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[미국특허] Variable load refrigeration system particularly for cryogenic temperatures 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25S-001/00
  • C09K-005/04
출원번호 US-0545670 (2000-04-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Arun Acharya
  • Bayram Arman
  • Walter Joseph Olszewski
  • Dante Patrick Bonaquist
  • Joseph Alfred Weber
출원인 / 주소
  • Praxair Technology, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Stanley Ktorides
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 30  인용 특허 : 15


A method for generating refrigeration, especially over a wide temperature range including cryogenic temperatures, wherein a non-toxic, non-flammable and low or non-ozone-depleting mixture is formed from defined components and maintained in variable load form through compression, cooling, expansion a


1. A refrigerant mixture which is non-toxic, non-flammable and low-ozone-depleting consisting solely of fluorocarbons wherein the components and their concentrations which make up the refrigerant mixture are such as to form a variable load refrigerant mixture, wherein each of the components of the m

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Minor Barbara H. (Elkton MD) Chisolm Tuneen E. C. (Newark DE) Shealy Glenn S. (Hockessin DE), Azeotrope(like) compositions with fluoromethyl trifluoromethyl ether and dimethyl ether.
  2. Boyarsky Mikhail (Moscow RUX) Yudin Boris (Moscow RUX) Mogorychny Victor I. (Moscow PA RUX) Klusmier Larry (Allentown PA), Cryogenic mixed gas refrigerant for operation within temperature ranges of 80°K- 100°K.
  3. Longsworth Ralph C. (Allentown PA) Boiarsky Mikhail J. (Moscow RUX) Khatri Ajay (Bethlehem PA), Cryostat refrigeration system using mixed refrigerants in a closed vapor compression cycle having a fixed flow restricto.
  4. McHugh ; III Manus, Krypton gas mixture for insulated windows.
  5. Denton Robert D. (Kuala Lumpur TX MYX) Oelfke Russell H. (Houston TX), Light end enhanced refrigeration loop.
  6. Beddome Robert Arthur (North Tonawanda NY), Low temperature refrigeration process for helium or hydrogen mixtures using mixed refrigerant.
  7. Stevenson Richard (Mesa AZ) Boyarsky Mikhail (Moscow Region RUX) Yudin Boris V. (Moscow Region RUX) Podcherniev Oleg N. (Moscow Region RUX), Mixed gas R-12 refrigeration apparatus.
  8. Howard Lee J. (Allentown PA) Rowles Howard C. (Center Valley PA), Mixed refrigerant cycle for ethylene recovery.
  9. Richard Robert Gerard ; Shankland Ian R. ; Singh Rajiv Ratna, Non-azeotropic refrigerant compositions containing carbon dioxide.
  10. Boiarski Mikhail,RUX ; Podcherniaev Oleg,RUX, Precooled vapor-liquid refrigeration cycle.
  11. Li Yao-En ; Paganessi Joseph E. ; Vassallo David ; Fleming Gregory K., Process and system for separation and recovery of perfluorocompound gases.
  12. Yang James Hsu-Kuang ; Chernyakov Iosif ; Hsiung Thomas Hsiao-Ling ; Schwarz Alexander, Recovery of perfluorinated compounds from the exhaust of semiconductor fabs using membrane and adsorption in series.
  13. Gage Cynthia L. (Raleigh NC) Bare Jane C. (Carrboro NC) Register ; III James A. (Raleigh NC) Smith Norman Dean (Raleigh NC), Refrigerant compositions with fluorinated dimethyl ether and either difluoroethane or cyclopropane, and use thereof.
  14. Yudin Boris V. (Moscow Region AZ RUX) Stevenson Richard (Mesa AZ) Boyarsky Mikhail (Moscow Region RUX) Podcherniev Oleg N. (Moscow Region RUX), Substitute refrigerant for dichlorodifluoromethane refrigeration systems.
