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[미국특허] Method and apparatus for detecting transfer leaks in fuel cells 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-008/04
  • H01M-008/10
출원번호 US-0628626 (2000-07-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • David P. Wilkinson CA
  • Stephen A. Campbell CA
출원인 / 주소
  • Ballard Power Systems Inc. CA
대리인 / 주소
    McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 6


A method of detecting transfer leaks within a solid polymer electrolyte fuel cell stack comprises: supplying fuel or inert gas to the oxidant manifold(s) of the stack at a first pressure; supplying the other of fuel or inert gas to the fuel manifold(s) at a second pressure greater than or equal to t


1. A method of detecting transfer leaks within a fuel cell stack, said stack comprising:a plurality of fuel cell assemblies each comprising a membrane electrode assembly comprising an anode, a cathode, and an ion exchange membrane interposed therebetween, at least one fuel manifold fluidly connected

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Voss Henry H. (North Vancouver CAX) Chow Clarence Y. (Vancouver CAX), Coolant flow field plate for electrochemical fuel cells.
  2. Fanciullo Salvatore (Plainville CT), Fuel cell leakage detection technique.
  3. Chow Clarence Y. (Vancouver CAX) Watkins David S. (Coquitlam CAX) Washington Kirk B. (Richmond CAX) Ramji Shiraz (North Vancouver CAX), Fuel cell membrane electrode and seal assembly.
  4. Blair James D. (Vancouver CAX) Dircks Kenneth (North Vancouver CAX), Method and apparatus for monitoring fuel cell performance.
  5. Bette Willi,DEX ; Lersch Josef,DEX, Method for identifying a gas leak, and fuel cell system.
  6. Meltser Mark Alexander ; Grot Stephen Andreas, PEM fuel cell monitoring system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9)

  1. Zhao, Yiqiang; Kohli, Dalip K.; Shah, Gaurang Kunal, Aqueous primer composition for enhanced film formation and method of using the same.
  2. Stull,Jeffrey; Baltrucki,Justin; Stanek,Andrzej; Demarest,Edward; Koopman,John; Rabbett,Daniel, Combustible gas detection system.
  3. Demarest,Edward; Koopman,John; Schaefer,Norman; Stanek,Andrzej; Shiroma,Iris; Tomasco,Allan; Stockton,Elena; Barbir,Frano; Zagaja,John; Skoczylas,Thomas; Moulthrop,Lawrence, Combustible gas detection systems and method thereof.
  4. Karuppaiah, Chockkalingham; Wu, Yaobang, Fuel cell having a non-electrolytic layer.
  5. Wu, Yaobang; Nelson, Milton H., Fuel cell sealant design.
  6. Janarthanam, Suriyaprakash Ayyangar; Sanderson, William F., Fuel cell system and heated pressure sensor.
  7. Pettit,William H; Goebel,Steven G; Wagner,Frederick T, Method and apparatus for hydrogen detection and dilution.
  8. Thyroff,Jurgen, Method for leak detection in gas feeding systems with redundant valves.
  9. Brooker, Robert Paul; Mohajeri, Nahid, Method of detecting defects in ion exchange membranes of electrochemical cells by chemochromic sensors.

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