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[미국특허] Operating techniques for internal combustion engines 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02B-033/44
  • F02N-011/06
출원번호 US-0487526 (2000-01-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Peter V. Woon
  • Axel O. Zur Loye
  • Larry J. Brackney
  • Jay F. Leonard
  • Eric K. Bradley
  • Terry M. Vandenberghe
  • Jacqueline M. Yeager
  • Julie A. Wagner
  • Greg A. Moore
출원인 / 주소
  • Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Woodard, Emhardt, Naughton, Moriarty & McNett
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 93  인용 특허 : 41


An electric power generation system is disclosed, which includes a back-up electric power generator driven by a four-cycle internal combustion engine. The engine includes a plurality of reciprocating cylinders each rotatably coupled to a crankshaft, which drives the electric power generator. The eng


1. A method of generating electric power, comprising:starting an internal combustion engine having a number of combustion chambers and a turbocharger, the engine being a prime mover for an electric power generator, the chambers each having a respective fueling period; preparing the engine to accept

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (41) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chvatal Dieter (Jenbach ATX) Fahringer Albert (Kossen ATX) Gruber Friedrich (Hippach ATX) Lutz Bernd (Schwaz ATX) Plohberger Diethard (Jenbach ATX), Apparatus for regulating an engine parameter.
  2. Quirchmayr Gerhard (Salzburg ATX) Gruber Friedrich (Hippach ATX) Knippitsch Stefan (Lofer ATX), Arrangement for regulating the combustion air proportions.
  3. Miyamoto Katsuhiko (Kyoto JPX) Iida Kazumasa (Kyoto JPX) Kishimoto Mitsuru (Kyoto JPX) Hosono Kiyotaka (Kyoto JPX), Automotive vehicle engine with cylinder suspending mechanism for switching between a partial-cylinder non-working mode a.
  4. Hartwig Carl S. M. (Tby SEX), Combustion engine system.
  5. Murata Hiroki,JPX ; Sasaki Shizuo,JPX, Compression ignition type engine.
  6. Sakamoto Osamu (Hamamatsu JPX) Saito Chitoshi (Hamamatsu JPX), Control device for fuel injection system.
  7. Kawamura Hideo (Samukawa JPX) Tamai Katsuyuki (Yokohama JPX) Saito Shigeki (Katsuta JPX) Yamanaka Toshihiro (Hoya JPX), Control system for supercharger in internal combustion engine.
  8. VandenBerghe Terry,FRX, Control technique for a lean burning engine system.
  9. Thompson Larry L. (Phoenix AZ), Cylinder blanking system for internal combustion engine.
  10. Lipinski Daniel J. (Livonia MI) LoRusso Julian A. (Grosse Ile MI) Nowland Donald R. (Taylor MI) Robichaux Jerry D. (Southgate MI) Schymik Gregory B. (Ypsilanti MI) Tan Teik-Khoon (Ann Arbor MI), Cylinder mode selection system for variable displacement internal combustion engine.
  11. Kawamura Hideo (Samukawa JPX), Device for controlling turbocharger with electric rotary machine.
  12. Deutschmann Herbert (Friedrichshafen DEX) Schmidt Erhard (Oberteuringen DEX) Wolters Gerd-Michael (Markdorf DEX), Diesel internal combustion engine.
  13. Kawamura Hideo (Samukawa JPX), Drive system for turbochargers with rotary electric machines.
  14. Kawamura Hideo (Samukawa JPX), Drive system for turbochargers with rotary electric machines.
  15. Beck Niels J. (Bonita CA) Barkhimer Robert L. (Poway CA) Johnson William P. (Valley Center CA), Electronic fuel injection system for internal combustion engines having a common intake port for each pair of cylinders.
  16. Cullen Michael J. (Northville MI) Meyer Daniel L. (Dearborn MI) Dona Alan R. (Huntington Woods MI) Sun Jing (Novi MI), Engine control system for maintaining idle speed.
  17. Iijima Tadashi,JPX ; Takahashi Masaki,JPX ; Watanabe Shinzo,JPX, Fuel injection device for engine with supercharger and method for controlling the same.