  15. Longsworth Ralph C. (Allentown PA) Lotz Francis T. (Whitehall PA), Throttle cycle cryopumping system for Group I gases.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (30) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bonaquist,Dante Patrick; Royal,John Henri; Rampersad,Bryce; Jibb,Richard J., Biological refrigeration system.
  2. Minor, Barbara Haviland, Compositions comprising a fluoroolefin.
  3. Minor, Barbara Haviland; Rao, Velliyur Nott Mallikarjuna, Compositions comprising a fluoroolefin.
  4. Minor, Barbara Haviland; Rao, Velliyur Nott Mallikarjuna, Compositions comprising a fluoroolefin.
  5. Minor, Barbara Haviland; Rao, Velliyur Nott Mallikarjuna, Compositions comprising a fluoroolefin.
  6. Minor, Barbara Haviland; Rao, Velliyur Nott Mallikarjuna, Compositions comprising a fluoroolefin.
  7. Minor, Barbara Haviland; Rao, Velliyur Nott Mallikarjuna, Compositions comprising a fluoroolefin.
  8. Minor, Barbara Haviland; Rao, Velliyur Nott Mallikarjuna, Compositions comprising a fluoroolefin.
  9. Minor, Barbara Haviland; Rao, Velliyur Nott Mallikarjuna, Compositions comprising a fluoroolefin.
  10. Nappa, Mario Joseph; Minor, Barbara Haviland, Compositions comprising fluoroolefins and uses thereof.
  11. Nappa, Mario Joseph; Minor, Barbara Haviland; Sievert, Allen Capron, Compositions comprising fluoroolefins and uses thereof.
  12. Nappa, Mario Joseph; Minor, Barbara Haviland; Sievert, Allen Capron, Compositions comprising fluoroolefins and uses thereof.
  13. Nappa, Mario Joseph; Minor, Barbara Haviland; Sievert, Allen Capron, Compositions comprising fluoroolefins and uses thereof.
  14. Nappa, Mario Joseph; Minor, Barbara Haviland; Sievert, Allen Capron, Compositions comprising fluoroolefins and uses thereof.
  15. Nappa, Mario Joseph; Minor, Barbara Haviland; Sievert, Allen Capron, Compositions comprising fluoroolefins and uses thereof.
  16. Sievert, Allen Capron; Nappa, Mario Joseph; Minor, Barbara Haviland; Leck, Thomas J.; Rao, Velliyur Nott Mallikarjuna; Swearingen, Ekaterina N.; Schmitz, Corneille; Mouli, Nandini C.; Perti, Deepak, Compositions comprising fluoroolefins and uses thereof.
  17. Rampersad,Bryce Mark; Royal,John Henri; Minbiole,Barry, Cryogenic biological preservation unit.
  18. Low, Robert E, Heat transfer compositions.
  19. Low, Robert E, Heat transfer compositions.
  20. Low, Robert E, Heat transfer compositions.
  21. Low, Robert E, Heat transfer compositions.
  22. Low, Robert E., Heat transfer compositions.
  23. Low, Robert E., Heat transfer compositions.
  24. Low, Robert E., Heat transfer compositions.
  25. Low, Robert E., Heat transfer compositions.
  26. Low, Robert E., Heat transfer compositions.
  27. Rampersad, Bryce Mark; Royal, John Henri; Minbiole, Barry Alan, Method of storing biological samples.
  28. Flynn,Kevin P.; Boiarski,Mikhail; Podtcherniaev,Oleg, Methods of freezeout prevention and temperature control for very low temperature mixed refrigerant systems.
  29. Arman, Bayram; Prosser, Neil Mark; Rashad, M. Abdul-Aziz; Howard, Henry Edward, Multicomponent refrigerant fluids for low and cryogenic temperatures.
  30. Podtchereniaev,Oleg; Apparao,Tamirisa; Flynn,Kevin P.; Yudin,Boris; Mogarichni,Vladimir; Boiarski,Mikhail, Nonflammable mixed refrigerants (MR) for use with very low temperature throttle-cycle refrigeration systems.

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