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Mos transistor with dual metal gate structure 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-029/72
출원번호 US-0533610 (2000-03-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Yu, Bin
출원인 / 주소
  • Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    LaRiviere, Grubman & Payne, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 133  인용 특허 : 3


A method for making a ULSI MOSFET includes depositing a high-k gate insulator on a silicon substrate and then depositing a field oxide layer over the gate insulator. The field oxide layer is masked with photoresist and the photoresist patterned to establish first gate windows, and the oxide below th


1. A semiconductor device, comprising: at least one high-k gate insulator deposited on the substrate; a first field effect transistor comprising a first metal gate electrode on a semiconductor substrate, the first gate electrode including a first material; and a second field effect transisto

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Gardner Mark I. ; Hause Frederick N., Method of making a plug transistor.
  2. Okabayashi Hidekazu (Tokyo JPX) Higuchi Kohei (Tokyo JPX) Nozaki Tadatoshi (Tokyo JPX), Semiconductor integrated circuit device having a plurality of insulated gate field effect transistors.
  3. Rodder Mark S., Transistors with independently formed gate structures and method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (133)

  1. Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Gregory, Paul E.; Sonkusale, Sachin R.; Zhang, Weimin; Thompson, Scott E., Advanced transistors with punch through suppression.
  2. Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Gregory, Paul E.; Sonkusale, Sachin R.; Zhang, Weimin; Thompson, Scott E., Advanced transistors with punch through suppression.
  3. Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Gregory, Paul E.; Sonkusale, Sachin R.; Zhang, Weimin; Thompson, Scott E., Advanced transistors with punch through suppression.
  4. Lee, Sang-Soo; Ahn, Heetae; Kuo, Augustine, Analog circuits having improved insulated gate transistors, and methods therefor.
  5. Clark, Lawerence T.; Thompson, Scott E., Analog circuits having improved transistors, and methods therefor.
  6. Clark, Lawrence T.; Thompson, Scott E., Analog circuits having improved transistors, and methods therefor.
  7. Clark, Lawrence T.; Thompson, Scott E., Analog circuits having improved transistors, and methods therefor.
  8. Shifren, Lucian; Thompson, Scott E.; Gregory, Paul E., Analog transistor.
  9. Clark, Lawrence T., Bit interleaved low voltage static random access memory (SRAM) and related methods.
  10. Clark, Lawrence T.; McGregor, Michael S.; Rogenmoser, Robert; Kidd, David A.; Kuo, Augustine, Body bias circuits and methods.
  11. Clark, Lawrence T.; McGregor, Michael S.; Rogenmoser, Robert; Kidd, David A.; Kuo, Augustine, Body bias circuits and methods.
  12. Bakhishev, Teymur; Wang, Lingquan; Zhao, Dalong; Ranade, Pushkar; Thompson, Scott E., Buried channel deeply depleted channel transistor.
  13. Bakhishev, Teymur; Wang, Lingquan; Zhao, Dalong; Ranade, Pushkar; Thompson, Scott E., Buried channel deeply depleted channel transistor.
  14. Bakhishev, Teymur; Wang, Lingquan; Zhao, Dalong; Ranade, Pushkar; Thompson, Scott E., Buried channel deeply depleted channel transistor.
  15. Hoffmann, Thomas; Ranade, Pushkar; Thompson, Scott E., CMOS gate stack structures and processes.
  16. Hoffmann, Thomas; Thompson, Scott E.; Ranade, Pushkar, CMOS gate stack structures and processes.
  17. Thompson, Scott E.; Hoffmann, Thomas; Scudder, Lance; Sridharan, U. C.; Zhao, Dalong; Ranade, Pushkar; Duane, Michael; Gregory, Paul E., CMOS structures and processes based on selective thinning.
  18. Thompson, Scott E.; Hoffmann, Thomas; Scudder, Lance; Sridharan, Urupattur C.; Zhao, Dalong; Ranade, Pushkar; Duane, Michael; Gregory, Paul, CMOS structures and processes based on selective thinning.
  19. Zhu,Huilong; Luo,Zhijiong; Park,Dae Gyu, CMOS with dual metal gate.
  20. Clark, Lawrence T.; McWilliams, Bruce; Rogenmoser, Robert, Circuit devices and methods having adjustable transistor body bias.
  21. Lee, Sang-Soo; Boling, Edward J.; Kuo, Augustine; Rogenmoser, Robert, Circuits and devices for generating bi-directional body bias voltages, and methods therefor.
