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Beverage bottle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 0901
출원번호 US-0137123 (2001-02-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mary Ellen Reis
출원인 / 주소
  • Mistic Brands Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 72  인용 특허 : 13


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a beverage bottle, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13)

  1. Armstrong Heather (New York NY), Bottle.
  2. Cummings Bruce, Bottle.
  3. Hall Jack P. ; Merrill David ; Olson Brian J. ; Rubenstein James M. ; Mitchell James D. ; Chow Katie K., Bottle.
  4. Martin Kim,CAX, Bottle.
  5. Miller Eric S. (New York NY), Bottle.
  6. Strand Gordon A. (Waterville OH), Bottle.
  7. Veyssiere Patrick,FRX, Bottle.
  8. Zimmer Gregory Alan ; Walther John Dwayne ; Clarke Peter Brian, Bottle.
  9. de Baschmakoff Thierry,FRX, Bottle.
  10. Sillince Mark F. (Bedfordshire GBX) Rosens Erwin A. (Alphen A/D Rign NLX), Bottle with floating insert.
  11. Ptre Jean-Marie (Les Charmottes FRX) Fandeux-Escobar Isabelle (Evian les Bains FRX), Collapsible bottle.
  12. Ito Toru,FRX, Combined bottle and cap.
  13. Cox Thomas W. (Woodstock GA), Sidewall for a bottle.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (72)

