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[미국특허] Missile components made of fiber-reinforced ceramics 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B32B-005/27
  • B32B-001/04
출원번호 US-0242372 (1999-12-10)
우선권정보 DE-0032893 (1996-08-16)
국제출원번호 PCT/EP97/04235 (1997-08-04)
§371/§102 date 19991210 (19991210)
국제공개번호 WO98/08044 (1998-02-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Manfred Braitinger DE
  • Manfred Selzer DE
  • Ulrich Papenburg DE
출원인 / 주소
  • Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft GmbH DE
대리인 / 주소
    St. Onge Steward Johnston & Reens LLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 20


The missile comprises a nose, fixed fins or movable fins, gas rudders, propelling nozzles and blast pipe inserts, combustion chamber liners, tail cone, grid fins, fluid elements and radome or subcomponents of these made of carbon fiber-reinforced silicon carbide (C/SiC) and/or carbon fiber-reinforce


1. A missile comprised of components selected from the group consisting of a nose, fins, gas rudders, propelling nozzles and blast pipe inserts, combustion chamber liners, tail cone, fluid elements and a radome, and combinations thereof being made of ceramic material selected from the group consisti

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20)

  1. Purinton Donald L. ; Semff Louis R., Broadband composite structure fabricated from inorganic polymer matrix reinforced with glass or ceramic woven cloth.
  2. Galasso Francis S. (Manchester CT) Veltri Richard D. (East Hartford CT), CVD SiC pretreatment for carbon-carbon composites.
  3. Oshima Kenji (9-7-1142 Aichi JPX) Ito Tsugio (9-7-1142 Aichi JPX) Kato Yoshitsugu (9-7-1142 Aichi JPX) Niihara Koichi (9-7-1142 Kourigaoka ; Hirakata ; Osaka JPX) Nakahira Atsushi (Osaka JPX) Iwata M, Carbon fiber reinforced silicon nitride based nanocomposite material and method for preparing same.
  4. O\Driscoll Peter F. (Los Altos CA) Crowe Gerald E. (Santa Clara CA) Berry John (Morgan Hill CA), Carbon/carbon rocket motor exit cone reinforcement.
  5. Kayser Ursula,DEX ; Haug Tilman,DEX ; Hertel Doris,DEX ; Rebstock Kolja,DEX ; Schaefer Wolfgang,DEX ; Knabe Helmut,DEX ; Vogel Walter,DEX, Ceramic composite.
  6. Haidn Oskar,DEX ; Hald Hermann,DEX ; Lezuo Michael,DEX ; Winkelmann Peter,DEX, Combustion chamber for rocket engine.
  7. Schmidt Guenther,DEX ; Beyer Steffen,DEX, Combustion chamber wall construction for high power engines and thrust nozzles.
  8. Rousseau Grard (Saint Aubin de Medoc FRX) Pastureau Nicole (Eysines FRX), Composite material with matrix and reinforcing fibers of carbon.
  9. Veltri Richard D. (East Hartford CT) Galasso Francis S. (Manchester CT), Composite silicon carbide coatings for carbon-carbon materials.
  10. Bodmer Urs (Ennetbaden CHX) Hain Patrick (Baden CHX) Mallick Vishal (Birmenstorf CHX), Compressor.
  11. Zwan Allen D. (San Diego CA), Dual-mode semi-passive nosetip for a hypersonic weapon.
  12. Sayles David C. (Huntsville AL), Hypervelocity penetrator for an electromagnetic accelerator.
  13. Nakano Kikuo (Nagoya JPX) Hayashi Hiroshi (Nagoya JPX) Ohnishi Nobumichi (Nagoya JPX) Nagasaki Shigeo (Aichi JPX), Method for production of continuous carbon fiber reinforced SiC composite.
  14. Weaver Billy L. (Eagan MN) McLaughlin Jerry C. (Oak Ridge TN) Stinton David P. (Knoxville TN), Method of making a modified ceramic-ceramic composite.
  15. Sayles David C. (Huntsville AL), Method of manufacturing hybrid fiber-reinforced composite nozzle material.
  16. Hatalsky William M. ; Facciano Andrew B. ; Haight Stephen D. ; Johnson Sean A. ; Jordan Aszetta D., Missile jet vane control system and method.
  17. Goedtke Peter (Mnchen DEX) Blenninger Ernst (Mnchen DEX) Lechner Manfred (Mnchen DEX) Papenburg Ulrich (Burgdorf DEX) Sindlhauser Peter (Probstried DEX) Goetz Ulrich (Buching DEX), Process for manufacturing an oxidation-stable component on a CFC base, particularly for space travel.
  18. Gudbrandsen Gunnar F. (Raufoss NOX) Skjerven Perkristian (Trevatn NOX) Bjerkvoll Bjorn S. (Raufoss NOX), Rocket with tracer charge and gunpowder rods.
  19. Yamazaki Hiraku (Chiba JPX) Sugai Teruo (Tokyo JPX) Kato Shigeo (Yamagata JPX) Tazoe Haruo (Yamagata JPX) Hotate Shiroh (Fuchu JPX) Goto Iwao (Kanagawa JPX), Silicon carbide coated carbon composite material and method for making same.
  20. Perry John S. (Seattle WA), Structural external insulation for hypersonic missiles.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8)

  1. Friess, Martin; Keck, Markus, Component for use in streams of hot gas.
  2. Vaidyanathan, K. Ranji; Green, Catherine; Gillespie, John W.; Yarlagadda, Shridhar; Artz, Gregory J., Composite components with integral protective casings.
  3. Facciano, Andrew B.; Moore, Robert T.; Hlavacek, Gregg J.; Seasly, Craig D., Composite missile nose cone.
  4. Facciano, Andrew B.; Moore, Robert T.; Seasly, Craig D.; McClain, Richard A.; Spall, Raymond J., Detachable aerodynamic missile stabilizing system.
  5. Higgins,Kevin J.; Lyman,Charles D.; Bouchard,Mark L.; Heidel,Aaron C.; Castor,Matthew B., Ejectable aerodynamic stability and control.
  6. King, Michael J.; Fanucci, Jerome P., Grid fin control system for a fluid-borne object.
  7. Heidenreich, Bernhard; Zuber, Christian, Jet vane and method for manufacturing a jet vane.
  8. Groeber, Josef; Hampl, Peter; Linner, Herbert; Brey, Karl; Stahn, Bernhard, Nozzle extension.
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