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[미국특허] Stabilization of a magnetic field of a magnetic resonance imaging apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01V-003/00
출원번호 US-0787008 (2001-06-15)
우선권정보 GB-19980017940 (1998-09-11)
국제출원번호 PCT/GB99/02778 (1999-08-23)
국제공개번호 WO00/16116 (2000-03-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kruip, Marcel Jan Marie
  • Parker, Nicholas David
출원인 / 주소
  • Oxford Magnet Technology Limited
대리인 / 주소
    Crowell & Moring LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 10


Apparatus is provided for generating an accurate magnetic field in a magnetic resonance imaging device. The device comprises a number of permanent magnet assemblies (1) each of which is in thermal contact with a plate (5) having good thermal conductivity, the plate (5) is positioned between said per


1. A magnetic resonance imaging device comprising: gradient coils; a yoke; a number of permanent magnet assemblies mounted on the yoke; a plate having good thermal conductivity and being positioned between said permanent magnet assemblies and said gradient coils, each magnet assembly being in

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Laskaris Evangelos T. (Schenectady NY) Chari Madabushi V. (Burnt Hills NY), Compact whole body resistive magnetic resonance imaging magnet.
  2. Aoki Masaaki,JPX, MRI magnetic field generator.
  3. Allis Jonathan Leslie (Iffley GB2) Andrew Alan George (Bladon GB2) Elliott Robin Thomas (Wantage GB2) Sellers Michael Ben (Witney GB2), MRI magnets.
  4. Maki Kazutoshi (Tokyo JPX) Inoue Yuji (Tokyo JPX) Nakamura Naoki (Tokyo JPX), Magnet assembly for MRI apparatus.
  5. Nagano Shigeo,JPX ; Suzuki Tsunemoto,JPX ; Uno Hideaki,JPX ; Inoue Yuji,JPX ; Higa Yoshifumi,JPX ; Tsujii Yoshiaki,JPX, Magnetic field stabilization method, magnetic field generating apparatus and magnetic resonance imaging apparatus.
  6. Schnur Guenter,DEX ; Reymond Claude,CHX ; Sommer Pascal,CHX, Method and arrangement for measuring and controlling the basic field of a magnet of a nuclear magnetic tomography appara.
  7. DeMeester Gordon D. (Wickliffe OH) Morich Michael A. (Mentor OH), Multiple driven C magnet.
  8. Hirotaka Takeshima JP; Takao Hommei JP; Hajime Kawano JP; Hiroshi Tazaki JP; Takeshi Yatsuo JP; Shigenori Kuroda JP; Hajime Tanabe JP, Superconducting magnetic device.
  9. Marcel Jan Marie Kruip GB; Nicholas David Parker GB; Peter Jonathan Davis GB, Temperature control system for a permanent magnetic system.
  10. Ishihara Yasutoshi,JPX ; Umeda Masaaki,JPX ; Watanabe Hidehiro,JPX ; Okamoto Kazuya,JPX, Temperature monitoring method, temperature monitoring apparatus and magnetic resonance apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4)

  1. Kassai, Yoshimori; Yamanaka, Masaaki, MRI apparatus and method for calculating predicted and/or actual net accumulated gradient coil heat and/or temperature.
  2. Huang, Xianrui; Thompson, Paul St. Mark Shadforth; Amm, Kathleen Melanie; Barber, William Daniel, Method and apparatus for maintaining thermal stability of permanent magnets in MRI systems.
  3. Goto, Takao; Hoshino, Kazuya; Inoue, Yuji; Sakuma, Masaaki, Static field controlling method and MRI apparatus.
  4. He,Qiang; Liu,Xiao Guang; Zhu,Hong Yi, Temperature control method for a permanent magnet arrangement of a magnetic resonance system.
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