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[미국특허] Thermoplastic starch utilizing a biodegradable polymer as melting aid 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C08G-064/00
출원번호 US-0846463 (2001-04-30)
우선권정보 DE-0024641 (1996-06-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Jurgen Loercks DE
  • Winfried Pommeranz DE
  • Harald Schmidt DE
  • Ralf Timmermann DE
  • Ernst Grigat DE
  • Wolfgang Schulz-Schlitte DE
출원인 / 주소
  • Biotec Biologische Naturverpackungen & Co KG DE
대리인 / 주소
    Workman, Nydegger & Seeley
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 66  인용 특허 : 61


Thermoplastic starch compositions formed by converting native starch or starch derivatives into thermoplastic starch by at least one hydrophobic biodegradable polymer that functions as a plasticizer for starch. The hydrophobic biodegradable polymer may be a polymer selected from the following list:


1. A starch-based polymeric material comprising thermoplastic starch formed by converting at least one of native starch or a starch derivative into a thermoplastic starch melt at least in part by means of a hydrophobic biodegradable polymer that functions as a plasticizer for starch and that compris

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (61)

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  2. Korpman Ralf (Bridgewater NJ), Absorbent products, process and compositions for immobilization of particulate absorbents.
  3. Tokiwa Yutaka (Tsuchiura JPX) Suzuki Masahiro (Kounosu JPX) Koyama Masatoshi (Tsukuba JPX), Biodecomposable or biodisintegrable moldable material.
  4. Starcevich Bradley K. (Woodstock IL), Biodegradable and water soluble packaging material.
  5. Bastioli Catia (Novara ITX) Bellotti Vittorio (Fontaneto d\Agogna ITX) del Giudice Luciano (Milan ITX) del Tredici Gianfranco (Sesto Calende ITX) Lombi Roberto (Novara ITX) Rallis Angelos (Novara ITX, Biodegradable articles based on starch and process for producing them.
  6. George Eric (Morris Plains NJ) Park Eddie (Morristown NJ) Altieri Paul A. (Belle Mead NJ) Paul Charles W. (Madison NJ), Biodegradable compositions comprising starch and alkenol polymers.
  7. Kannankeril Charles P. (North Caldwell NJ), Biodegradable cushioning product.
  8. Boehmer Edward W. (Bloomington MN) Hanlon Daniel L. (Burnsville MN), Biodegradable expanded foam material.
  9. Otey Felix H. (Peoria IL) Westhoff Richard P. (Peoria IL), Biodegradable film compositions prepared from starch and copolymers of ethylene and acrylic acid.
  10. Tomka Ivan (Chalet Breitfeld 1722 Bourguillon CHX), Biodegradable mould material.
  11. Krishnan Mohan (Okemos MI) Narayan Ramani (Okemos MI), Biodegradable multi-component polymeric materials based on unmodified starch-like polysaccharides.
  12. Jeffs Hyrum J. (Lehi UT), Biodegradable packaging foam and method of preparation.
  13. Lacourse Norman L. (Plainsboro NJ) Altieri Paul A. (Plainsboro NJ), Biodegradable packaging material and the method of preparation thereof.
  14. Miller Kent R. (Wilson WI), Biodegradable packing material and method.
  15. Bastioli Catia (Novara ITX) Bellotti Vittorio (Fontaneto D\Agogna ITX) Montino Alessandro (Robbio Lomellina ITX), Biodegradable polymeric compositions based on starch and thermoplastic polymers.
  16. Bastioli Catia (Novara ITX) Bellotti Vittorio (Novara ITX) Montino Alessandro (Pavia ITX) Tredici Gianfranco D. (Varese ITX) Lombi Roberto (Novara ITX) Ponti Roberto (Novara ITX), Biodegradable polymeric compositions based on starch and thermoplastic polymers.
  17. Lacourse Norman L. (Plainsboro NJ) Altieri Paul A. (Plainsboro NJ), Biodegradable shaped products and the method of preparation thereof.
  18. Lacourse, Norman L.; Altieri, Paul A., Biodegradable shaped products and the method of preparation thereof.
  19. Jane Jay-Lin (Ames IA) Schwabacher Alan W. (Ames IA) Ramrattan Sam N. (Ames IA) Moore Jeffrey A. (Ames IA), Biodegradable starch plastics incorporating modified polyethylene.
  20. Jane Jay-lin (Ames IA) Spence Kris E. (Ames IA), Biodegradable thermoplastic composition of aldehyde starch and protein.
