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[미국특허] Apparatus to separate gas from a liquid flow 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01D-019/00
출원번호 US-0952709 (2001-09-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Paul G. Lichon
  • Dieter M. Zube
출원인 / 주소
  • General Dynamics OTS (Aerospace), Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Gregory S. Rosenblatt
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 24


A gas arrestor separates entrained gas from a liquid medium. The gas arrestor is a porous member, such as a woven mesh screen having pores of a size sufficiently small to enable liquid transport while inhibiting gas transport. Since the trapped gas has a tendency to accumulate on the porous member i


1. A system for the delivery of a gaseous product to a reaction chamber, comprising:a fuel tank containing a liquid propellant; a pressurized gas communicating with said fuel tank; a thrust control valve disposed between said fuel tank and said reaction chamber; a gas arrestor disposed between said

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (24) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Booth Franklin W. (Hampton VA) Bruce Robert A. (Newport News VA), Air removal device.
  2. Uban ; Stephen Allen ; Mason ; Donald George, Apparatus for separating solids from liquids.
  3. Sakai Hiromitsu (Kawanishi JPX), Degassing assembly.
  4. Cho Kwantai (Charlotte NC) Huang Xiaoyan (Charlotte NC), Degassing liquids: apparatus and method.
  5. Baurmeister Ulrich (Wuppertal DEX) Pelger Michael (Wuppertal DEX), Device for separating gas bubbles from fluids.
  6. vonReis Charles E. (Ann Arbor MI) Vizulis Karlis (Ann Arbor MI), Disposable filter device and liquid aspirating system incorporating same.
  7. Gonzalez Antonio E., Etched disc with crosshatch pattern.
  8. Vincent Monty E. (Ann Arbor MI) Vizulis Karlis (Ann Arbor MI), Filter with initially flat membrane and curved membrane support.
  9. McLean Christopher H. ; Lichon Paul G. ; Morris Joseph P. ; Flugstad Philip O., Gaseous product delivery system.
  10. Ellion M. Edmund (Arcadia CA) Donatelli Philip A. (Marina del Rey CA), Hydrazine thruster.
  11. Bond Donald L. (Sunnyvale CA), Liquid detector for thin-walled tanks operating in zero gravity.
  12. Edelstein Fred (Hauppauge NY) Liandris Maria (Long Island City NY) Brown Richard F. (Hauppauge NY), Liquid line non-condensible gas trap.
  13. Grove R. K. (Los Altos CA) King Ronald W. (San Francisco CA) L\Heureux Julie M. (Santa Clara CA), Liquid management apparatus for spacecraft.
  14. Ellion M. Edmund (Arcadia CA) Putt J. Ward (Los Angeles CA) Montich John J. (Redondo Beach CA), Liquid-vapor separator.
  15. Jepson William P. (Athens OH), Liquid/gas separator and slug flow eliminator and process for use.
  16. Rauscher ; Jr. Robert A. (Lawrenceville NJ), Method for making nonmetallic pressure vessel with integral propellant management vane, and pressure vessel made by the.
  17. Choe Hwang (Saratoga CA) Fallas Thomas T. (Berkeley CA), Passive gas separator and accumulator device.
  18. Yeh Tso-Ping (Fremont CA), Passive propellant management system.
  19. Smith Richard D. (Kirkland WA) Knowles Steve (Seattle WA) Cassady R. J. (Bellevue WA) Smith William (Seattle WA) Simon Mark A. (Redmond WA), Performance arcjet thruster.
  20. Pahl Donald A. (Woodinville WA), Pressurization and control devices using high vapor pressure liquids.
  21. Yeh Tso-ping (Fremont CA), Propellant remaining gaging system.
  22. Williams Laurence O. (Littleton CO), Subliming solids gas generator with chemical reaction augmentation.
  23. Gindre Philippe (Leiderdorp NLX) Hhnel Peter (Oegstgeest NLX) Helmke Hartmut (Leiden NLX), System for determining the depletion of propellant tanks onboard a spacecraft.
  24. Birbara Philip J. (Windsor Locks CT) Nalette Timothy A. (Tolland CT) Steele John W. (Torrington CT), Zero gravity purge and trap for monitoring volatile organic compounds.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hirayama, Toshikazu; Ueno, Daisuke, Air trap for liquid circulation line.
  2. Behruzi, Kei Philipp; Haake, Dennis; Michaelis, Mark, Bubble trap for a fuel tank in a spacecraft.
  3. Yamamoto, Takayuki; Mori, Osamu; Kawaguchi, Junichiro, Liquid-fuel storage vessel and vapor jet system using the same.
  4. Thivierge, Patrick; Papillon, Mélanie; Gauvin, Pierre; Arkinson, Patrick; Scandella, Robert; Haslam-Jones, Tom; Domingo, Ritchie, Lubrication system with porous element.

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