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[미국특허] Compositions for imparting a translucent optical effect to transparent thermoplastic polymers 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B32B-005/02
출원번호 US-0480955 (2000-01-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Phillips, Tracy L.
출원인 / 주소
  • PolyOne Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 25


The invention provides compositions and methods for imparting a translucent optical effect to transparent thermoplastic polymers. The compositions comprise the thermoplastic polymer and 0.01 to 15 parts per hundred by weight (preferably 0.1 to 6, more preferably 0.2 to 5 parts by weight, even more p


1. An entire molded, extruded or formed polymer product having a translucent optical appearance, consisting of a substantially homogeneous composition that comprises: (i) 0.01 to 15 parts by weight of boron nitride; (ii) a dispersing agent selected from the group consisting of silicone waxes, fa

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (25) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Szycher Michael (Lynnfield MA) Dempsey Donald J. (Billerica MA) Rolfe Jonathan L. (North Easton MA), Actinic radiation cured polyurethane acrylic copolymer.
  2. Rennie Stephen,GBX ; Tedoldi Arnaud,FRX ; Juhue Didier,FRX, Compositions for the coating of substrates of matt appearance.
  3. Nissel Frank R. (Ambler PA), Food tray and method of making the same.
  4. Nissel Frank R. (Ambler PA), Food tray and method of making the same.
  5. Nishikawa Masanori (Tochigi JPX) Hattori Masao (Hatano JPX), Frosted bottle of saturated polyester.
  6. Hatano Yasushi (Yokohama JPX) Maruhashi Yoshitsugu (Yokohama JPX) Sakano Kouzaburo (Yokohama JPX) Yamaguchi Yuji (Kawasaki JPX) Iwamoto Toshiyuki (Yokohama JPX), Frosted plastic container and process for producing the same.
  7. Ishiharada Minoru,JPX ; Tanuma Itsuo,JPX ; Naito Kazuo,JPX, Light scattering material.
  8. Ashcraft, Charles R.; Park, Hee C., Lustrous satin appearing, opaque film compositions and method of preparing same.
  9. Kroenke William J. (Brecksville OH) Williger Ervin J. (Tallmadge OH), Metal titanates as partial replacements for titanium dioxide in pigmented polyvinyl chloride-type compositions.
  10. Krause Siegfried (Mnster DEX) Kiriazis Leonidas (Mnster DEX), Metal/plastics composite containing inorganic fillers and processes for the production thereof.
  11. van Es Peter W. (GV Hoogerheide NLX) Plompen Petrus J. (CV Bergen op Zoom NLX), Method of coextruding a plate-shaped product.
  12. van Es Peter W. (Hoogerheide NLX) Plompen Petrus J. (Bergen op Zoom NLX), Method of coextruding a plate-shaped product and the products thus obtained.
  13. Nishikawa Masanori (Tochigi JPX) Hattori Masao (Hatano JPX), Method of making a frosted bottle of saturated polyester.
  14. Ota Akiho (Funabashi JPX) Negishi Fumio (Tokyo JPX), Method of manufacturing a bottle-shaped container of synthetic resin having ground surface.
  15. Kobayashi Yukio (Yokohama ; JA) Sakimoto Seiitiro (Yokohama ; JA) Tanaka Nobuyoshi (Yokohama ; JA), Method of manufacturing synthetic resin film having high writability and printability.
  16. Leatherman Dennis D. (Pittsburgh PA) Rechlicz Thomas (Clinton OH) Schwarz Richard A. (Akron OH), Multilayer article of microporous and porous materials.
  17. Park Hee C. (Fairport NY) Ashcraft Charles R. (Victor NY), Opaque oriented non-thermoplastic polymer film and method of forming same.
  18. Lu Pang-Chia (Pittsford NY), Opaque pearlescent films containing blends of polymers for improved dispersion of incompatible polymer phase.
  19. Lu Pang-Chia (Pittsford NY), Opaque pearlescent films containing dispersed incompatible polymer and polymeric interfacial agent.
  20. Needham Donald G. (Ramona OK), Pigment concentrates for resins.
  21. Watanabe Masamichi (Yokohama JPX) Sakamoto Seiji (Yokohama JPX), Polyester film containing fine powder of crosslinked polymer.
  22. Bar Rami (Kibbutz Ginegar ILX), Polymeric films for use in agriculture.
  23. Akao Mutsuo,JPX ; Osanai Hiroyuki,JPX ; Kawamura Makoto,JPX ; Nakai Koji,JPX, Process for producing a laminated film that is formed by blocking.
  24. Ida Kozo (Otake JPX), Resin composition containing fine silica particles therein.
  25. Hanna Fifi ; Swanborough Michael D., Transfer-resistant make-up compositions and process of making.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Wisniewski, Aaron; Barr, Mathew; Vander Sluis, Daniel R., Airbag cover materials for laser scoring.
  2. Hofmann, Achim; Yung, Paul C., Composite polymeric articles formed from extruded sheets containing a liquid crystal polymer.
  3. Molhoek, Leendert J.; Bolks, Jurjen H. M.; Beetsma, Jochum, Composition suitable for a powder coating composition comprising at least one resin and at least one dispersant.
  4. Cummings, Bruce; Lunderman, William H.; Moreira, Fernando Muniz-Simas; Monaghan, Robert; Rutger van der Krogt, Pepijn; Weyland, Guillermo, Container.
  5. Moreira,Fernando Muniz Simas; Monaghan,Robert; van der Krogt,Pepijn Rutger; Weyland,Guillermo; Cummings,Bruce, Container.
  6. Weyland, Guillermo; Moreira, Fernando Muniz-Simas; Monaghan, Robert; van der Krogt, Pepijn Rutger; Cummings, Bruce, Container.
  7. Weyland,Guillermo; Monaghan,Robert; Moreira,Fernando Muniz Simas; van der Krogt,Pepijn Rutger; Lunderman,William H.; Cummings,Bruce, Container.
  8. van der Krogt, Pepijn Rutger; Moreira, Fernando Muniz Simas; Monaghan, Robert; Cummings, Bruce; Weyland, Guillermo, Container and closure.
  9. Monaghan, Robert; van der Krogt, Pepijn Rutger; Weyland, Guillermo; Moreira, Fernando Muniz Simas; Lunderman, William H.; Cummings, Bruce, Container with closure.
  10. Phillips, Thomas R., Filled polyvinyl butyral sheeting for decorative laminated glass and a process for making same.
  11. Kim, Geun-Hyung; Park, Jong-Dae; Kim, Tae-Seok, Light diffusion member, back light assembly including the same and display device including the same.
  12. Leist, Jon, Low drag coating containing boron nitride powder.
  13. Decker, Owen H.; Sparks, M. Aaron, Low gloss powder coatings.
  14. Mithal, Ashish K; Gordon, David; Ellsworth, Thomas E; Chan, Raymond; Gallop, William A, Metallized cutlery and tableware and method therefor.
  15. Mithal, Ashish K; Gordon, David; Ellsworth, Thomas E; Chen, Raymond; Gallop, William A, Metallized cutlery and tableware and method therefor.
  16. Martelli, Daniel M., Molded products with matte finish.
  17. Edgecombe,Brian, Thermoplastic article with a printable matte surface.

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