  21. Tokiwa Yutaka (Tsuchiura JPX) Iwamoto Akira (Tsukuba JPX), Biodisintegrable thermoplastic resin foam and a process for producing same.
  22. Tomka Ivan,CHX, Biologically degradable polymer mixture.
  23. Mayer Jean M. (N. Smithfield RI) Elion Glenn R. (Chatham MA), Cellulose acetate and starch based biodegradable injection molded plastics compositions and methods of manufacture.
  24. Franke Hans G. (Tiburon CA) Bittner Donald R. (Irving TX), Compositions for resilient biodegradable packaging material products.
  25. Tucker Edward B. (Romeoville IL), Degradable multilayer thermoplastic articles.
  26. Jane Jay-Lin (Ames IA) Gelina Robert J. (Ames IA) Nikolov Zivko (Ames IA) Evangelista Roque L. (Ames IA), Degradable plastics from octenyl succinate starch.
  27. Otey Felix H. (Peoria IL) Mark Arthur M. (Peoria IL), Degradable starch-based agricultural mulch film.
  28. Stepto Robert F. T. (Riehen CHX) Tomka Ivan (Lenzburg CHX) Dobler Beat (Basel CHX) Pyrah Keith (Rogerstone GBX), Destructurized starch and method for making same.
  29. Bastioli Catia (Novara ITX) Bellotti Vittorio (Fontaneto D\Agogna ITX) Romano Giancarlo (Novara ITX), Disposable absorbent articles.
  30. Bastioli Catia (Novara ITX) Bellotti Vittorio (Novara ITX) Del Giudice Luciano (Milan ITX) Lombi Roberto (Novara ITX) Rallis Angelos (Novara ITX), Expanded articles of biodegradable plastic materials.
  31. Bastioli Catia (Novara ITX) Bellotti Vittorio (Fontaneto D\Agogna ITX) Del Giudice Luciano (Milan ITX) Lombi Roberto (Novara ITX) Rallis Angelos (Novara ITX), Expanded articles of biodegradable plastics materials and a method for their production.
  32. Bastioli Catia (Novara ITX) Bellotti Vittorio (Fontaneto d\Agogna ITX) Del Tredici Gianfranco (Sesto Calende ITX) Montino Alessandro (Robbio Lomellina ITX) Ponti Roberto (Oleggio ITX), Film-forming, starchy, polymeric composition and shaped articles, particularly films and sheets, which can be produced f.
  33. Wittwer Fritz (Lupsingen CHX) Tomka Ivan (Zollikon CHX), Hydrophilic polymer compositions for injection molding.
  34. Kim Doo-hyun (404-908 Jugong Apartment 751-1 ; Sang Gaedong ; Nowon-ku ; Seoul KRX) Kim Jae-il (202-206 Jugong Apartment 208,210,212 Shanbon-dong ; Gunpo-shi ; Kyongki-do KRX), Method for manufacture of biodegradable disposable container.
  35. Lrcks Jrgen (Rees DEX) Pommeranz Winfried (Enger DEX) Heuer Joachim (Kranenburg DEX) Klenke Kurt (Kleve DEX) Schmidt Harald (Emmerich DEX), Method for preparing biodegradable films from plant-based raw materials.
  36. Wittwer, Fritz; Tomka, Ivan, Method of conditioning a water swellable hydrocolloid.
  37. Stepto Robert F. T. (Riehen CHX) Tomka Ivan (Lenzburg CHX) Thoma Markus (Riehen CHX), Method of forming shaped articles made from pre-processed starch.
  38. Golden Casey V. (Evergreen CO) Turner Ronald L. (Golden CO) Elverum John A. (Elizabeth CO) Hauser Ray L. (Boulder CO), Moldable composition of matter.
  39. Wittwer Fritz (Lupsingen CHX) Tomka Ivan (Bourguillon CHX), Polymer composition for injection molding.
  40. Lay Gustav (Bad Bellingen DEX) Rehm Johannes (Bad Krozingen DEX) Stepto Robert F. (Cheshire GBX) Thoma Markus (Reihen CHX) Sachetto Jean-Pierre (Arlesheim NJ CHX) Lentz David J. (Randolph NJ) Silbige, Polymer compositions containing destructurized starch.
  41. Bastioli Catia (Novara ITX) Bellotti Vittorio (Fontaneto d\Agogna ITX) Del Guidice Luciano (Milan ITX) Lombi Roberto (Novara ITX), Polymer compositions for the production of articles of biodegradable plastics material and methods of their preparation.
