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[미국특허] Methods, systems and computer program products for photogrammetric sensor position estimation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61B-005/05
출원번호 US-0828565 (2001-04-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Van Horn, Mark Harold
출원인 / 주소
  • MedAcoustics, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Myers Bigel Sibley & Sajovec PA
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 93


Methods, systems and computer program products are provided for determining an obscured contact point based on a visible portion of an acoustic sensor of a medical device contacting a patient by acquiring a first image containing an upper surface of the acoustic sensor from a first viewpoint and a s


Methods, systems and computer program products are provided for determining an obscured contact point based on a visible portion of an acoustic sensor of a medical device contacting a patient by acquiring a first image containing an upper surface of the acoustic sensor from a first viewpoint and a s

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (93) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sekhar Laligam N. (Pittsburgh PA) Scalbassi Robert J. (Pittsburgh PA) Sun Mingui (Pittsburgh PA) Wasserman Jacob F. (Knoxville TN), Acoustic aneurysm detector and associated method.
  2. Andries Francis M. (Austin TX), Acoustic processing apparatus.
  3. Baker Donald A. (Box 4414 Polson MT 59860), Ambulatory non-invasive automatic fetal monitoring system.
  4. Henderson Albert S. (Melbourne FL), Antenna having electrically positionable phase center.
  5. Martin Gayle P. (Indialantic FL), Aperture transformation sidelobe canceller.
  6. Roth James A. (Dobbs Ferry NY), Apparatus and method for generating image representations of a body utilizing an ultrasonic imaging subsystem and a thre.
  7. Fowler ; Jr. Franklin S. (Camano Island WA) Jurgensen Russell P. (Camano Island WA), Apparatus and method for sensing cardiac performance.
  8. Shapiro Joseph Isaac (Aurora CO) Weinberger Howard David (Denver CO), Apparatus and methods for analyzing heart sounds.
  9. Sanz Ernst (Zaeziwil CHX) Steger Jean P. (Ittigen CHX) Thie Werner (Wabern CHX), Apparatus for cardiogoniometry.
  10. Antonsson Erik K. (Pasadena CA), Apparatus for measuring three-dimensional surface geometries.
  11. Kassal James J. (East Lyme CT), Assembly process for polymer-based acoustic differential-output sensor.
  12. Weedon Hans (Salem MA), Auxiliary data acquisition in a medical imaging system.
  13. Brewer James E. (Maplewood MN) Kroll Mark W. (Minnetonka MN), Bio-acoustic signal sensing device.
  14. Chamoun Nassib G. (W. Roxbury MA), Cardiac biopotential analysis system and method.
  15. Fraden Jacob (Hamden CT), Cardio-respiration transducer.
  16. Peel H. Herbert (San Antonio TX) Converse Merle E. (Helotes TX) McGinnis William H. (San Antonio TX) Shirley Donald J. (Boerne TX) Prudhomme John P. (Converse TX), Cardiovascular monitor.
  17. Lewiner Jacques (5 rue Bory d\Arnex 92210 Saint Cloud FRX) Hennion Claude (18 ; rue Flatters 75005 Paris FRX), Composite sheets constituting electromechanical transducers and transducers equipped with such sheets.
  18. Iliff Edwin C., Computerized medical diagnostic system including meta function.
  19. Selker Harry P. (Wellesley MA) Griffith John L. (Natick MA), Continuous monitoring using a predictive instrument.
  20. Selker Harry P. ; Griffith John L., Continuous monitoring using a predictive instrument.
  21. Selker Harry P. ; Griffith John L., Continuous monitoring using a predictive instrument.
  22. Szirtes Thomas (9 Fourwinds Drive ; Unit 910 Downsview ; Ontario ; M3J 2S8 CAX), Contour radiography: a system for determining 3-dimensional contours of an object from its 2-dimensional images.
