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[미국특허] Thin image sensor package fabrication method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-027/00
출원번호 US-0448538 (1999-11-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Thomas P. Glenn
  • Steven Webster
  • Roy Dale Hollaway PH
출원인 / 주소
  • Amkor Technology, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Gunnison, McKay & Hodgson, L.L.P.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 35  인용 특허 : 9


A thin image sensor package includes an image sensor having an active area which is responsive to radiation. The image sensor is mounted to a substrate which is transparent to the radiation. The image sensor is mounted such that the active area of the image sensor faces the substrate. Of importance,


1. A method comprising: forming a trace on a substrate; attaching a bond pad of an image sensor to said trace; and directing radiation at said substrate, wherein said radiation passes through said substrate and strikes an active area of said image sensor.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Knapp James H. ; Daniels Dwight L. ; Nelson Keith E. ; Webb Brian A., Ball grid device with optically transmissive coating.
  2. Okuaki Hiroshi (Tokyo JPX), EPROM device.
  3. Beaman Bryan A. ; Gerstenberger Julie K. ; Orlicki David M., Imager package substrate.
  4. Glenn Thomas P., Integrated circuit package employing a transparent encapsulant.
  5. Hashimoto Nobuaki,JPX, Method of mounting a sealed assembly on a mounting substrate and optical transducer.
  6. Glenn Thomas P., Mounting for a semiconductor integrated circuit device.
  7. Segawa Masao,JPX ; Ooi Kazushige,JPX ; Kimura Masanobu,JPX ; Sugi Shuichi,JPX, Photoelectric converting device with anisotropically conductive film for connecting leads of wiring board and electrode.
  8. Mizukoshi Masataka (Kawasaki JPX), Semiconductor device and a fabrication process thereof.
  9. Hayden Warren (Redondo Beach CA) Uyemura David K. (Torrance CA) Burney Richard E. (Long Beach CA) Schreiber Christopher M. (Lake Elsinore CA) Linder Jacques F. (Palos Verdes CA), Three-dimensional integrated circuit stacking.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (35) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Xue, Xiaojie; Sengupta, Dipak, Cavity package with composite substrate.
  2. Glenn, Thomas P.; Webster, Steven; Liebhard, Markus K., Chip size image sensor bumped package.
  3. Glenn, Thomas P.; Webster, Steven; Liebhard, Markus K., Chip size image sensor bumped package fabrication method.
  4. Glenn, Thomas P.; Webster, Steven; Liebhard, Markus K., Chip size image sensor wirebond package fabrication method.
  5. Kinsman, Larry D., Electronic device package with an optical device.
  6. Glenn, Thomas P.; Webster, Steven; Hollaway, Roy Dale, Flip chip image sensor package fabrication method.
  7. Glenn, Thomas P.; Webster, Steven; Hollaway, Roy Dale, Flip chip on glass sensor package.
  8. Kinsman,Larry D., Flip-chip image sensor packages.
  9. Warner, Michael, High-frequency chip packages.
  10. Tsai,Ming Chiang; Lee,Chun Yu; Jiang,Tsung Wei, Image sensor package and system.
  11. Haba, Belgacem; Kubota, Yoichi, Manufacture of mountable capped chips.
  12. Haba,Belgacem; Kubota,Yoichi, Manufacture of mountable capped chips.
  13. Sakuyama, Seiki, Method for forming bumps, semiconductor device, and solder paste.
  14. Sakuyama, Seiki; Yamagishi, Yasuo; Mizukoshi, Masataka, Method for forming bumps, semiconductor device, and solder paste.
  15. Watanabe, Manjirou, Method for manufacturing solid-state imaging device.
  16. Wu,Enboa; Yang,Rou Ching, Method for wafer level package of sensor chip.
  17. Huemoeller, Ronald P.; Sheridan, Richard P., Method of making a chip carrier package using laser ablation.
  18. Zilber,Gil; Aksenton,Julia; Oganesian,Vage, Methods and apparatus for packaging integrated circuit devices.
  19. Zilber,Gil; Aksenton,Julia; Oganesian,Vage, Methods and apparatus for packaging integrated circuit devices.
  20. Kinsman, Larry D., Methods of fabrication for flip-chip image sensor packages.
  21. Kinsman,Larry D., Methods of fabrication for flip-chip image sensor packages.
  22. Derderian, James, Methods of manufacturing imaging device packages.
  23. Haskett, Bradley Morgan; O'Connor, John Patrick; Miller, Mark Myron; Crowley, Sean Timothy; Miks, Jeffrey Alan; Popovich, Mark Phillip, Micro-optical device packaging system.
  24. Nystrom, Michael J.; Humpston, Giles, Microelectronic assembly with multi-layer support structure.
  25. Nystrom, Michael J.; Humpston, Giles, Microelectronic assembly with multi-layer support structure.
  26. Camargo, Edson Gomes; Nagase, Kazuhiro; Kurihara, Masaaki; Kanayama, Yuichi, Optical device and a method of manufacturing an optical device having a photoelectric conversion element and an optical adjustment element.
  27. Auburger, Albert; Hurt, Hans; Waidhas, Bernd; Reill, Joachim; Kuhn, Gerhard; Weigert, Martin; Wicke, Markus; Gattinger, Peter, Optoelectronic surface-mountable module and optoelectronic coupling unit.
  28. Link, Kenneth, Portion of a shoe sole.
  29. Nakajima, Mitsuru, Semiconductor device with power supplying unit between a semiconductor chip and a supporting substrate.
  30. Nakajima, Mitsuru; Takemoto, Hiroshi, Semiconductor device, image scanning unit and image forming apparatus.
  31. Nakajima, Mitsuru, Semiconductor device, image scanning unit including the semiconductor device, and image forming apparatus including the image scanning unit.
  32. Kuhlmann,Werner, Sensor arrangement for recording a radiation, computer tomograph comprising said sensor arrangement and corresponding production method.
  33. Honer, Kenneth Allen, Sequential fabrication of vertical conductive interconnects in capped chips.
  34. Chao, Chuan-Mu; Hsieh, Tung-Yi, Temperature-detecting system and temperature-detecting method.
  35. Glenn, Thomas P.; Webster, Steven; Hollaway, Roy Dale, Thin image sensor package.

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