  18. Willey Raymond L. (Redford MI) Vermiglio Ezio N. (Belleville MI), Gaseous fuel injection control system using averaged fuel pressure compensation.
  19. Moyer David F. (1110 Dorset Dr. West Chester PA 19382-8008), Hybrid internal combustion engine.
  20. Suzumura Toshihiro (Nagoya JPX) Yamashita Yukihiro (Kariya JPX), Ignition timing control system for internal combustion engine.
  21. Miyashita Yukio (Wako JPX) Shimasaki Yuichi (Wako JPX) Oketani Toshikazu (Wako JPX) Hatcho Seiji (Wako JPX) Matsumoto Seiji (Wako JPX) Aoki Takuya (Wako JPX) Saito Akihisa (Wako JPX) Komatsuda Takash, Ignition timing control system for internal combustion engines.
  22. O'Neill Jeff S. ; Iwamuro Martin A. ; Connally John A. ; Carroll Matthew S. ; Zigan Jim A., Internal combustion engine with air/fuel ratio control.
  23. Beck Niels J. (Bonita CA) Gebert Kresimir (San Diego CA) Wong Hoi C. (Carlsbad CA), Lambda control by skip fire of unthrottled gas fueled engines.
  24. Jensen Scott P. (Tacoma) Gillispie Mitchell J. (Tacoma) McLean Robert A. (Puyallup WA), Low emission cylinder cut-out idle system.
  25. Omori Norio (Kariya JPX) Ninomiya Masakazu (Kariya JPX), Method and apparatus for controlling an internal combustion engine equipped with a supercharger.
  26. Cullen Michael J. (Northville MI) Christensen Louis R. (Canton MI) Grutter Peter J. (Plymouth MI) Weyburne Michael A. (Northville MI) Ulrey Joseph N. (Hiroshima MI JPX) Farmer David G. (Plymouth MI), Method and apparatus for controlling engine torque.
  27. Donaldson George E. ; Lane William H., Method and apparatus for operation of a speed-governed lean burn engine to improve load response.
  28. Clarke John M. (Chillicothe IL) Faletti James J. (Spring Valley IL), Method and apparatus to improve a turbocharged engine transient response.
  29. Burandt Corliss O. (Plymouth MN), Method and device for optimizing the air-fuel mixture burn rate of internal combustion engines during low speed, light a.
  30. Iida Yoshikatsu (Iwata JPX), Method of operating gaseous fueled engine.
  31. Deutschmann Herbert (Friedrichshafen DEX), Multi-cylinder internal combustion engine.
  32. Haberkern Eberhard (Unterheinriet DEX) Lotterbach Gerhard (Markgroningen DEX) van Woudenberg Jan F. (Schwiegerdingen DEX) Zucker Udo (Guglingen DEX), Multi-cylinder internal combustion engine with fuel injection, in particular a turbo-engine.
  33. Baguelin Yves (Louveciennes FR), Multicylinder heat engines.
  34. Kapellen Daniel R. (Lisle IL) Dicosola Nick (North Aurora IL), Pro-active control system for a heat engine.
  35. Delesalle Jacques (Mulhouse FRX), Process for the starting and low-load running of a diesel engine and a diesel engine putting this process into practice.
  36. Schechter Michael M. (Farmington Hills MI), Skip-cycle strategies for four cycle engine.
  37. van Rinsum Cornelis (Kressbronn DEX), Supercharged multi-cylinder four-cycle diesel engine.
  38. Robichaux Jerry D. (Lincoln Park MI) Hieb Bradley J. (Dearborn MI), System and method for mode selection in a variable displacement engine.
  39. Fukumura Tomohiro (Yokosuka JPX), System for controlling output power of internal combustion engine with a plurality of cylinders.
  40. Kanesaka Hiroshi (Kawasaki JPX), Turbo-charged compression ignition engine operable at small compression ratio.
  41. Freen Paul D. (Springfield OH), Turbocharged natural gas engine control system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (93) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kotwicki, Allan J.; Van Ess, Joel D.; Wilcutts, Mark A., Air charge estimation for use in engine control.
