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[미국특허] Rail lubricator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B61K-003/00
출원번호 US-0429385 (1999-10-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Daniel P. Stack
  • William G. Angel
  • W. Thomas Urmson, Jr.
출원인 / 주소
  • Portec Rail Products, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Webb Ziesenheim Logsdon Orkin & Hanson, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 13


A device for lubricating a track or a rail that is adapted to be mounted tog wheeled vehicle. The device includes a frame member adapted to be mounted to the vehicle and an arm pivotally attached to the frame member. A roller, which is adapted to ride on the rail, mounts to the arm. A lubricating no


1. A device for lubricating a rail, comprising:a mounting frame, said mounting frame comprising a mounting bracket frame pivotally secured to a pivot bracket; a first support frame having a first end and a second end, said second end pivotally secured to said pivot bracket; a roller rotatably secure

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lohr Robert,FRX, Arm for automatically guiding a road vehicle along a guide rail.
  2. Craig Jeffrey P. (Monroeville PA) Urmson ; Jr. William T. (Valencia PA) Bell Dennis (Steelville MO), Assembly for applying one or more materials to a rail.
  3. Olson ; Sr. Buford W. (Minneapolis MN) Nelson Eldrid W. (Minneapolis MN) Davidson Albin A. (Minneapolis MN), Convertible rail-highway vehicle.
  4. Lawrence David L. (831 W. Gillam Ave. Langhorne PA 19047), Monorail vehicular system.
  5. Kumar Sudhir, On board lubrication systems for lubricating top of rail for cars and rail gage side/wheel flange for locomotives.
  6. Kumar Sudhir (Darien IL) Kumar Shiv R. (Vienna VA), On-board lubrication system for direct application to curved and tangent railroad track.
  7. Nelson Roy (Lakeville MN) Pieper Robert (Minnetonka MN), Rail lubricating device.
  8. Wolfe Robert A. (114 Skyline Dr. Joplin MO 64801), Rail lubricating device.
  9. Craig Jeffrey P. ; Urmson ; Jr. William T. ; Lounsberry Peter C., Rail lubricator mounted to a track vehicle.
  10. Burke Robert J. (Rte. 4 ; Box 255B Ellensburg WA 98926) Weber Paul J. (4401 Webster Yakima WA 98908), Railroad wheel flange lubricator mounting.
  11. Bostrom Jeffrey A. (Moline IL), Railway maintenance vehicle.
  12. Low R. Glen (1911 Meadowview Rd. Minneapolis MN 55420), Transit system for roads and guideway with pivotal arm mounted traction wheel for engagement of undersurface of guideway.
  13. Lohr Robert,FRX, Unit for directionally guiding a transport vehicle along a rail.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bois, Thierry; Page, Regis; Tisserand, Kilian, Lubrication nozzle and associated mounting method.
  2. Benoliel, Eli, Modular transportation vehicle.

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