  42. Tomka Ivan (Chalet Breitfeld 1722 Bourguillon CHX), Polymer mixture for producing films.
  43. Tomka Ivan (Chalet Breitfeld 1722 ; Bourguillon CHX) Meissner Joachim (Baden CHX) Menard Rico (Zurich CHX), Process for improving the mechanical properties of single-or multi-ply sheets.
  44. Akamatu Yoshimi (Amagasaki JPX) Tomori Masahiro (Mino JPX), Process for preparing biodegradable resin foam.
  45. Kustner Franz (Hirschau DEX), Process for producing a foamed product or foam made of unmodified starch.
  46. Nakatsuka ; Ryuzo ; Suzuki ; Setsuo ; Tanimoto ; Shinichi ; Funatsu ; Ei ji, Protein-starch binary molding composition and shaped articles obtained therefor.
  47. Yokobayashi Koji (Okayama JPX) Sugimoto Toshiyuki (Okayama JPX), Shaped products of alpha-glucan.
  48. Wittwer Fritz (Lupsingen CHX) Tomka Ivan (Lenzbu CHX), Starch based formulations.
  49. Knight Adrian T. (Lane Cove AUX), Starch derived shaped articles.
  50. Bhler Friedrich S. (Thusis DEX) Schmid Eduard (Bonaduz DEX) Schultze Hans-Joachim (Chur DEX), Starch mixture and process for the production thereof.
  51. Bahr Kark-Heinz (Grimbergen BEX) Fitton Michael G. (Brussels BEX) Koch Helmut (Tervuren BEX), Starch treatment process.
  52. Otey Felix H. (Peoria IL) Westhoff Richard P. (Peoria IL), Starch-based semipermeable films.
  53. Neumann Paul E. (2908 Jeffrey Cir. Manhattan KS 66502) Seib Paul A. (836 Dondee Manhattan KS 66502), Starch-based, biodegradable packing filler and method of preparing same.
  54. Neumann Paul E. (Manhattan KS) Seib Paul A. (Manhattan KS), Starch-based, biodegradable packing filler and method of preparing same.
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  57. Bastioli Catia (Novara ITX) Bellotti Vittorio (Fontaneto D\Agogna ITX) Montino Alessandro (Lomellina ITX) Tredici Gianfranco D. (Calende ITX) Lombi Roberto (Novara ITX), Starchy polymeric mixture particularly for the production of films and the like and a method for its production.
  58. Tomka Ivan,CHX, Thermoplastic processable starch or starch derivative polymer mixtures.
  59. Tomka Ivan (Schutzenmattstr. 1 5600 Lenzburg CHX), Thermoplastically processable starch and a method of making it.
  60. Schmid Eduard (Bonaduz CHX) Buehler Friedrich S. (Thusis CHX) Schultze Hans-Joachim (Chur CHX), Thermoplastically processible composition of starch acrylate copolymers.
  61. Karita Takeshi (Chiba JPX) Saito Yoshiro (Tokyo JPX) Kuromatsu Shunichiro (Tokyo JPX), Water setting paper.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (66)

  1. Asthana, Navinchandra S.; Kannan, Ganesh, Amorphous, high glass transition temperature copolyester compositions, methods of manufacture, and articles thereof.
  2. Asthana, Navinchandra S.; Kannan, Ganesh, Amorphous, high glass transition temperature copolyester compositions, methods of manufacture, and articles thereof.
  3. Weinlein, Roger; Kann, Yelena, Biobased rubber modifiers for polymer blends.
  4. Alidedeoglu, Husnu Alp; Kannan, Ganesh, Biodegradable aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters, methods of manufacture, and articles thereof.
  5. Wang, James H.; Shi, Bo; Lortscher, Peter Shawn, Biodegradable and flushable multi-layered film.
  6. Khemani,Kishan; Schmidt,Harald; Hodson,Simon K., Biodegradable films and sheets suitable for use as coatings, wraps and packaging materials.
  7. Whitehouse, Robert S., Biodegradable polyester blends.
  8. Khemani,Kishan; Schmidt,Harald; Hodson,Simon, Biodegradable polymer blends for use in making films, sheets and other articles of manufacture.
  9. Khemani,Kishan; Schmidt,Harald; Hodson,Simon K., Biodegradable polymer blends for use in making films, sheets and other articles of manufacture.
  10. Morris, Barry Alan; Stancik, Edward J; Teasley, Mark F, Biodegradable starch-containing blend.
  11. Morris, Barry Alan; Stancik, Edward J.; Teasley, Mark F., Biodegradable starch-containing composition with improved tear strength.