  2. Matthews, Gregory P.; Liu, Zhiping Steven; Brennan, Daniel G., Air per cylinder determination systems and methods.
  3. Dravis, Martin W., Air turbine with recycled air or gear mechanism to increase internal velocity for engine power.
  4. Warren, Kelcy L.; Warren, Mike, Arbitrage control system for two or more available power sources.
  5. Beikmann, Randall S.; Wagh, Nitish J., Combination cylinder state and transmission gear control systems and methods.
  6. Serrano, Louis J., Control of a partial cylinder deactivation engine.
  7. Poteet, Darrell; Warren, Kelcy Lee, Control system for a redundant prime mover system.
  8. Buckland, Julia Helen; Kolmanovsky, Ilya V.; Lezhnev, Lev, Coordinated control of electronic throttle and variable geometry turbocharger in boosted stoichiometric spark ignition engines.
  9. Diaz, Juan M., Counterbalance system for upward acting door.
  10. Rayl, Allen B.; Beikmann, Randall S.; Naik, Sanjeev M., Cylinder activation and deactivation control systems and methods.
  11. Beikmann, Randall S., Cylinder activation/deactivation sequence control systems and methods.
  12. Lewis, Donald J.; Russell, John D.; Michelini, John O., Cylinder deactivation for an internal combustion engine.
  13. Li, Jinbiao; Liu, Haifeng, Cylinder firing fraction determination and control systems and methods.
  14. Srinivasan, Vijay, Dynamically varying an amount of slippage of a torque converter clutch provided between an engine and a transmission of a vehicle.
  15. Lewis, Donald J.; Michelini, John O., Electrically actuated valve deactivation in response to vehicle electrical system conditions.
  16. Lewis,Donald J.; Michelini,John O., Electrically actuated valve deactivation in response to vehicle electrical system conditions.
  17. Lewis, Donald J.; Russell, John D., Electromechanical valve timing during a start.
  18. Lewis,Donald J., Electromechanically actuated valve control for an internal combustion engine.
  19. Lewis,Donald J.; Michellini,John O., Electromechanically actuated valve control for an internal combustion engine.
  20. Gvelesiani,Viktor, Electronic load regulator.
  21. Hagiwara, Ryoichi; Yamagishi, Osamu; Ikeda, Naoya, Engine device.
  22. Were, Samuel; Yu, Tao, Engine power management using current and steady state intake manifold pressure.
  23. Dobbs, Justin, Engine powered generator.
  24. Lewis, Donald J., Engine shut-down for engine having adjustable valve timing.
  25. Lewis,Donald J., Engine shut-down for engine having adjustable valve timing.
  26. Raftari, Abbas; Ramaswamy, Deepa; Robichaux, Jerry D., Engine torque control for a hybrid electric vehicle using estimated engine torque.
  27. Pirjaberi, Mohammad R.; Eisazadeh-Far, Kian; Carlson, Steven E.; Ren, Ying; Van Ess, Joel D., Engine torque smoothing.
  28. Pirjaberi, Mohammad R.; Eisazadeh-Far, Kian; Carlson, Steven E.; Serrano, Louis J.; Ren, Ying; Van Ess, Joel D., Engine torque smoothing.
  29. Klinkert, Deborah A.; Hanson, Douglas L., Exhaust assembly.
  30. Pirjaberi, Mohammad R.; Carlson, Steven E.; Serrano, Louis J.; Yuan, Xin; Chien, Li-Chun; Tripathi, Adya S., Firing fraction management in skip fire engine control.
  31. Pirjaberi, Mohammad R.; Tripathi, Adya S., Firing fraction management in skip fire engine control.
  32. Pirjaberi, Mohammad R.; Tripathi, Adya S.; Serrano, Louis J., Firing fraction management in skip fire engine control.
  33. Pirjaberi, Mohammad R.; Tripathi, Adya S.; Serrano, Louis J., Firing fraction management in skip fire engine control.
  34. Nagashima, Masaki; Pirjaberi, Mohammad R.; Serrano, Louis J., Firing fraction transition control.
  35. Wagh, Nitish J.; Beikmann, Randall S., Firing pattern management for improved transient vibration in variable cylinder deactivation mode.
