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[미국특허] Circuit board having an emission reducing ejector 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01R-013/62
출원번호 US-0877737 (2001-06-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Puri, Surrinder S.
  • Strong, Dennis
  • Krause, Marc E.
출원인 / 주소
  • Tellabs Operations, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 21


An electrical system comprises an electrical circuit board for mounting electrical components and a circuit board sub-rack. The board includes a pivotally mounted ejector member which pivots to insert and eject the board from the sub-rack. The ejector member carries two grounding contact surfaces fo


1. A circuit board for an electrical system having a sub-rack for receiving the circuit board, said sub-rack comprising a chassis contact area, the circuit board comprising: an electrical ground plane; a first grounding contact area electrically connected to said electrical ground plane; and an

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (21) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Choy Edmond, Boardlock for use with slanted card edge connector.
  2. Ishida Mitsuo,JPX ; Obara Syu,JPX, Card ejector for PC card connector.
  3. Gleadall Wilfred L. (Leesburg VA), Circuit card assembly with shielding assembly for reducing EMI emissions.
  4. Ohuchi Masatoshi (Koriyama JPX) Matsumoto Masaru (Machida JPX), Continuous riveting machine for fastening blind rivets.
  5. Bauer Willi (Kraichtal DEX) Kessler Otto (Woerth DEX) Schmitt Reinhard (Hagenbach DEX) Wojtas Gerhard (Karlsruhe DEX), Ejection and grounding system for rack-mounted plug-in modules.
  6. Klein Klaus (Rheinstetten DEX) Schmitt Reinhard (Hagenbach DEX), Ejection and grounding system for rack-mounted plug-in modules.
  7. Woratyla John A. (Camp Hill PA) Kaufman John W. (Hershey PA) Broschard ; III John L. (Harrisburg PA), Electrical connector for a card reader.
  8. Stewart Gregory N. (Austin TX) Okonsky Christian G. (Austin TX), Electronic system with compact card ejector.
  9. Sheppard Dan C. (Vista CA) Wilson Lynn H. (Santa Cruz CA) Domel Douglas R. (Chatsworth CA), Housing with latch and ejection mechanism air portable hard disk drive.
  10. Chu Pak-Jong (Ottawa CAX), Latching lever for printed circuit boards.
  11. Albert Guy D. (Raleigh NC) Beaty Robert C. (Raleigh NC), Lock handle for printed wiring board assemblies and the like.
  12. Kaufman John W. (Hershey PA) Broschard ; III John L. (Harrisburg PA) Woratyla John A. (Camp Hill PA), Mounting bracket with ESD protection for an electrical connector.
  13. Kusakabe Toshihito (Ibarki JPX), Multipolar electrical connector.
  14. Ishida Mitsuo (Tokyo JPX), PC card electrical connector.
  15. Tomioka Shoichi,JPX ; Obara Shu,JPX, PC card electrical connector.
  16. Ishida Mitsuo (Tokyo JPX) Tomioka Shoichi (Tokyo JPX), PC card electrical connector with expandable ejector.
  17. Ishida Mitsuo,JPX, PC card electrical connector with expandable ejector.
  18. Anzelone Thomas A. (Ft. Lauderdale FL) Cheung Samuel T. (Boca Raton FL) Cohen Mark E. (Boca Raton FL) Cooke Kevin K. (Delray Beach FL) Dewitt John R. (Boca Raton FL) Miller Michael S. (Delray Beach F, Personal computer processor card interconnect system.
  19. Mochizuki Naoto,JPX ; Miyaki Makoto,JPX, Sheet stack ejector mechanism for sheet sorter.
  20. Choy Edmond, Structure of slanted DIMM connector for dense arrangement.
  21. Banakis Emanuel G. (Naperville IL) Harwath Frank A. (Downers Grove IL) Hays Richard A. (Montgomery IL) Janota Kenneth F. (Lisle IL) Lang Harold K. (Fox River Grove IL), Universal grounding clip for card-receiving connector.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Centola, Bruno; Roman, Denis G.; Suzzoni, Jean-Pierre, Apparatus for positioning an electrical assembly within a housing.
  2. Puri, Surrinder S.; Strong, Dennis; Krause, Marc E., Circuit board having an emission reducing ejector.
  3. Mao, Zhong-hui; Zhang, Peng-Cheng; Chen, Yu; Zou, Zhi-Peng; Du, Shan-Gen, Fixing mechanism and electronic device capable of assembling and disassembling an expansion card module.
  4. Costello, Brian Patrick; Conner, Troy Everette, Socket for retaining in-line modules.

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