  12. Wang, James H.; Shi, Bo, Biodegradable water-sensitive films.
  13. Wang, James H.; Shi, Bo, Biodegradable water-sensitive films.
  14. Willinger, Jonathan, Chew toys comprising biologically degradable material.
  15. Willinger, Jonathan; Rutherford, Ryan, Chew toys comprising biologically degradable material.
  16. Alidedeoglu, Husnu Alp; Kannan, Ganesh, Color-stabilized biodegradable aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters, methods of manufacture, and articles thereof.
  17. Alidedeoglu, Husnu Alp; Kannan, Ganesh, Color-stabilized biodegradable aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters, methods of manufacture, and articles thereof.
  18. Heinzman, Stephen Wayne; Evers Smith, Linda; Gordon, Gregory Charles; Mackey, Larry Neil; Michael, John Gerhard; Richards, Mark Ryan, Crosslinking systems for hydroxyl polymers.
  19. Heinzman, Stephen Wayne; Evers Smith, Linda; Gordon, Gregory Charles; Mackey, Larry Neil; Michael, John Gerhard; Richards, Mark Ryan, Crosslinking systems for hydroxyl polymers.
  20. Heinzman, Stephen Wayne; Evers Smith, Linda; Gordon, Gregory Charles; Mackey, Larry Neil; Michael, John Gerhard; Richards, Mark Ryan, Crosslinking systems for hydroxyl polymers.
  21. Heinzman, Stephen Wayne; Evers Smith, Linda; Gordon, Gregory Charles; Mackey, Larry Neil; Michael, John Gerhard; Richards, Mark Ryan, Crosslinking systems for hydroxyl polymers.
  22. Heinzman, Stephen Wayne; Evers Smith, Linda; Gordon, Gregory Charles; Mackey, Larry Neil; Michael, John Gerhard; Richards, Mark Ryan, Crosslinking systems for hydroxyl polymers.
  23. Heinzman, Stephen Wayne; Evers Smith, Linda; Gordon, Gregory Charles; Mackey, Larry Neil; Michael, John Gerhard; Richards, Mark Ryan, Crosslinking systems for hydroxyl polymers.
  24. Gordon,Gregory Charles; Cabell,David William; Mackey,Larry Neil; Michael,John Gerhard; Trokhan,Paul Dennis, Electro-spinning process for making starch filaments for flexible structure.
  25. Bailey, Valerie Ann; Mackey, Larry Neil; Trokhan, Paul Dennis, Fiber comprising polyvinylpyrrolidone.
  26. Bailey, Valerie Ann; Mackey, Larry Neil; Trokhan, Paul Dennis, Fiber comprising starch and a high polymer.
  27. Bailey, Valerie Ann; Mackey, Larry Neil; Trokhan, Paul Dennis, Fiber comprising starch and a surfactant.
  28. Glenn, Gregory M.; Hodson, Simon K., Fiber-reinforced starch-based compositions and methods of manufacture and use.
  29. Hodson,Simon K., Fibrous sheets coated or impregnated with biodegradable polyhydroxybutyrate polymers or polymer blends.
  30. Hodson,Simon K., Fibrous sheets coated or impregnated with biodegradable polymers or polymers blends.
  31. Yatsuzuka, Michihiro; Sukigara, Masayuki; Itada, Mitsuyoshi, Matte film.
  32. Mackey,Larry Neil; James,Michael David; Gordon,Gregory Charles; Michael,John Gerhard; Trokhan,Paul Dennis; Bailey,Valerie Ann, Melt processable starch composition.
  33. Bailey, Valerie Ann; Mackey, Larry Neil; Trokhan, Paul Dennis, Melt processable starch compositions.
  34. Bailey, Valerie Ann; Mackey, Larry Neil; Trokhan, Paul Dennis, Melt processable starch compositions.
  35. Bailey, Valerie Ann; Mackey, Larry Neil; Trokhan, Paul Dennis, Melt processable starch compositions.
  36. Alidedeoglu, Husnu Alp; Kannan, Ganesh, Method for color stabilization of poly(butylene-co-adipate terephthalate.
  37. Wang, James H.; Wideman, Gregory J.; Lee, JaeHong, Method for forming a thermoplastic composition that contains a plasticized starch polymer.
  38. Cabell, David William; Loebker, David Warren; Mackey, Larry Neil; Gordon, Gregory Charles; Richards, Mark Ryan; Keck, Fred J., Method for making polymeric structures.