  36. Armstrong, Donald J.; Durling, Harold E., Fuel efficient powertrain system.
  37. Tateoka, Tetsuji, Generating method and generating system utilizing combustion exhaust gas.
  38. Chen, Shikui Kevin; Kotwicki, Allan J.; Van Ess, Joel D.; Bailey, Robert S.; Pirjaberi, Mohammad R., Induction diagnostics for skip fire engine.
  39. Chen, Shikui Kevin, Induction diagnostics for skip fire engines.
  40. Brennan, Daniel G.; Matthews, Gregory P.; Wiggins, Layne K., Intake runner temperature determination systems and methods.
  41. Sahandiesfanjani, Farzad; Hand, Chris; Pirjaberi, Mohammad; Tripathi, Adya S., Internal combustion engine control for improved fuel efficiency.
  42. Tripathi, Adya S.; Silvestri, Chester J., Internal combustion engine control for improved fuel efficiency.
  43. Tripathi, Adya S.; Silvestri, Chester J., Internal combustion engine control for improved fuel efficiency.
  44. Tripathi, Adya S.; Silvestri, Chester J., Internal combustion engine control for improved fuel efficiency.
  45. Tripathi, Adya S.; Silvestri, Chester J., Internal combustion engine control for improved fuel efficiency.
  46. Tripathi, Adya S.; Silvestri, Chester J.; Chandler, Christopher W.; Hand, Christopher C.; Switkes, Joshua P.; Wilcutts, Mark A.; Younkins, Matthew A., Internal combustion engine control for improved fuel efficiency.
  47. Lewis,Donald J.; Reed,Dennis; Trask,Nate, Internal combustion engine shut-down for engine having adjustable valves.
  48. Greuter, Rainer; Hirzinger, Johann; Klausner, Johann, Internal combustion engine with a variable geometry compressor.
  49. Coldren, Dana R.; Steffen, Joshua W.; Uhland, Gregg W.; Garman, Brian K.; Stockner, Alan R., Limp home capable dual fuel engine and machine using same.
  50. Serrano, Louis J., Look-up table based skip fire engine control.
  51. Shost, Mark A., Managing engine firing patterns and pattern transitions during skip fire engine operation.
  52. Zurloye,Axel; Ruthmansdorfer,Dave; Frazier,Tim; Rumsey,Jennifer, Method and apparatus for controlling an internal combustion engine using combustion chamber pressure sensing.
  53. Shost, Mark A.; Serrano, Louis J.; Carlson, Steven E.; Srinivasan, Vijay; Defenderfer, Eric J.; Wagh, Nitish J.; Beikmann, Randall S.; Li, Jinbiao; Yuan, Xin; Chien, Li-Chun, Method and apparatus for determining optimum skip fire firing profile.
  54. Srinivasan, Vijay; Serrano, Louis J., Method and apparatus for determining optimum skip fire firing profile with adjustments for ambient temperature.
  55. JaVaherian,Hossein, Method and apparatus for engine torque sensing.
  56. Granström, Magnus; Larsson, Anders, Method and system for controlling a turbocharged engine during an upshift.
  57. Rollinger, John; Zaremba, Alexander, Method for compensating compressor lag of a hybrid powertrain.
  58. Koch, Achim, Method for operating an internal combustion engine, and internal combustion engine.
  59. Kolmanovsky, Ilya V.; Michelini, John O., Method of torque control for an engine with valves that may be deactivated.
  60. Lewis, Donald, Method to reduce engine emissions for an engine capable of multi-stroke operation and having a catalyst.
  61. Lewis, Donald J., Method to reduce engine emissions for an engine capable of multi-stroke operation and having a catalyst.
  62. Lewis, Donald J., Method to reduce engine emissions for an engine capable of multi-stroke operation and having a catalyst.
  63. Winstead, Vince, Method to start electromechanical valves on an internal combustion engine.
  64. Lewis,Donald J.; Russell,John D.; Michelini,John O., Multi-stroke cylinder operation in an internal combustion engine.
  65. Lewis,Donald J.; Russell,John D.; Trask,Nate; Megli,Thomas W., Multi-stroke cylinder operation in an internal combustion engine.
  66. Howard, Jeff; James, Timothy B.; Rezac, Todd A.; Zook, Brett A.; Lin, David J.; Boyer, Gary; Maxson, Robert, Natural gas engine system with improved transient response.
