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[미국특허] Sealing means for a multi-axis nozzle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-015/00
출원번호 US-0499100 (1995-07-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Curtis C. Cowan
  • George F. Leblanc
출원인 / 주소
  • United Technologies Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Norman Friedland
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 6


Brush seals formed in hemispherical rings are supported to the end of the convergent nozzle of the each of the clam shells of a multi-axis vector thrust nozzle of a gas turbine engine powering aircraft. The brush seal may be arced or straight and bear against the spherical surface of the collar form


1. Seal means for the clam shells of a vectoring thrust nozzle of a gas turbine engine comprising a fixed collar having a spherical outer surface, a gimbal ring surrounding said collar, a pair of articulating clam shells each having spherical surfaces for defining a sliding surface and being pivotal

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Beeman ; Jr. Bruce I. (Lake Worth FL), Axial load carrying brush seal.
  2. Bachovchin Dennis M. (Murrysville PA) Lippert Thomas E. (Murrysville PA) Bruck Gerald J. (Murrysville PA), Hot gas filtration system fail-safe and thermal regeneration device.
  3. Kelch George W. (Palm Beach Gardens FL) Shade John L. (Jupiter FL), Multi-layered brush seal.
  4. Flower Ralph F. J. (Devizes GB2), Sealing device.
  5. Silverwater Bernard F. (Plainview NY), Temperature responsive bypass filter assembly.
  6. Herrick Paul W. (Jupiter FL) Thayer Edward B. (Jupiter FL) Stewart Jim D. (Jupiter FL), Yaw and pitch convergent-divergent thrust vectoring nozzle.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Cernay, Christoph; Schmidmayr, Wolfgang; Hess, Thomas; Weber, Julian, Apparatus and method for securing sealing elements.
  2. Lutjen, Paul M.; Paulino, Jose R., Brush seal with single-layer mixed-diameter bristle pack.
  3. Barry, Jr., Thomas M.; Scanio, Corina, Channeled spring seal for sealing an air gap between moving plates.
  4. Roberge, Gary D., Exhaust nozzle control for a gas turbine engine.
  5. Broomer, Mark; Roy Thill, Carson A.; Davis, Timothy M.; Cherolis, Anthony P.; Hazzard, Robert L.; McGarrah, Craig R.; Choung, Conway; Keene, Russell E., Flexible finger seal for sealing a gap between turbine engine components.
  6. Bakken, David Alan, Methods and apparatus for sealing variable area fan nozzles of jet engines.
  7. Lair, Jean-Pierre, Pivoting door thrust reverser for a turbofan gas turbine engine.
  8. Lair, Jean-Pierre, Thrust reverser.
  9. Lair, Jean-Pierre, Thrust reverser door.
  10. Lair, Jean-Pierre, Thrust reverser door.
  11. Lair, Jean-Pierre, Thrust reverser for a turbofan gas turbine engine.
  12. Lair, Jean-Pierre; Weaver, Paul, Thrust reverser for a turbofan gas turbine engine.
  13. Lair, Jean-Pierre, Thrust reverser nozzle for a turbofan gas turbine engine.
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