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[미국특허] Thin film spin probe 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01R-031/00
출원번호 US-0623526 (2000-10-02)
우선권정보 JP-0024447 (1998-02-05)
국제출원번호 PCT/JP99/00264 (1999-01-25)
§371/§102 date 20001002 (20001002)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kazuhisa Sueoka JP
출원인 / 주소
  • Agency of Industrial Science and Technology JP
대리인 / 주소
    Rader, Fishman & Grauer PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 7


The thin film spin probe is particularly suited for measurement of spin-polarized components which are parallel with or vertical to the surface of a specimen to be measured. A thin film 2 supporting another thin film of the active probing region is formed on substrate 1. The thin film 3 of the activ


1. A thin film spin probe comprising:a board, a first thin film formed on said board to support another thin film of the active probing region, and said another thin film of the active probing region formed above said first thin film, wherein a specified section of said board is removed by selective

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Dykaar Douglas R. (Gillette NJ) Keil Ulrich D. (Warren NJ) Kopf Rose F. (Greenbrook NJ) Laskowski Edward J. (Scotch Plains NJ) Zydzik George J. (Columbia NJ), AlxGa1-x as probe for use in electro-optic sampling.
  2. Nakamura Takuya (Shizuoka JPX) Aoshima Shinichiro (Shizuoka JPX) Tsuchiya Yutaka (Shizuoka JPX), Electro-optical voltage detector.
  3. Takahashi Hironori (Hamamatsu JPX) Wakamori Kazuhiko (Hamamatsu JPX), Electrooptic probe for measuring voltage of an object having a high permittivity film fixed on an end face of a reflecti.
  4. Kamiguchi Yuzo,JPX ; Saito Akiko,JPX ; Koui Katsuhiko,JPX ; Yoshikawa Masatoshi,JPX ; Yuasa Hiromi,JPX ; Fukuzawa Hideaki,JPX ; Hashimoto Susumu,JPX ; Iwasaki Hitoshi,JPX ; Yoda Hiroaki,JPX ; Sahashi, Multi-layered thin-film functional device and magnetoresistance effect element.
  5. Lin Hung C. (8 Schindler Ct. Silver Spring MD 20903), Optical scanning method of testing material defects.
  6. Murashita Toru (Kanagawa JPX), Scanning tunneling microscope.
  7. Aoshima Shinichiro (Shizuoka JPX) Tsuchiya Yutaka (Shizuoka JPX), Voltage detector employing electro-optic material having a corner-cube shape.

문의처: helpdesk@kisti.re.kr전화: 080-969-4114

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