  67. Dravis, Martin W., Non-fuel combusting stand alone air turbine engine.
  68. Poteet, Darrell; Warren, Kelcy Lee, Redundant prime mover system.
  69. Magaki, Hideto; Shiratani, Ryuji, Shovel and method of controlling shovel.
  70. Magaki, Hideto; Shiratani, Ryuji, Shovel and method of controlling shovel.
  71. Tripathi, Adya S.; Chandler, Christopher W.; Hand, Christopher C.; Switkes, Joshua P.; Wilcutts, Mark A.; Younkins, Matthew A., Skip fire engine control.
  72. Tripathi, Adya S.; Silvestri, Chester J.; Chandler, Christopher W.; Hand, Chris; Switkes, Joshua P.; Wilcutts, Mark, Skip fire engine control.
  73. Tripathi, Adya S.; Switkes, Joshua P.; Pirjaberi, Mohammad R.; Chandler, Christopher W., Skip fire engine control.
  74. Tripathi, Adya S.; Sahandiesfanjani, Farzad, Skip fire internal combustion engine control.
  75. Tripathi, Adya S.; Sahandiesfanjani, Farzad; Ghosh, Biswa R., Skip fire internal combustion engine control.
  76. Nagashima, Masaki; Pirjaberi, Mohammad R.; Serrano, Louis J., Skip fire transition control.
  77. Pirjaberi, Mohammad R.; Serrano, Louis J.; Yuan, Xin; Carlson, Steven E.; Hashemi, Siamak; Kuhlenbeck, Ryan A., Skip fire transition control.
  78. Pirjaberi, Mohammad R.; Serrano, Louis J.; Yuan, Xin; Carlson, Steven E.; Hashemi, Siamak; Kuhlenbeck, Ryan A., Skip fire transition control.
  79. Beikmann, Randall S., System and method for controlling a firing sequence of an engine to reduce vibration when cylinders of the engine are deactivated.
  80. Klingbeil, Adam Edgar; Jackson, Jennifer Lynn; Mischler, James Robert; Fisher, Kevin Michael, System and method for controlling operation of an engine.
  81. Brennan, Daniel G.; Naik, Sanjeev M., System and method for controlling spark timing when cylinders of an engine are deactivated to reduce noise and vibration.
  82. Rayl, Allen B., System and method for deactivating a cylinder of an engine and reactivating the cylinder based on an estimated trapped air mass.
  83. Tsukamoto, Tokihiro; Matsumoto, Koichi; Nakamura, Shigeo; Kihara, Nobutaka, System and method for measuring brake mean effective pressure in a running vehicle.
  84. Liu, Zhiping Steven; Matthews, Gregory P.; Will, Anthony B., System and method for predicting parameters associated with airflow through an engine.
  85. Phillips, Andrew W., System and method for randomly adjusting a firing frequency of an engine to reduce vibration when cylinders of the engine are deactivated.
  86. Poteet,Darrell; Warren,Kelcy Lee, System, method and apparatus for a redundant prime mover system.
  87. Burleigh, Darrell W.; Beikmann, Randall S., Systems and methods for controlling cylinder deactivation periods and patterns.
  88. Blythe, Neil Xavier; Gallagher, Shawn Michael; Mischler, James Robert; Henry, Luke, Systems and methods for controlling exhaust gas recirculation.
  89. Blythe, Neil Xavier; Gallagher, Shawn Michael; Mischler, James Robert; Henry, Luke, Systems and methods for controlling exhaust gas recirculation.
  90. Akinyemi, Omowoleola Chukuwuemeka; Klingbeil, Adam; Blythe, Neil Xavier; Gallagher, Shawn Michael; Mischler, James Robert; Henry, Luke; Jackson, Jennifer Lynn, Systems and methods for engine control.
  91. Lewis,Donald J.; Michelini,John O.; Trask,Nate; Song,Gang, Valve control for an engine with electromechanically actuated valves.
  92. Akao, Yoshiyuki; Ohgaki, Youichi; Kohketsu, Susumu, Variable displacement supercharging system and method for detecting abnormality of supercharging system.
  93. Robinson, James S., Vehicular engine having turbocharger and vehicle including same.

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