizing the same to facilitate filling with propellant.
  37. Pelton Peter G. (St. Louis MO), Propellantless aerosol dispensing system.
  38. Pelton Peter G. (St. Louis MO) Pulciani Sam C. (Norridge IL), Sealing-attaching system for bag type aerosol containers.
  39. Del Bon Luigi (Feldstrasse 141 4663 Aarburg CHX) Del Bon Franco (Feldstrasse 139 4663 Aarburg CHX), Self-closing valve-and-lid assembly.
  40. Woods John R. (5182 Topanga Canyon Woodland Hills CA 91634), Spray-on wall surface texture dispenser.
  41. Woods, John R., Spray-on wall surface texture dispenser.
  42. Giuffredi Giancarlo (Milan ITX), Valve for the admixture of fluids and delivery of the resulting mixture.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (65) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hanson, Randal W.; Bian, Jinru; Kordosh, John; Everett, Jason; Wasley, Jane D., Acoustic ceiling popcorn texture materials, systems, and methods.
  2. Hanson, Randal W., Actuator assembly.
  3. Hanson, Randal W.; Clawson, Ross, Actuators for dispensers for texture material.
  4. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John; Moore, Steve; Hanson, Randy, Aerosol dispensing systems and methods and compositions for repairing interior structure surfaces.
  5. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John; Moore, Steve; Hanson, Randy, Aerosol dispensing systems, methods, and compositions for repairing interior structure surfaces.
  6. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  7. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  8. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  9. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  10. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  11. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A.; Clausen, Eivind, Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  12. Stern,Donald J.; Tryon,James A., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  13. Stern,Donald J.; Tryon,James A.; Clausen,Eivind, Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  14. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Kordosh, John; Clawson, Ross, Aerosol system for repairing a patched portion of a surface.
  15. Greer, Jr., Lester R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  16. Greer, Jr., Lester R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  17. Greer, Jr., Lester R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  18. Greer, Jr., Lester R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  19. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  20. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  21. Greer, Jr.,Lester R.; French,Floyd R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  22. Hanson, Randal W.; Kinzle, Robert A., Cap with actuator.
  23. Hanson, Randal W.; Massie, Carson; Kinzle, Robert A.; Wasley, Jane D.; Jackson, Scott; Bourlier, David, Ceiling texture materials, systems, and methods.
  24. Jordan, Ralf, Delivery head.
  25. Tryon, James A.; Greer, Jr., Lester R., Dispenser for aerosol systems.
  26. Tryon, James A.; Greer, Jr., Lester R., Dispenser for aerosol systems.
  27. Tryon, James A.; Greer, Jr., Lester R., Dispensers for aerosol systems.
  28. Canfield, Reiker; Blumenstein, Bernd; Jordan, Ralf; Neuhaus, Reinhard, Dispensing device.
  29. Canfield, Reiker; Blumenstein, Bernd; Jordan, Ralf; Neuhaus, Reinhard, Dispensing device.
  30. Canfield, Reiker; Blumenstein, Bernd; Jordan, Ralf; Neuhaus, Reinhard, Dispensing device.
  31. Canfield, Reiker; Neuhaus, Reinhard, Dispensing device.
  32. Jasper, Bernhard, Dispensing device.
  33. Neuhaus, Reinhard, Dispensing device.
  34. Neuhaus, Reinhard, Dispensing device.
  35. Neuhaus, Reinhard; Canfield, Reiker; Blumenstein, Bernd, Dispensing device.
  36. Canfield, Reiker, Dispensing device and container for a cosmetic liquid.
  37. Neuhaus, Reinhard; Canfield, Reiker; Blanie, Jacques Achille, Dispensing device having an elastically deformable section for pumping a fluid.
  38. Stallings, Jimmie L., Environmentally friendly insect eradication method and apparatus.
  39. Mueller, Peter J., Particle spraying.
  40. Greer, Jr., Lester R., Particulate materials for acoustic texture material.
  41. Greer, Jr.,Lester R., Particulate materials for acoustic texture material.
  42. Mueller, Peter J.; Fetter, Richard H.; Hewitt, Robert A.; Chomas, Jamie Allen; Forgash, Jason Bradley, Pelletizing.
  43. Kordosh, John; Hanson, Randal W., Pigmented spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods.
  44. Hoffmann, Wilfred J., Scraper system and methods.
  45. Hanson, Randal W.; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions and dispensing systems and methods.
  46. Kordosh, John; Hanson, Randal W., Spray texture material compositions and dispensing systems and methods.
  47. Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with accelerated dry times.
  48. Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with accelerated dry times.
  49. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with anti-corrosion characteristics.
  50. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with anti-corrosion characteristics.
  51. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with anti-corrosion characteristics.
  52. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with anti-corrosion characteristics.
  53. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material.
  54. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling surfaces.
  55. Hanson, Randal W.; Morris, Jason; Vander Griend, Darrel; Kordosh, John, Systems and methods for dispensing texture material using dual flow adjustment.
  56. Hanson, Randal W.; Vander Griend, Darrel; Morris, Jason; Hardwick, Gary; Kordosh, John, Systems and methods for dispensing texture material using dual flow adjustment.
  57. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Kordosh, John; Clawson, Ross, Texture material for covering a repaired portion of a textured surface.
  58. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Kordosh, John; Clawson, Ross, Texture material for covering a repaired portion of a textured surface.
  59. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Kordosh, John; Clawson, Ross, Texture material for covering a repaired portion of a textured surface.
  60. Peterson, Craig L.; Torntore, Anthony J.; Rossner, Ross D., Texture sprayer.
  61. Peterson, Craig; Torntore, Anthony J.; Rossner, Ross, Texture sprayer.
  62. Rossner, Ross; Bischel, Matt; Peterson, Craig; Torntore, Sr., Anthony J., Texture sprayer noise reducer.
  63. Mueller, Peter J., Touch fastening.
  64. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Hanson, Randal W., Tube with resilient applicator and scraper for dispensing texture materials.
  65. Neuhaus, Reinhard, Valve and discharge device.

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