  23. Austin Stephen A. (Amston CT) Hull Andrew J. (New London CT) Owsley Norman L. (Gales Ferry CT) Peloquin Mark S. (New London CT), Device and method for locating flow blockage in a three-dimensional object.
  24. Congdon John C. (Fort Wayne IN), Directional hydrophone suitable for flush mounting.
  25. Kotani Tsutomu (Kamagaya JPX) Takahashi Minoru (Funabashi JPX), Displacement sensor.
  26. Kassal James ; Reeves William ; Hilmer A. Christian, Disposable acoustic pad sensors.
  27. Reeves William (New Haven CT) Hilmer Christian (Essex CT) Miller Douglas R. (Westport CT), Disposable sensing device with contaneous conformance.
  28. Reeves William ; Hilmer Christian ; Miller Douglas R., Disposable sensing device with contaneous conformance.
  29. Bennett ; Jr. William R. (424 Saint Ronan St. New Haven CT 06511) Bennett Jean (4 W. 39 St. Baltimore MD 21218), Dynamic spectral phonocardiograph.
  30. Bennett ; Jr. William R. (New Haven CT) Bennett Jean (Baltimore MD), Dynamic spectral phonocardiograph.
  31. Eisenberg Lawrence (New York NY) Eisenberg Michael A. (Cambridge MA), Electrocardiogram enhancement system and method.
  32. Takahashi Minoru (Funabashi JPX) Kotani Tsutomu (Kamagaya JPX), Electrocardiograph.
  33. Eisenberg Lawrence (New York NY) Eisenberg Michael (Cambridge MA), Electronic stethoscope system and method.
  34. Phillipps Patrick G. (Lincoln MA) Epstein Paul (Brookline MA) Tweed David G. (Chestnut Hill MA), Electronically augmented stethoscope with timing sound.
  35. Dufresne Joel R. (St. Paul MN) Dieken Alan P. (St. Paul MN) Studer ; Jr. John E. (Madison NJ), Ergonometric transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator.
  36. Eberhardt Allen C. (7408 Wingfoot Dr. Raleigh NC 27615), Heart chamber simulator with electronic accelerated heart valve wear and fatigue test apparatus and method.
  37. Dyck, Walter R.; Eirich, Ronald A., Heart rate detector.
  38. Groch, Mark W.; Domnanovich, James R., Heart sound detector and synchronization for diagnostics.
  39. Saltzman Bruce (7860 SW. 147th St. Miami FL 33158), High sensitivity stethoscopic system and method.
  40. Tanaka Yasuhiro (Ishikawa JPX), Housing having grooves therein for mounting a piezoelectric ladder filter.
  41. Bredesen Mark S. (Incline Village NV) Schmerler Elliott D. (Incline Village NV), Intelligent stethoscope.
  42. Bredesen Mark S. (Incline Village NV) Schmerler Elliott D. (Incline Village NV), Intelligent stethoscope.
  43. Shirley Donald J. (Boerne TX) Converse Merle E. (Helotes TX), Interference resistant biomedical transducer.
  44. Yamaguchi, Keiki; Sano, Shinichi; Seki, Naoki; Imamoto, Masami, Linear array ultrasonic transducer.
  45. Lucas Leonard V. (Palm Bay FL) Zahm Charles L. (Indialantic FL) Payne Edward A. (Palm Bay FL) Andren Carl F. (Indialantic FL), Mechanism for extracting hybrid (fh/ds) spread spectrum signals within multi-signal type environment.
  46. Nedivi Dror (41 Gordon Street Petach Tikva ILX), Medical monitoring system.
  47. Duff Bob M. (San Antonio TX) Gibson Cynthia S. (Ft. Meade MD) Winter Dean C. (San Antonio TX) Peel H. Herbert (San Antonio TX), Method an apparatus for detection of heart disease.