  1. Boon, Yen Heng; Hui, Michael He Lian, Bottle.
  2. Cripe, Dustin M.; North, Shalisha, Bottle.
  3. Cripe, Dustin M.; North, Shalisha, Bottle.
  4. DeMarco, Jenny, Bottle.
  5. DeMarco, Jenny, Bottle.
  6. Delmotte, Philippe, Bottle.
  7. Delmotte, Philippe, Bottle.
  8. Doerr, Stephen; Taylor, Drew, Bottle.
  9. Dumas, Janet, Bottle.
  10. Eaton, William R.; Gibson, Stephen; Horita, Sean K.; King, Scott D.; Martin, Steve; Ostby, Jay L.; Reisig, Karl; Schlesinger, David R., Bottle.
  11. Eaton, William R.; Granneberg, Christopher Erlin; Martinez, Raymundo; Woloszyk, Mark A.; Zheng, Guizhang, Bottle.
  12. Eaton, William R.; Kraft, Richard; Horita, Sean K.; Joshi, Rohit; Maloney, Ryan; Ostby, Jay; Schlesinger, David; Woloszyk, Mark A.; Zheng, Guizhang, Bottle.
  13. Eaton, William R.; Kraft, Richard; Horita, Sean K.; Joshi, Rohit; Maloney, Ryan; Ostby, Jay; Schlesinger, David; Woloszyk, Mark A.; Zheng, Guizhang, Bottle.
  14. Eaton, William R.; Kraft, Richard; Horita, Sean; Joshi, Rohit; Maloney, Ryan; Ostby, Jay; Schlesinger, David; Woloszyk, Mark A.; Zheng, Guizhang, Bottle.
  15. Eaton, William R.; Kraft, Richard; Horita, Sean; Joshi, Rohit; Maloney, Ryan; Ostby, Jay; Schlesinger, David; Woloszyk, Mark A.; Zheng, Guizhang, Bottle.
  16. George, Patrick T.; Caporin, Nicholas J.; Caldwell, Christopher Thompson, Bottle.
  17. George, Patrick T.; Caporin, Nicholas J.; Caldwell, Christopher Thompson, Bottle.
  18. Lepoitevin,Laurent, Bottle.
  19. Lepoitevin,Laurent, Bottle.
  20. Leslie,Stuart M; Cavero,Dio Climaco; Bryan,Karen Lassiter, Bottle.
  21. Li, Wanzhu, Bottle.
  22. Li, Wanzhu, Bottle.
  23. Llewellyn, Tim; Sanchez-Calatrava, Ines, Bottle.
  24. Llewellyn, Tim; Sanchez-Calatrava, Ines, Bottle.
  25. Llewellyn, Tim; Sanchez-Calatrava, Ines, Bottle.
  26. Llewellyn, Tim; Sanchez-Calatrava, Ines, Bottle.
  27. Llewellyn, Tim; Sanchez-Calatrava, Ines, Bottle.
  28. Llewellyn, Tim; Sanchez-Calatrava, Ines, Bottle.
  29. Llewellyn, Tim; Sanchez-Calatrava, Ines, Bottle.
  30. Llewellyn, Tim; Sanchez-Calatrava, Ines, Bottle.
  31. Llewellyn, Tim; Sanchez-Calatrava, Ines, Bottle.
  32. Llewellyn, Tim; Sanchez-Calatrava, Ines, Bottle.
  33. Llewellyn, Tim; Sanchez-Calatrava, Ines, Bottle.
  34. Mero, Christopher James; Gnann, Alex E., Bottle.
  35. Mero, Christopher James; Gnann, Alex E., Bottle.
  36. Mero, Christopher James; Gnann, Alex E., Bottle.
  37. Mero, Christopher James; Gnann, Alex E., Bottle.
  38. Mero,Christopher James; Gnann,Alex E., Bottle.
  39. Perry, Tim; Welsh, Rachel; Habib, Belal, Bottle.
  40. Schmertz, Jr., William, Bottle.
  41. Trollope,James D.; Dugger,Blair C.; Yorn,Kendall L.; Flude,Alan, Bottle.
  42. Trollope,James D.; Dugger,Blair C.; Yorn,Kendall L.; Flude,Alan, Bottle.
  43. Trollope,James D.; Dugger,Blair C.; Yorn,Kendall L.; Flude,Alan, Bottle.
  44. Trollope,James D.; Dugger,Blair C.; Yorn,Kendall L.; Flude,Alan, Bottle.
  45. Trollope,James D.; Dugger,Blair C.; Yorn,Kendall L.; Flude,Alan, Bottle.
  46. Trollope,James D.; Dugger,Blair C.; Yorn,Kendall L.; Flude,Alan, Bottle.
  47. Venkataraman,Shriram; Connor,Dennis C., Bottle.
  48. Venkataraman,Shriram; Eugui,Cherie; Conner,Dennis, Bottle.
  49. Venkataraman,Shriram; Eugui,Cherie; Connor,Dennis, Bottle.
  50. Volberg,Randall, Bottle.
  51. Warneke, Matthias; Lenz, Steffi, Bottle.
  52. White, Jeremy M.; Ostby, Jay; Schmunk, Matthew, Bottle.
  53. White, Jeremy M.; Wojcickyj, Switlana; Hainsworth, Stanley; Lindberg, Brent; Schmunk, Matthew, Bottle.
  54. White, Jeremy M.; Wojcickyj, Switlana; Hainsworth, Stanley; Lindberg, Brent; Schmunk, Matthew, Bottle.
  55. White, Jeremy M.; Wojcickyj, Switlana; Hainsworth, Stanley; Lindberg, Brent; Schmunk, Matthew, Bottle.
  56. White, Jeremy M.; Wojcickyj, Switlana; Hainsworth, Stanley; Lindberg, Brent; Schmunk, Matthew, Bottle.
  57. White, Jeremy M.; Wojcickyj, Switlana; Hainsworth, Stanley; Lindberg, Brent; Schmunk, Matthew, Bottle.
  58. Williams, Justin, Bottle.
  59. Williams, Justin, Bottle.
  60. Venkataraman, Shriram; Haley, Timothy R., Bottle dome.
  61. Cripe, Dustin M., Bubble wand and associated systems and methods.
  62. Chisholm,Brian J., Container.
  63. Cummings, Bruce; Ramirez, Amy; Booth, Peter; Bunce, Martin; Watson, Mark; Lamb, John; Elstow, Corinne, Container.
  64. Cummings, Bruce; Ramirez, Amy; Booth, Peter; Bunce, Martin; Watson, Mark; Lamb, John; Elstow, Corinne, Container.
  65. Cummings, Bruce; Ramirez, Amy; Booth, Peter; Bunce, Martin; Watson, Mark; Lamb, John; Elstow, Corinne, Container.
  66. Cummings, Bruce; Ramirez, Amy; Booth, Peter; Bunce, Martin; Watson, Mark; Lamb, John; Elstow, Corinne, Container.
  67. Cummings, Bruce; Ramirez, Amy; Booth, Peter; Bunce, Martin; Watson, Mark; Lamb, John; Elstow, Corinne, Container.
  68. Broen, Martin Eduardo; Granneberg, Christopher Erlin, Cup.
  69. Broen, Martin Eduardo; Granneberg, Christopher Erlin, Cup.
  70. Jabbari, Andia, Liquor bottle.
  71. Caldwell,Christopher T., Plastic container.
  72. Kruparova,Petra, Plastic container.
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