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[미국특허] Pitching skate board 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63C-017/04
출원번호 US-0765566 (2001-01-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wen-Wu Tu TW
대리인 / 주소
    Rosenberg, Klein & Lee
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 6


A skate board has a platform, at least one supporting frame integrally formed on a bottom surface of the platform and extending parallel to a longitudinal direction of the platform, and a plurality of wheel trucks fixed with the supporting frame. At least one plurality of assembly holes is defined i


1. A pitching skate board apparatus comprising:a platform having front and rear end portions and an intermediate portion extending longitudinally therebetween, said platform being configured for supporting both feet of a user in a longitudinally spaced manner; at least one protrusive supporting fram

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Ellis Todd D. ; Nolan Daniel A., Anti-abrasion and rockering system for an in-line skate.
  2. Yun Young W. (11400 W. Arrowhead Dr. Hales Corners WI 53130) Martel Lawrence B. (1212 S. 64 St. West Allis WI 53214) Janick Keith (716 N. Barstow Waukesha WI 53186) Bruno Ralph J. (2405 W. Bolivar Mi, Inline skateboard.
  3. Pratt Michael K. (Ware MA), Multi-terrain in-line skate chassis.
  4. St. Clair Robert A. (201 Berryman Rd. Apt 17 Vicksburg MS 39180), Roller board.
  5. Osawa Kazuo (No. 3-4 ; 3-Chome Fuchu ; Tokyo 183 JPX), Roller ski board.
  6. Walker ; IV Matt, Summer sled.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11)

  1. Brooks, Paul, Dual wheel assemblies for skateboards and related methods.
  2. Liptack, Matthew, Medical leg support arrangement adapted to increase the range of motion of a leg to aid in the healing and strengthening of damaged, injured and/or replaced bone, muscle and/or tissue of the leg.
  3. Jordan,Christopher, Off road sports board.
  4. Jordan,Christopher, Off road sports board.
  5. Jordan, Christopher, Open road sports board.
  6. White, Brian Sinclair, Roller load support.
  7. Smith, Christopher J., Snowboard training device.
  8. Pierron, Patrick, Underframe with controlled deformation for gliding craft, in particular for skateboard.
  9. Campbell, Colin Alan, Wheel mechanism.
  10. Campbell, Colin Alan, Wheel mechanism.
  11. Walker, IV,Matt; Gross,Melvin Anderson, Wheeled sled.

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