  48. Lundy Joseph R. (New York NY), Method and apparatus for characterizing the unknown state of a physical system.
  49. Henriquez Theodore A. (Orlando FL) Tims Allan C. (Orlando FL), Method and apparatus for detecting and transducing intersaccular acoustic signals.
  50. Katz Hart V. (Willowdale IL CAX) Kien Gerald A. (Tower Lakes IL), Method and apparatus for evaluating of artificial heart valves.
  51. Nathans Robert (Bellport NY) Bozzo Salvador R. (East Setauket NY) Rosen Evan W. (East Setauket NY), Method and apparatus for performing pattern recognition analysis.
  52. Albrecht Paul (Bedford MA) Arnold Jeffrey M. (Wellesley MA) Grimshaw Paul E. (Sudbury MA) Librett Kevin S. (Boston MA) Cohen Richard J. (Waban MA), Method and apparatus for the improved electronic display of physiologic waveforms.
  53. Wong Shi-Yin (Santa Monica CA) Little Michael J. (Tarzana CA) Margerum J. David (Woodland Hills CA) Nussmeier Thomas A. (Thousand Oaks CA) Calderone Theodore (Thousand Oaks CA) Dellamano Harry A. (Th, Method and improved apparatus for analyzing activity.
  54. Taylor Colin R. (New York NY), Method and system for analysis of body sounds.
  55. Cormier ; Denny Charles, Method and system for rapid non-invasive determination of the systolic time intervals.
  56. Schmid Johann J. (Buchs CHX), Method for determining the starting point and the end point of closed spatial signal patterns.
  57. Wood George A. (Nashua NH), Method of automatically measuring the shape of a continuous surface.
  58. Young ; Jr. Eddie H. C. (Indialantic FL) Yao Shi-Kay (Brea CA), Method of fabricating a stepped-array acousto-optic beam deflector.
  59. Gordon David (Chicago IL) Akselrod Solange (Ramat-Ilan MA ILX) Cohen Richard J. (Newton Highlands MA) Tu Jerome C. (Monterey Park CA) Burns Stephen K. (Henniker NH) DeLeon Victoria H. (Arlington MA), Methods and apparatus for monitoring cardiovascular regulation using heart rate power spectral analysis.
  60. Shambroom John R. (Arlington MA), Monitor and method for acquiring and processing electrical signals relating to bodily functions.
  61. Badzinski John D. (Coon Rapids MN) Colson Michael A. (Minneapolis MN) Hepp Dennis G. (Coon Rapids MN), Monitoring system.
  62. Tao Billy S. K. (6 Jennifer Avenue Bellevue Heights ; South Australia AUX 5050), Movement monitor.
  63. Newton Charles M. (Palm Bay FL) Palmer Edward G. (Melbourne FL) Sanchez Albert (Palm Bay FL) Myers Christopher A. (Palm Bay FL), Multilayer LTCC tub architecture for hermetically sealing semiconductor die, external electrical access for which is pro.
  64. Hyland David C., Multiprocessor system and method for identification and adaptive control of dynamic systems.
  65. Venkatachalam Kalpathi Lakshminarayanan, Noise reduction apparatus for low level analog signals.
  66. Semmlow John L. (New Brunswick NJ) Welkowitz Walter (Metuchen NJ) Kostis John B. (Warren NJ) Padmanabhan Vasant (Piscataway NJ), Noninvasive diagnostic system for coronary artery disease.
  67. Semmlow, John L.; Welkowitz, Walter; Kostis, John; Akay, Metin, Noninvasive diagnostic system for coronary artery disease.
  68. Zuckerwar Allan J. (Newport News VA) Hall Earl T. (Newport News VA) Baker Donald A. (Spokane WA) Bryant Timothy D. (Gloucester VA), Passive fetal monitoring sensor.
