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[미국특허] Fan blade compliant layer and seal 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01D-005/22
출원번호 US-0813626 (2001-03-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Joseph Simonetti
  • Bruce Wilson
출원인 / 주소
  • Honeywell International, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Robert Desmond, Esq.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 31  인용 특허 : 20


A compliant shim for use between the root of a gas turbine fan blade and a dovetail groove in a gas turbine rotor disk to reduce fretting therebetween. The compliant shim has first and second slots for engaging tabs extending from the fan blade root. The slots and tabs cooperate to hold the shim dur


1. A rotor assembly for a gas turbine engine, comprising:a disk having along its periphery at least one dovetail groove; a first blade having an airfoil portion and a root portion, said root portion contoured to be received within said dovetail groove and having a bottom surface that extends axially

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20)

  1. Wertz John L. (Indianapolis IN), Blade platform seal for ceramic/metal rotor assembly.
  2. Buxe Paul M. (Lake Park FL) Marshall James F. (Palm Beach Gardens FL) Smith ; Jr. Paul A. (Palm Beach Gardens FL), Blade root seal.
  3. Brantley James W. (Fairfield OH), Composite fan blade platform double wedge centrifugal seal.
  4. Eng Jesse (Jupiter FL) Sigworth Ronald L. (Manchester CT), Expandable blade root sealant.
  5. Kasprow Robert F. ; Kurz Phyllis L. ; LeShane Jeffrey S., Fan blade interplatform seal.
  6. Trousdell Edmund D. (Tolland CT) Kasprow Robert F. (Wethersfield CT), Flanged ladder seal.
  7. Zipps Robert H. ; Spaulding Reginald H. ; Todd Edward S. ; Kasprow Robert F. ; Klapproth Herman C. ; Welch Douglas A. ; Kurz Phyllis L. ; Cafasso Joseph J., Frangible fan blade.
  8. Hallinger Claude C. (Le Mee sur Seine FRX), Gas turbine stages of turbojets with devices for the air cooling of the turbine wheel disc.
  9. Salemme Charles T. (Cincinnati OH) Ravenhall Richard (Cincinnati OH) Harris David J. (Fairfield OH), Platform for a turbomachinery blade.
  10. Lambert David M,GB2 ; Knott David S,GB2 ; Beckford Peter R,GB2, Rotors for gas turbine engines.
  11. Marchi Marc R. (Le Mee FRX) Taillant Jean-Claude C. (Vaux le Penil FRX), Seal for gas turbine rotor blades.
  12. Watts Eddie E., Shim removing tool.
  13. Wilson Paul S. (Fairfield OH) Rankey Dean A. (Cincinnati OH) Shelton Monty L. (Cincinnati OH) Wallace Thomas T. (Maineville OH), Thermal control damper for turbine rotors.
  14. Gonsor Michael ; Kelley ; III Sanford E. ; Houston David P., Turbine blade damper and seal.
  15. Airey David ; Pelland Natalie A. ; Houston David P., Turbine blade platform seal.
  16. Herzner Fredrick C. (Fairfield OH) Juenger Jerome A. (Cincinnati OH) Wayte Peter (Cincinnati OH), Turbine blade wear protection system with multilayer shim.
  17. Barcza William K. (Palm City FL), Turbine engine rotor blade platform seal.
  18. Barcza William K. (Palm City FL), Turbine engine rotor blade platform sealing and vibration damping device.
  19. Royle Eric E. (Wigston GBX), Turbines with platforms between stages.
  20. Wayte Peter (Cincinnati OH), Wear protection system for turbine engine rotor and blade.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (31)

  1. Shah, Pranav Dhoj; Finn, Scott Roger; Kray, Nicholas Joseph; Prentice, Ian Francis; Shim, Dong-Jin; Wang, Bo, Airfoils including compliant tip.
  2. Baumas, Olivier Jean Daniel; Durand, Didier Noel; Herzer, Eric; Rossi, Patrick Jacques, Anti-wear device for the blades of a turbine distributor in an aeronautical turbine engine.
  3. Cairo, Ronald Ralph; Parolini, Jason Robert; Delvaux, John McConnell, Apparatus and method to reduce wear and friction between CMC-to-metal attachment and interface.
  4. Paprotna, Hubertus E.; Morrision, Michael J., Biased wear resistant turbine seal assembly.
  5. Goga, Jean-Luc; Lamothe, Pierre, Blade platforms for a rotor assembly.
  6. Luczak, Blake J., Blade wedge attachment.
  7. Carper, Douglas M.; Subramanian, Suresh, Ceramic composite with integrated compliance/wear layer.
  8. Carper, Douglas Melton; Sabramanian, Suresh, Ceramic composite with integrated compliance/wear layer.
  9. Carper,Douglas Melton; Subramanian,Suresh, Ceramic composite with integrated compliance/wear layer.
  10. Gilman, Justin, Damper seal and vane assembly for a gas turbine engine.
  11. Ward, Eric J.; Richardson, Brian K., Gas turbine engine blade mounting arrangement.
  12. Gagne, Lynn Charles; Sherlock, Graham David; Aaron, Kelvin; Tipton, Thomas Robbins, Method and apparatus for assembling blade shims.
  13. Connor, James Ryan; Honkomp, Mark Steven, Method and system for sealing a dovetail.
  14. Berg, Richard Hiram; Maier, Mark Stefan, Methods and apparatus for assembling gas turbine engines.
  15. Smed, Jan P., Multidirectional turbine shim seal.
  16. Uskert, Richard C.; Basiletti, Matthew P.; Thomas, David J.; Freeman, Ted J.; Tucker, Michelle L., Platform for ceramic matrix composite turbine blades.
  17. Saito, Kazuhiro; Yoshioka, Yomei; Matsuyama, Koji; Ito, Hiromichi; Nagano, Ryoji; Koinuma, Hiroaki, Predicting crack propagation in the shaft dovetail of a generator rotor.
  18. Reghezza, Patrick Jean-Louis; Tran, Julien, Reinforced fan blade shim.
  19. Radomski, Steven A., Retention device for a composite blade of a gas turbine engine.
  20. Slater, Richard M.; Woodfield, Robert W., Sealing means.
  21. Forrester, James Michael; Clausing, Emily Anne; Grant, Robert Russell; Cargill, John Gregory; Higgins, Craig William, Snap on blade shim.
  22. Ring, Mark David, Stator vane integrated attachment liner and spring damper.
  23. Ring, Mark David, Stator vane shroud having an offset.
  24. Ring, Mark David, Stator vane spring damper.
  25. Baldauf, Stefan; Bolms, Hans Thomas; Händler, Michael; Lerner, Christian, Turbine blade and gas turbine equipped with a turbine blade.
  26. Lieser, Dirk; Reichert, Arnd; Strassberger, Micheal; Tiemann, Peter, Turbo-machine comprising a sealing system for a rotor.
  27. Fujimura, Tetsuji; Mizuta, Ikuhisa; Imanari, Kuniyuki, Turbofan engine.
  28. Kodama, Hidekazu; Goto, Shinya; Mizuta, Ikuhisa; Miyamoto, Yoshiyuki; Murooka, Takeshi, Turbofan engine.
  29. Kodama, Hidekazu; Goto, Shinya; Mizuta, Ikuhisa; Murooka, Takeshi, Turbofan engine.
  30. Cordier, Damien; Soupizon, Jean-Luc; Mateo, Julien; Habarou, Georges, Turbomachine blade, a rotor, a low pressure turbine, and a turbomachine fitted with such a blade.
  31. Lattanzio, Santiago; Weisse, Michael A., Under-root spacer for gas turbine engine fan blade.

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