  22. Clark, Lawrence T.; Roy, Richard S., Circuits and methods for measuring circuit elements in an integrated circuit device.
  23. Clark, Lawrence T; Roy, Richard S, Circuits and methods for measuring circuit elements in an integrated circuit device.
  24. Hoffmann, Thomas; Shifren, Lucian; Thompson, Scott E.; Ranade, Pushkar; Wang, Jing; Gregory, Paul E.; Sonkusale, Sachin R.; Scudder, Lance; Zhao, Dalong; Bakhishev, Teymur; Liu, Yujie; Wang, Lingquan; Zhang, Weimin; Pradhan, Sameer; Duane, Michael; Kim, Sung Hwan, Deeply depleted MOS transistors having a screening layer and methods thereof.
  25. Thompson, Scott E.; Clark, Lawrence T., Digital circuits having improved transistors, and methods therefor.
  26. Thompson, Scott E.; Clark, Lawrence T., Digital circuits having improved transistors, and methods therefor.
  27. Thompson, Scott E.; Clark, Lawrence T., Digital circuits having improved transistors, and methods therefor.
  28. Thompson, Scott E.; Clark, Lawrence T., Digital circuits having improved transistors, and methods therefor.
  29. Thompson, Scott E.; Clark, Lawrence T., Digital circuits having improved transistors, and methods therefor.
  30. Thompson, Scott E.; Clark, Lawrence T., Digital circuits having improved transistors, and methods therefor.
  31. Clark, Lawrence T.; Shifren, Lucian; Roy, Richard S., Dynamic random access memory (DRAM) with low variation transistor peripheral circuits.
  32. Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar, Electronic device with controlled threshold voltage.
  33. Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar, Electronic device with controlled threshold voltage.
  34. Thompson, Scott E.; Thummalapally, Damodar R., Electronic devices and systems, and methods for making and using same.
  35. Thompson, Scott E.; Thummalapally, Damodar R., Electronic devices and systems, and methods for making and using the same.
  36. Thompson, Scott E.; Thummalapally, Damodar R., Electronic devices and systems, and methods for making and using the same.
  37. Lin, Kun-Hsien; Huang, Hsin-Fu; Hsu, Chi-Mao; Lin, Chin-Fu; Wu, Chun-Yuan, Gate stack structure with etch stop layer and manufacturing process thereof.
  38. Thompson, Scott E.; Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Liu, Yujie; Kim, Sung Hwan; Wang, Lingquan; Zhao, Dalong; Bakhishev, Teymur; Hoffmann, Thomas; Pradhan, Sameer; Duane, Michael, High uniformity screen and epitaxial layers for CMOS devices.
  39. Ke, Jian-Cun; Yang, Chih-Wei; Lo, Kun-Yuan; Hsu, Chia-Fu; Wang, Shao-Wei, High-K metal gate process for lowering junction leakage and interface traps in NMOS transistor.
  40. Wang, Jing, Integrated circuit device methods and models with predicted device metric variations.
  41. Clark, Lawrence T.; Thompson, Scott E.; Roy, Richard S.; Rogenmoser, Robert; Thummalapally, Damodar R., Integrated circuit devices and methods.
  42. Clark, Lawrence T.; Thompson, Scott E.; Roy, Richard S.; Rogenmoser, Robert; Thummalapally, Damodar R., Integrated circuit devices and methods.
  43. Clark, Lawrence T.; Thompson, Scott E.; Roy, Richard S.; Rogenmoser, Robert; Thummalapally, Damodar R., Integrated circuit devices and methods.
  44. Clark, Lawrence T.; Thompson, Scott E.; Roy, Richard S.; Rogenmoser, Robert; Thummalapally, Damodar R., Integrated circuit devices and methods.
  45. Clark, Lawrence T.; Kidd, David A.; Chen, Chao-Wu, Integrated circuit process and bias monitors and related methods.
  46. Clark, Lawrence T.; Kidd, David A.; Chen, Chao-Wu, Integrated circuit process and bias monitors and related methods.
  47. Zhao, Dalong; Ranade, Pushkar; McWilliams, Bruce, Integrated circuits having a plurality of high-K metal gate FETs with various combinations of channel foundation structure and gate stack structure and methods of making same.
  48. Zhao, Dalong; Ranade, Pushkar; McWilliams, Bruce, Integrated circuits having a plurality of high-K metal gate FETs with various combinations of channel foundation structure and gate stack structure and methods of making same.
