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[미국특허] Multi-purpose travel bag with a multi-purpose strap 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A45C-015/00
출원번호 US-0571167 (2000-05-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bryan M. Brown
  • John S. Canna
  • Jeanette Numbers
  • Mark H. Weppner
출원인 / 주소
  • Mattel, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 56  인용 특허 : 12


A multi-purpose travel bag may be used as a shoulder bag, a child booster seat or a backpack. The travel bag has a strap that may be configured in three different ways to accommodate each of the uses for the travel bag. The travel bag has multiple mounting positions to provide the various configurat


1. A multi-purpose article holder comprising:a storage bag; a first mounting position on said storage bag; a second mounting position on said storage bag; a third mounting position on said storage bag; and a strap connectable to said storage bag in a first configuration, a second configuration and a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kataoka Sachiyo,JPX ; Kakimoto Yukio,JPX, Baby holder.
  2. Nordstrom Roger L. ; Nordstrom Frances A., Combination backpack and seat cushion.
  3. Globig James E. ; Allen Kenneth Neil, Combination seat and storage enclosure.
  4. Cooper Cheryl G. (Seaforth AUX), Convertible backpack.
  5. Mahvi A. Pascal (17 Montpellier Newport Beach CA 92660) Mahvi Caryl (17 Montpellier Newport Beach CA 92660), Infant care bag.
  6. Mahvi A. Pascal (17 Montpellier Newport Beach CA 92660) Mahvi Caryl L. (17 Montpellier Newport Beach CA 92660), Infant care bag.
  7. Meyers Roger A. (1150 B. Westlake Blvd. Westlake Village CA 91361), Infant seat and table and supply carrier.
  8. Ostrander Christine Marie ; Southworth Keith Raymond, Multi-purpose child safety harness.
  9. Iijima Norihiro,JPX ; Iijima Teruyo,JPX, Multi-way bag.
  10. Mahvi A. Pascal (P.O. Box 5160 Huntington Beach CA 92615) Mahvi Caryl L. (P.O. Box 5160 Huntington Beach CA 92615), Multipurpose travel bag.
  11. Bowers Susan D., Personalized, modularized carrying case.
  12. Dancyger Michael, Utility bag.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (56) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Korchmar, Michael D., Article storage bag.
  2. Brophy, Edward; Chadwick, David; Leigh, Kathryn Ann, Bag.
  3. Chiou, Chukuan, Bag hook.
  4. Nelson, Elizabeth; Kaeblein, Gerry J.; DeSanto, Vincent J.; Kearney, John P.; Padula, Dana L.; Nanna, Kyle A.; Grassel, Susan M.; Britto, James J., Booster seat.
  5. Sclare, Jacob; Thomson, John M.; Costello, Cary; Nolan, Patrick B.; Dotsey, Michael A.; Dingler, Noah E., Booster seat with stowable tray and/or stowable securing strap.
  6. Bjelovuk, Brian P.; Childress, Carrie Lee; Gregory, William W.; Leigh, Kathryn Ann; Muser, Andrew P.; Ratliff, Billy J.; Roller, Michael T.; Roth, Robert H.; Schaefer, Mark, Canister for collecting wound exudate.
  7. Bjelovuk, Brian P.; Childress, Carrie Lee; Gregory, William W.; Leigh, Kathryn Ann; Muser, Andrew P.; Ratliff, Billy J.; Roller, Michael T.; Roth, Robert H.; Schaefer, Mark, Canister for collecting wound exudate.
  8. Bjelovuk, Brian P.; Gregory, William W.; Leigh, Kathryn Ann; Muser, Andrew P.; Ratliff, Billy J.; Roller, Michael T.; Roth, Robert H.; Schaefer, Mark, Canister for collecting wound exudate.
  9. Bjelovuk, Brian P.; Gregory, William W.; Leigh, Kathryn Ann; Muser, Andrew P.; Ratliff, Billy J.; Roller, Michael T.; Roth, Robert H.; Schaefer, Mark, Canister for collecting wound exudate.
  10. Pidgeon, Andrew Duncan; Mann, Richard, Carrying bag.
  11. Pidgeon, Andrew; Mann, Richard, Carrying bag.
  12. Pidgeon, Andrew; Mann, Richard, Carrying bag.
  13. Pidgeon, Andrew; Mann, Richard, Carrying bag.
  14. Hu, Jun-Jie, Child chair having engaging assembly for seat.
  15. Hu, Jun-Jie; Hu, Wen-Qu; Guo, Zheng-Wen, Child chair having engaging assembly for seat.
  16. Berdahl,Sonja Esther, Child safety harness.
  17. Mitchell, Thomas Jake, Child's booster seat with detachable belt positioner car seat.
  18. Tang, Larry, Collapsible cooler/utility bag and cup holder for casual seating.
  19. Godshaw, Donald E., Combination pet bed and carrying case.