  69. Popek Marc H. (Indian Harbor Beach FL), Phased array acoustic signal processor.
  70. Schlager Kenneth J. (Elm Grove WI) Melvin Jeffrey R. (Franklin WI), Phonoangiographic spectral analysing apparatus.
  71. Manoli Samir H. (136 Black Bay Crescent Thunder Bay ; Ontario CAX), Phonocephalographic device.
  72. Kodama Akihiko (Tokorozawa JA), Piezoelectric electro-acoustic transducer.
  73. Lembke John R. (Overland Park KS), Piezoelectric film load cell robot collision detector.
  74. Iguchi Heishaburo (Kamakura JPX) Ohigashi Hiroji (Zushi JPX), Piezoelectric or pyroelectric polymer input element for use as a transducer in keyboards.
  75. Miller Harry B. (Niantic CT), Piezoelectric polymer hydrophone.
  76. Ohigashi Hiroji (Zushi JPX) Nakanishi Toshiharu (Kamakura JPX) Suzuki Miyo (Fujisawa JPX), Piezoelectric vibration transducer.
  77. Johnson Keith H. (Houston TX) Underwood David A. (Houston TX), Recording, digital stethoscope for identifying PCG signatures.
  78. Anderson Weston A. (Palo Alto CA) Clark Lloyd D. (Palo Alto CA) Beaver William L. (Los Altos Hills CA), Sector scanner display and recording system for ultrasonic diagnosis.
  79. Heimann, Jochen, Sensor for non-invasive measurement of sound, pressure and vibration on the human body.
  80. Hyland David C. (206 Dogwood Ave. Melbourne Beach FL 32951) Juang Jer-Nan (12 Lafayette Dr. Poquosan VA 23662), Series parallel approach to identification of dynamic systems.
  81. Martin Gayle P. (Indialantic FL), Signal processing system.
  82. Barcus Lester M. (16226 Wayfarer La. Huntington Beach CA 92649), String instrument pickup system.
  83. Machida Katsuyuki,JPX ; Shigematsu Satoshi,JPX ; Morimura Hiroki,JPX ; Hirata Akihiko,JPX, Surface shape recognition sensor and method of fabricating the same.
  84. Odom Brian Keith (Pflugerville TX) Mitchell Bob (Austin TX), System and method for demultiplexing data in an instrumentation system.
  85. Akay Metin (East Brunswick NJ) Welkowitz Walter (Metuchan NJ) Akay Yasemin M. (East Brunswick NJ) Kostis John (Warren NJ), System and method for noninvasive detection of arterial stenosis.
  86. Reeves William (New Haven CT), System for simultaneously producing and synchronizing spectral patterns of heart sounds and an ECG signal.
  87. Obara Hiroshi (Iwaki JPX) Murayama Naohiro (Iwaki JPX), Ultrasonic probe.
  88. Martinelli Michael A. (Winchester MA), Ultrasonic transducer.
  89. Chandraratna P. Anthony (Rancho Palos Verdes CA) Stern Roger A. (Cupertino CA), Ultrasound transducer device for continuous imaging of the heart and other body parts.
  90. Albrecht Paul ; Arnold Jeffrey M. ; Judell Neil ; Cohen Richard J., Using related signals to reduce ECG noise.
  91. Tanaka Toshiharu (Hirakata JA), Vibration detecting device having a piezoelectric ceramic plate and a method for adapting the same for use in musical in.
  92. Bredesen Mark S. (Incline Village NV) Schmerler Elliot D. (Incline Village NV), Visual display stethoscope.
  93. Arkans Edward J. (Schaumburg IL), Vital signs monitor.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Guion-Johnson, Marie A., Detection of coronary artery disease using an electronic stethoscope.
  2. Trajković,Miroslav, Method for computing optical flow under the epipolar constraint.
  3. Burner,Alpheus W.; Barrows,Danny A., Method for correcting control surface angle measurements in single viewpoint photogrammetry.
  4. Bakema, Peter; Kline, Bret; Langston, Alan; Stephen, Gary, Sensor, sensor pad and sensor array for detecting infrasonic acoustic signals.

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