  49. Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Thompson, Scott E.; Sonkusale, Sachin R.; Zhang, Weimin, Low power semiconductor transistor structure and method of fabrication thereof.
  50. Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Thompson, Scott E.; Sonkusale, Sachin R.; Zhang, Weimin, Low power semiconductor transistor structure and method of fabrication thereof.
  51. Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Thompson, Scott E.; Sonkusale, Sachrin R.; Zhang, Weimin, Low power semiconductor transistor structure and method of fabrication thereof.
  52. Hsieh, Ya-Hsueh; Hsu, Chi-Mao; Huang, Hsin-Fu; Tsai, Min-Chuan; Chen, Chien-Hao; Sun, Chi-Yuan; Chen, Wei-Yu; Lin, Chin-Fu, MOS transistor and process thereof.
  53. Huang, Po-Cheng; Lai, Kuo-Chih; Li, Ching-I; Lin, Yu-Shu; Hung, Ya-Jyuan; Lu, Yen-Liang; Wang, Yu-Wen; Yu, Hsin-Chih, Manufacturing method for metal gate.
  54. Wang, Shao-Wei; Wang, Yu-Ren; Lin, Chien-Liang; Teng, Wen-Yi; Lu, Tsuo-Wen; Chen, Chih-Chung; Yen, Ying-Wei; Lin, Yu-Min; Chien, Chin-Cheng; Chen, Jei-Ming; Hsu, Chun-Wei; Chang, Chia-Lung; Wu, Yi-Ching; Chan, Shu-Yen, Manufacturing method for metal gate using ion implantation.
  55. Wang, Yu-Ren; Sun, Te-Lin; Lai, Szu-Hao; Chen, Po-Chun; Lin, Chih-Hsun; Tsai, Che-Nan; Lin, Chun-Ling; Yeh, Chiu-Hsien, Manufacturing method for semiconductor device having metal gate.
  56. Ho, Nien-Ting; Chen, Chien-Hao; Huang, Hsin-Fu; Sun, Chi-Yuan; Chen, Wei-Yu; Tsai, Min-Chuan; Cheng, Tsun-Min; Hsu, Chi-Mao, Manufacturing method of metal gate structure.
  57. Lin, Kun-Hsien; Huang, Hsin-Fu; Hsu, Chi-Mao; Lin, Chin-Fu; Wu, Chun-Yuan, Manufacturing process of gate stack structure with etch stop layer.
  58. Lin, Kun-Hsien; Huang, Hsin-Fu; Hsu, Chi-Mao; Lin, Chin-Fu; Wu, Chun-Yuan, Manufacturing process of gate stack structure with etch stop layer.
  59. Clark, Lawrence T.; Leshner, Samuel, Memory circuits and methods of making and designing the same.
  60. Cheng, Tsun-Min; Tsai, Min-Chuan; Liu, Chih-Chien; Lin, Jen-Chieh; Li, Pei-Ying; Wang, Shao-Wei; Lin, Mon-Sen; Lin, Ching-Ling, Metal gate structure and fabrication method thereof.
  61. Cheng, Tsun-Min; Tsai, Min-Chuan; Liu, Chih-Chien; Lin, Jen-Chieh; Li, Pei-Ying; Wang, Shao-Wei; Lin, Mon-Sen; Lin, Ching-Ling, Metal gate structure and fabrication method thereof.
  62. Yang, Chan-Lon; Hsu, Chi-Mao; Wu, Chun-Yuan; Cheng, Tzyy-Ming; Tzou, Shih-Fang; Lin, Chin-Fu; Huang, Hsin-Fu; Tsai, Min-Chuan, Metal gate structure and manufacturing method thereof.
  63. Tzou, Shih-Fang; Lai, Chien-Ming; Chen, Yi-Wen; Wu, Hung-Yi; Huang, Tong-Jyun; Lin, Chien-Ting; Lin, Chun-Hsien, Metal gate transistor.
  64. Bakhishev, Teymur; Pradhan, Sameer; Hoffmann, Thomas; Sonkusale, Sachin R., Method for fabricating a transistor device with a tuned dopant profile.
  65. Bakhishev, Teymur; Pradhan, Sameer; Hoffmann, Thomas; Sonkusale, Sachin R., Method for fabricating a transistor device with a tuned dopant profile.
  66. Bakhishev, Teymur; Pradhan, Sameer; Hoffmann, Thomas; Sonkusale, Sachin R., Method for fabricating a transistor device with a tuned dopant profile.
