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Overcurrent protection device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H02H-003/00
출원번호 US-0392661 (1995-02-23)
우선권정보 GB-0022261 (1990-10-12); GB-0026518 (1990-12-05); GB-0027111 (1990-12-13); WO-GB01761 (1991-10-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dennis Malcolm Pryor GB
  • Michael Challis GB
  • Ian Paul Atkins GB
출원인 / 주소
  • Tyco Electronics UK Ltd. GB
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 11


An overcurrent protection arrangement comprises a switching circuit that is intended to be series connected in a line of the circuit to be protected and which will allow normal circuit currents to pass but will open when subjected to an overcurrent. The arrangement includes a pulse generator which w


1. An overcurrent protection arrangement which comprises a switching circuit which(a) is intended to be series connected in a line of a circuit to be protected, (b) has a conducting state in which it will allow normal circuit currents to pass, (c) has an open state which it adopts when subjected to

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11)

  1. Wakai Kiyoshi (Nagano JPX) Shimodaira Toshirou (Nagano JPX) Fukushima Yoneharu (Nagano JPX), Lamp circuit for automobile.
  2. Brajder Antonio (Erlangen DEX), Overload protection circuit for a semiconductor switch.
  3. Sears Kay G. (Keyport NJ), Overload protector.
  4. Lorincz Stefan (Skokie IL) Braun Jeffrey J. (Chandler AZ), Power driver having short circuit protection.
  5. Cawley James C. (Venetia PA) DiMartino Michael D. (Library PA) Fisher Thomas J. (Munhall PA) King Roger L. (Pittsburgh PA) Uhler Marcus H. (Pittsburgh PA), Power supply for an intrinsically safe circuit.
  6. Sears Kay G. (Keyport NJ), Power supply protective circuit.
  7. Hamel Richard G. (Margate FL), Reclosing relay apparatus.
  8. Fitzner Arthur O. (Fond du Lac WI), Self-protective fuel pump driver circuit.
  9. Edwards Arthur J. (Hoffman Estates IL) Sievers Kirk (Roselle IL), Semiconductor device protection circuit.
  10. Ryczek Lawrence J. (Nashotah WI), Short circuit protector having fold-back trip point for solid state switching device.
  11. Davies Robert Bruce (Tempe AZ), Transistor protection circuit.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6)

  1. Bertele,Martin; Oyrer,Robert; Sander,Rainald, Circuit configuration having a semiconductor switch and a protection circuit.
  2. Maloney,Timothy J.; Poon,Steven S., Electrostatic discharge protection circuit having a ring oscillator timer circuit.
  3. Grasso, Massimo; Galli, Giovanni, Power control circuit with active impedance to avoid interference and sensing problems.
  4. Tajirian, Edmond J.; Knowles, Jeff A.; Cayot, Mark D., Safe disconnect switch.
  5. Pfirsch,Frank, Semiconductor component.
  6. Creech, Mark D., Two-transistor devices for protecting circuits from sustained overcurrent.
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