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[미국특허] Linearized power amplifier based on active feedforward-type predistortion 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H03F-001/26
출원번호 US-0778765 (2001-02-08)
우선권정보 JP-0030527 (2000-02-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gary Hau JP
  • Naotaka Iwata JP
출원인 / 주소
  • NEC Corporation JP
대리인 / 주소
    Sughrue Mion, PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 4


A linear power amplifier includes a driver stage, employing an active feedforward-type predistorter, connected in cascade with a final power stage. The active feedforward-type predistorter has an amplifier with a predistorter connecting between its input and output. This driver stage has opposite ga


1. A linearized amplifier comprising:an RF input node; an RF output node; a power amplifier having an input and an output, and having a gain characteristic which decreases with the increase in input power applied to said input of said power amplifier, and having a phase characteristic which increase

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Yuen Cindy H. C. ; Yang Steve S. ; Adams Mark D. ; Laursen Kirk G., Broadband linearizer for power amplifiers.
  2. Heiter ; George Ludwig ; Miedema ; Hotze ; Moore ; Edwin Charles, Distortion generator.
  3. Arell Thomas William, Method and apparatus for microwave predistorter linearizer with electronic tuning.
  4. Grebliunas John R. (Manhattan Beach CA) Berman Arnold L. (Los Angeles CA) Crampton David L. (Long Beach CA), Microwave predistortion linearizer.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23)

  1. Kossor, Michael G.; Rauh, Michael, Apparatus and method for processing of amplifier linearization signals.
  2. Kobayashi, Kevin W., Application of the doherty amplifier as a predistortion circuit for linearizing microwave amplifiers.
  3. Johnson,Robert Everest; Arunachalam,Sridhar, Architecture and implementation methods of digital predistortion circuitry.
  4. Aparin, Vladimir; Shah, Peter J., Circuit for linearizing electronic devices.
  5. Wu, Honglei, Conditionally-stable operational amplifier with tunable wideband buffers.
  6. Kusunoki,Shigeo; Kawakami,Katsuji, Distortion compensating device and power amplifying device with distortion compensating function.
  7. Khanifar,Ahmad; Maslennikov,Nikolai; Spiller,Gareth, Feed forward amplifier employing bias circuit topologies for minimization of RF amplifier memory effects.
  8. Leffel, Michael David, Independence between paths that predistort for memory and memory-less distortion in power amplifiers.
  9. Wright, Peter V., Ladder quadrature hybrid.
  10. Wright, Peter V., Lattice network for power amplifier output matching.
  11. Hissen,Jurgen; McAdam,Matthew W., Method for enhancing linearity of a transistor amplifier using switched capacitive loads.
  12. Jackson, Donald G.; Hoppenstein, Russell J., Optimization of error loops in distributed power amplifiers.
  13. Liu, Ren Chieh, Power amplifier circuit having a bias signal inputted into input terminal and method thereof.
  14. Hudson,Erwin; Westall,Kenneth; Luly,Robert, Power control systems and methods for use in satellite-based data communications systems.
  15. White, Paul E.; Lovinggood, Breck W., Predistorter for phase modulated signals with low peak to average ratios.
  16. Hau, Gary; Iwata, Naotaka, Predistortion type linearizer controlled by two control voltages.
  17. Wright, Peter V., Quadrature lattice matching network.
  18. Wright, Peter V., Quadrature lattice matching network.
  19. Khanifar,Ahmad; Maslennikov,Nikolai; Spiller,Gareth, RF power amplifier employing bias circuit topologies for minimization of RF amplifier memory effects.
  20. Buer, Kenneth V., System and method for uplink power control.
  21. Buer,Kenneth V., System and method for uplink power control by detecting amplifier compression point using dc current detection.
  22. Jackson, Eric L, Systems and methods for using a digital power amplifier controller (DPAC) having foward-loop correction and feedback-loop correction.
  23. Fung, Gregory A., Third order intermodulation cancellation by in-line generated signal.
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