  67. Thompson, Scott E.; Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Liu, Yujie; Kim, Sung Hwan; Wang, Lingquan; Zhao, Dalong; Bakhishev, Teymur; Hoffmann, Thomas; Pradhan, Sameer; Duane, Michael, Method for fabricating a transistor with reduced junction leakage current.
  68. Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Hoffmann, Thomas; Thompson, Scott E., Method for fabricating multiple transistor devices on a substrate with varying threshold voltages.
  69. Lai, Chien-Ming; Chen, Yi-Wen; Lee, Zhi-Cheng; Huang, Tong-Jyun; Hsu, Che-Hua; Lin, Kun-Hsien; Lee, Tzung-Ying; Hsu, Chi-Mao; Huang, Hsin-Fu; Lin, Chin-Fu, Method for fabricating semiconductor device.
  70. Sun, Chi-Yuan; Chen, Chien-Hao; Huang, Hsin-Fu; Tsai, Min-Chuan; Chen, Wei-Yu; Hsu, Chi-Mao; Cheng, Tsun-Min; Lin, Chin-Fu, Method for forming semiconductor structure having TiN layer.
  71. Wang, Jun-Jie; Tsao, Po-Chao; Liang, Chia-Jui; Tzou, Shih-Fang; Lin, Chien-Ting, Method for manufacturing semiconductor devices.
  72. Hung, Ching-Wen; Huang, Chih-Sen; Tsao, Po-Chao; Chen, Chieh-Te, Method of making semiconductor structure having contact plug.
  73. Greene, Brian J.; Chudzik, Michael P.; Han, Shu-Jen; Henson, William K.; Liang, Yue; Maciejewski, Edward P.; Na, Myung-Hee; Nowak, Edward J.; Yu, Xiaojun, Method of providing threshold voltage adjustment through gate dielectric stack modification.
  74. Thompson, Scott E.; Ranade, Pushkar; Scudder, Lance; Stager, Charles, Monitoring and measurement of thin film layers.
  75. Hung, Ching-Wen; Huang, Chih-Sen; Wu, Yi-Ching, Multi-metal gate semiconductor device having triple diameter metal opening.
  76. Hoffmann, Thomas; Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Thompson, Scott E., Multiple transistor types formed in a common epitaxial layer by differential out-diffusion from a doped underlayer.
  77. Hoffmann, Thomas; Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Thompson, Scott E., Multiple transistor types formed in a common epitaxial layer by differential out-diffusion from a doped underlayer.
  78. Hoffmann, Thomas; Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Thompson, Scott E., Multiple transistor types formed in a common epitaxial layer by differential out-diffusion from a doped underlayer.
  79. Kuo, Augustine, Operational amplifier input offset correction with transistor threshold voltage adjustment.
  80. Hwang, Guang-Yaw; Lin, Chun-Hsien; Shih, Hung-Ling; Liao, Jiunn-Hsiung; Lee, Zhi-Cheng; Hsu, Shao-Hua; Chen, Yi-Wen; Chen, Cheng-Guo; Tseng, Jung-Tsung; Lin, Chien-Ting; Huang, Tong-Jyun; Yang, Jie-Ning; Tsai, Tsung-Lung; Liao, Po-Jui; Lai, Chien-Ming; Chen, Ying-Tsung; Ma, Cheng-Yu; Hung, Wen-Han; Hsu, Che-Hua, Oxygen treatment of replacement work-function metals in CMOS transistor gates.
  81. Clark, Lawrence T.; Thompson, Scott E.; Roy, Richard S.; Leshner, Samuel, Porting a circuit design from a first semiconductor process to a second semiconductor process.
  82. Clark, Lawrence T.; Thompson, Scott E.; Roy, Richard S.; Leshner, Samuel, Porting a circuit design from a first semiconductor process to a second semiconductor process.
  83. Clark, Lawrence T.; Thompson, Scott E.; Roy, Richard S.; Leshner, Samuel, Porting a circuit design from a first semiconductor process to a second semiconductor process.
  84. Boling, Edward J., Power up body bias circuits and methods.
  85. Thompson, Scott E.; Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Scudder, Lance; Zhao, Dalong; Bakhisher, Teymur; Pradhan, Sameer, Process for manufacture of integrated circuits with different channel doping transistor architectures and devices therefrom.
  86. Shifren, Lucian; Thompson, Scott E.; Gregory, Paul E., Process for manufacturing an improved analog transistor.
  87. Scudder, Lance S.; Ranade, Pushkar; Stager, Charles; Sridharan, Urupattur C.; Zhao, Dalong, Reducing or eliminating pre-amorphization in transistor manufacture.