  20. Ford, Timothy J., Convertible carrying bag.
  21. Ford, Timothy J., Convertible carrying bag.
  22. Ramos, Jaime, Convertible strap for use in connection with supporting containers.
  23. Lienr, Jr., Peter Albert Helmut, Criss-cross harness system for use with seats.
  24. Spencer, Alexander Charles; Ward, Marcus John Scott, Curtain airbag assembly.
  25. Bjelovuk, Brian P.; Childress, Carrie Lee; Deutsch, Kealoha Young; Gregory, William W.; Leigh, Kathryn Ann; Muser, Andrew P.; Quintanar, Felix C.; Ratliff, Billy J.; Roller, Michael T.; Roth, Robert H., Device for applying negative pressure to a wound.
  26. Bjelovuk, Brian P.; Childress, Carrie Lee; Deutsch, Kealoha Young; Gregory, William W.; Leigh, Kathryn Ann; Muser, Andrew P.; Quintanar, Felix C.; Ratliff, Billy J.; Roller, Michael T.; Roth, Robert H., Device for applying negative pressure to a wound.
  27. Gordon, Kara, Handbag holder for vehicles.
  28. Behrman, Stacey, Infant changing board.
  29. Pruchnicki, Renia, Insulated bag with lifting apparatus.
  30. Pruchnicki, Renia, Insulated bag with lifting apparatus.
  31. Pruchnicki, Renia; Mogil, Melvin S., Insulated bag with lifting apparatus.
  32. Henderson,David; Petersen,Kurt; Vine,Daniel, Interconnectable inflatable airbag cushion module.
  33. Brady, Robert O; Holmen, Erik A; Karnick, Jr., Robert E; Hussain, Alexander A; MacFarlane, Steven D, Juvenile vehicle seat.
  34. Amishay, Yair, Multi use bag.
  35. Scott, Audrey Jean, Multi-mode portable booster seat.
  36. Tan, Hin Siang Michael, Multi-orientation, reusable carrier assembly.
  37. Hassman, Ellen; Luts, Patty, Non-woven cooler bag with speaker and MP3 hookup.
  38. Walton, Clint; Leung, Ronald; Krishnamurty, Sundar; Schewe, Anne M.; Doolittle, Joshua, Over-the shoulder portable seatbelt.
  39. Lindamood, Kirk, Pop-up electronic equipment enclosure.
  40. Gold, Katherine; Rosen, Lynn, Portable booster seat.
  41. Gold,Katherine; Rosen,Lynn, Portable booster seat.
  42. Hu, Jun-Jie; Hu, Wen-Qu; Guo, Zheng-Wen, Safety belt storage assembly and child seat having the same.
  43. Mogil, Melvin S.; Stephens, Rick; Mather, Ryan, Soft-sided insulated container with inflatable wall structure.
  44. Mogil, Melvin S.; Stephens, Rick; Mather, Ryan, Soft-sided insulated container with inflatable wall structure.
  45. Bjelovuk, Brian P.; Childress, Carrie Lee; Deutsch, Kealoha Young; Gregory, William W.; Leigh, Kathryn Ann; Muser, Andrew P.; Quintanar, Felix C.; Ratliff, Billy J.; Roller, Michael T.; Roth, Robert H.; Schaefer, Mark, Therapy unit assembly.
  46. Bjelovuk, Brian P.; Childress, Carrie Lee; Deutsch, Kealoha Young; Gregory, William W.; Leigh, Kathryn Ann; Muser, Andrew P.; Quintanar, Felix C.; Ratliff, Billy J.; Roller, Michael T.; Roth, Robert H.; Schaefer, Mark, Therapy unit assembly.
  47. Bjelovuk, Brian P.; Childress, Carrie Lee; Deutsch, Kealoha Young; Gregory, William W.; Leigh, Kathryn Ann; Muser, Andrew P.; Quintanar, Felix C.; Ratliff, Billy J.; Roller, Michael T.; Roth, Robert H.; Schaefer, Mark, Therapy unit assembly.
  48. Bjelovuk, Brian P.; Childress, Carrie Lee; Deutsch, Kealoha Young; Gregory, William W.; Leigh, Kathryn Ann; Muser, Andrew P.; Quintanar, Felix C.; Ratliff, Billy J.; Roller, Michael T.; Roth, Robert H.; Schaefer, Mark, Therapy unit assembly.
  49. Scott, Emmon; Hoffman, Sharon Ann; Becker, Julie Anne; Hofstetter, Michael Ray, Thermal insulated food container.
  50. Scott, Emmon; Hoffman, Sharon Ann; Becker, Julie Anne; Hofstetter, Michael Ray, Thermal insulating food container.
  51. Scott, Emmon; Hoffman, Sharon Ann; Becker, Julie Anne; Hofstetter, Michael Ray, Thermal insulating food container.
  52. Scott, Emmon; Hoffman, Sharon Ann; Becker, Julie Anne; Hofstetter, Michael Ray, Thermal insulating food container.
  53. Scott, Emmon; Becker, Julie A.; Hoffman, Sharon A.; Hofstetter, Michael R., Thermally insulated food container.
  54. Woolley, Stephanie Janine, Two way convertible shoulder strap construction.
  55. Sammons, Justin, Vehicle seat strap retaining assembly.
  56. Sammons, Justin, Vehicle seat strap retaining assembly.

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