  39. Cabell, David William; Trokhan, Paul Dennis; Loebker, David Warren, Method for making polymeric structures.
  40. Alidedeoglu, Husnu Alp; Deshpande, Hareesh Shamroa; Duckworth, Belinda; Gunale, Tukaram; Jayanna, Darshan; Kannan, Ganesh, Method for the preparation of (polybutylene-co-adipate terephthalate) through the in situ phosphorus containing titanium based catalyst.
  41. Alidedeoglu, Husnu Alp; Deshpande, Hareesh Shamroa; Duckworth, Belinda; Gunale, Tukaram; Jayanna, Darshan; Kannan, Ganesh, Method for the preparation of (polybutylene-co-adipate terephthalate) through the in situ phosphorus containing titanium based catalyst.
  42. Wang, James H.; Wideman, Gregory J.; Thompson, Brent M., Multi-layered film containing a biopolymer.
  43. Mackey, Larry Neil; Gordon, Gregory Charles; Buchanan, Lora Lee; Heinzman, Stephen Wayne; Forshey, Paul Arlen, Non-thermoplastic starch fibers and starch composition for making same.
  44. Mackey,Larry Neil; Gordon,Gregory Charles; Buchanan,Lora Lee; Heinzman,Stephen Wayne; Forshey,Paul Arlen, Non-thermoplastic starch fibers and starch composition for making same.
  45. Fike, Gregory Michael; Pounder, Joseph Robert, Paper products.
  46. Alidedeoglu, Husnu Alp; Kannan, Ganesh, Poly(butylene-co-adipate terephthalate), method of manufacture and uses thereof.
  47. Alidedeoglu, Husnu; Kannan, Ganesh, Poly(butylene-co-adipate terephthalate), method of manufacture and uses thereof.
  48. Alidedeoglu, Husnu; Kannan, Ganesh, Poly(butylene-co-adipate terephthalate), method of manufacture, and uses thereof.
  49. Schmidt, Harald; Hess, Christoph; Mathar, Johannes; Hackfort, Ralf, Polymer material and method for the production thereof.
  50. Schmidt, Harald; Hess, Christoph; Mathar, Johannes; Hackfort, Ralf, Polymer material and method for the production thereof.
  51. Cabell, David William; Loebker, David; Mackey, Larry Neil; Gordon, Gregory Charles; Richards, Mark Ryan; Keck, Fred J., Polymeric structures and method for making same.
  52. Cabell, David William; Trokhan, Paul Dennis; Loebker, David Warren, Polymeric structures and method for making same.
  53. Cabell, David William; Trokhan, Paul Dennis; Loebker, David Warren, Polymeric structures and method for making same.
  54. Gordon,Gregory Charles; Cabell,David William; Mackey,Larry Neil; Michael,John Gerhard; Trokhan,Paul Dennis, Process for making a flexible structure comprising starch filaments.
  55. James, Michael David; Mackey, Larry Neil; Ensign, Donald Eugene; Aydore, Savas, Process for making non-thermoplastic starch fibers.
  56. James,Michael David; Mackey,Larry Neil; Ensign,Donald Eugene; Aydore,Savas, Process for making non-thermoplastic starch fibers.
  57. Feron, Thierry; Saint Loup, Rene; Gimenez, Jerome; Lagneaux, Didier; Sautel, Henri, Process for preparing compositions based on a starchy component and on a synthetic polymer.
  58. Cabell, David William; Loebker, David Warren; MacKey, Larry Neil; Gordon, Gregory Charles; Richards, Mark Ryan; Keck, Fred J., Process of making a fibrous structure.
  59. Wang, James Hongxue; Wideman, Gregory James; Chen, Feng, Simultaneous plasticization and compatibilization process and compositions.
  60. Bailey, Valerie Ann; Mackey, Larry Neil; Trokhan, Paul Dennis, Starch fiber.
  61. Nie, Li; Bassi, Sukh D.; Maningat, Clodualdo C.; Parker, Michael Douglas, Starch-plastic composite resins and profiles made by extrusion.
  62. Narayan, Ramani; Balakrishnan, Sunder; Nabar, Yogaraj; Raquez, Jean Marie; Dubois, Philippe, Starch-polyester biodegradable graft copolyers and a method of preparation thereof.
  63. Narayan, Ramani; Balakrishnan, Sunder; Nabar, Yogaraj; Raquez, Jean-Marie; Dubois, Philippe, Starch-polyester biodegradable graft copolymers and a method of preparation thereof.
  64. Narayan, Ramani; Nabar, Yogaraj, Thermoplastic and polymer foams and method of preparation thereof.
  65. Wang, James H.; Shi, Bo, Water-sensitive biodegradable film.
  66. Wang, James H.; Shi, Bo, Water-sensitive biodegradable film.

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