  88. Scudder, Lance S.; Ranade, Pushkar; Stager, Charles; Sridharan, Urupattur C.; Zhao, Dalong, Reducing or eliminating pre-amorphization in transistor manufacture.
  89. Scudder, Lance; Ranade, Pushkar; Stager, Charles; Sridharan, Urupattur C.; Zhao, Dalong, Reducing or eliminating pre-amorphization in transistor manufacture.
  90. Scudder, Lance; Ranade, Pushkar; Stager, Charles; Sridharan, Urupattur C.; Zhao, Dalong, Reducing or eliminating pre-amorphization in transistor manufacture.
  91. Wang, Jun-Jie; Tsao, Po-Chao; Liang, Chia-Jui; Tzou, Shih-Fang; Lin, Chien-Ting; Chen, Cheng-Guo; Fu, Ssu-I; Hung, Yu-Hsiang; Chang, Chung-Fu, Replacement gate process and device manufactured using the same.
  92. Tien, George; Kidd, David A.; Clark, Lawrence T., SRAM cell layout structure and devices therefrom.
  93. Tien, George; Kidd, David A.; Clark, Lawrence T., SRAM cell layout structure and devices therefrom.
  94. Huang, Hsin-Fu; Lin, Kun-Hsien; Hsu, Chi-Mao; Tsai, Min-Chuan; Lee, Tzung-Ying; Lin, Chin-Fu, Semiconductor device.
  95. Huang, Hsin-Fu; Lin, Kun-Hsien; Hsu, Chi-Mao; Tsai, Min-Chuan; Lee, Tzung-Ying; Lin, Chin-Fu, Semiconductor device and method of fabricating the same.
  96. Hsu, Chi-Mao; Huang, Hsin-Fu; Lin, Chin-Fu; Tsai, Min-Chuan; Chen, Wei-Yu; Chen, Chien-Hao, Semiconductor device having a metal gate and fabricating method thereof.
  97. Hsu, Chi-Mao; Huang, Hsin-Fu; Lin, Chin-Fu; Tsai, Min-Chuan; Chen, Wei-Yu; Chen, Chien-Hao, Semiconductor device having a metal gate and fabricating method thereof.
  98. Chiang, Wen-Tai; Lin, Chien-Ting, Semiconductor device having metal gate and manufacturing method thereof.
  99. Lin, Chun-Hsien; Liu, An-Chi, Semiconductor device having metal gate and manufacturing method thereof.
  100. Cho,Hag Ju; Jeon,Taek Soo; Lee,Hye Lan; Kang,Sang Bom; Shin,Yu Gyun, Semiconductor device having metal gate patterns and related method of manufacture.
  101. Tzou, Shih-Fang; Lai, Chien-Ming; Chen, Yi-Wen; Wu, Hung-Yi; Huang, Tong-Jyun; Lin, Chien-Ting; Lin, Chun-Hsien, Semiconductor device having metal gate structure.
  102. Hoffmann, Thomas; Thompson, Scott E., Semiconductor devices having fin structures and fabrication methods thereof.
  103. Pradhan, Sameer; Zhao, Dalong; Wang, Lingquan; Ranade, Pushkar; Scudder, Lance, Semiconductor devices with dopant migration suppression and method of fabrication thereof.
  104. Wu, Hung-Yi; Lai, Chien-Ming; Chen, Yi-Wen, Semiconductor structure and manufacturing method of the same.
  105. Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Sonkusale, Sachin R., Semiconductor structure and method of fabrication thereof with mixed metal types.
  106. Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Sonkusale, Sachin R., Semiconductor structure and method of fabrication thereof with mixed metal types.
  107. Hung, Ching-Wen; Huang, Chih-Sen; Tsao, Po-Chao; Chen, Chieh-Te, Semiconductor structure having contact plug and method of making the same.
  108. Hung, Ching-Wen; Huang, Chih-Sen; Tsao, Po-Chao; Chen, Chieh-Te, Semiconductor structure having contact plug and method of making the same.
  109. Gregory, Paul E.; Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian, Semiconductor structure with improved channel stack and method for fabrication thereof.
  110. Gregory, Paul E.; Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar, Semiconductor structure with improved channel stack and method for fabrication thereof.
  111. Zhao, Dalong; Bakhishev, Teymur; Scudder, Lance; Gregory, Paul E.; Duane, Michael; Sridharan, U. C.; Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Hoffmann, Thomas, Semiconductor structure with multiple transistors having various threshold voltages.
  112. Zhao, Dalong; Bakhishev, Teymur; Scudder, Lance; Gregory, Paul E.; Duane, Michael; Sridharan, U. C.; Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Hoffmann, Thomas, Semiconductor structure with multiple transistors having various threshold voltages.
  113. Zhao, Dalong; Bakhishev, Teymur; Scudder, Lance; Gregory, Paul E.; Duane, Michael; Sridharan, U. C.; Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Hoffmann, Thomas, Semiconductor structure with multiple transistors having various threshold voltages.
  114. Zhao, Dalong; Bakhishev, Teymur; Scudder, Lance; Gregory, Paul E.; Duane, Michael; Sridharan, U. C.; Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Hoffmann, Thomas, Semiconductor structure with multiple transistors having various threshold voltages.
  115. Wang, Lingquan; Bakhishev, Teymur; Zhao, Dalong; Ranade, Pushkar; Pradhan, Sameer; Hoffmann, Thomas; Shifren, Lucian; Scudder, Lance, Semiconductor structure with reduced junction leakage and method of fabrication thereof.
  116. Wang, Lingquan; Bakhishev, Teymur; Zhao, Dalong; Ranade, Pushkar; Pradhan, Sameer; Hoffmann, Thomas; Shifren, Lucian; Scudder, Lance, Semiconductor structure with reduced junction leakage and method of fabrication thereof.
  117. Scudder, Lance; Ranade, Pushkar; Stager, Charles; Shifren, Lucian; Zhao, Dalong; Sridharan, U.C.; Duane, Michael, Semiconductor structure with substitutional boron and method for fabrication thereof.
  118. Kidd, David A.; Boling, Edward J.; Agrawal, Vineet; Leshner, Samuel; Kuo, Augustine; Lee, Sang-Soo; Chen, Chao-Wu, Slew based process and bias monitors and related methods.
  119. Kidd, David A.; Boling, Edward J.; Agrawal, Vineet; Leshner, Samuel; Kuo, Augustine; Lee, Sang-Soo; Chen, Chao-Wu, Slew based process and bias monitors and related methods.
  120. Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Sonkusale, Sachin R., Source/drain extension control for advanced transistors.
  121. Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Sonkusale, Sachin R., Source/drain extension control for advanced transistors.
  122. Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Sonkusale, Sachin R., Source/drain extension control for advanced transistors.
  123. Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Sonkusale, Sachin R., Source/drain extension control for advanced transistors.
  124. Ma, Cheng-Yu; Hung, Wen-Han, Structure of metal gate and fabrication method thereof.
  125. Ho, Nien-Ting; Chen, Chien-Hao; Huang, Hsin-Fu; Sun, Chi-Yuan; Chen, Wei-Yu; Tsai, Min-Chuan; Cheng, Tsun-Min; Hsu, Chi-Mao, Structure of metal gate structure and manufacturing method of the same.
  126. Wei, Ming-Te; Tsao, Po-Chao; Tsai, Chen-Hua; Chen, Chien-Yang; Liang, Chia-Jui; Chen, Ming-Tsung, Thin film resistor structure.
  127. Greene, Brian J.; Chudzik, Michael P.; Han, Shu-Jen; Henson, William K.; Liang, Yue; Maciejewski, Edward P.; Na, Myung-Hee; Nowak, Edward J.; Yu, Xiaojun, Threshold voltage adjustment through gate dielectric stack modification.
  128. Kidd, David A., Tipless transistors, short-tip transistors, and methods and circuits therefor.
  129. Clark, Lawrence T.; Leshner, Samuel, Tools and methods for yield-aware semiconductor manufacturing process target generation.
  130. Thompson, Scott E.; Shifren, Lucian; Ranade, Pushkar; Liu, Yujie; Kim, Sung Hwan; Wang, Lingquan; Zhao, Dalong; Bakhishev, Teymur; Hoffmann, Thomas; Pradhan, Sameer; Duane, Michael, Transistor having reduced junction leakage and methods of forming thereof.
  131. Arghavani, Reza; Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Thompson, Scott E.; de Villeneuve, Catherine, Transistor with threshold voltage set notch and method of fabrication thereof.
  132. Arghavani, Reza; Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Thompson, Scott E.; de Villeneuve, Catherine, Transistor with threshold voltage set notch and method of fabrication thereof.
  133. Arghavani, Reza; Ranade, Pushkar; Shifren, Lucian; Thompson, Scott E.; de Villeneuve, Catherine, Transistor with threshold voltage set notch and method of fabrication thereof.
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