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[미국특허] Snow vehicle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62B-019/00
출원번호 US-0614415 (2000-07-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Forbes, Vernal D.
대리인 / 주소
    Ormiston & McKinney, PLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 26  인용 특허 : 42


A motor driven or pedal powered snow vehicle designed to emulate the steering and balancing characteristics of motorcycles and bicycles. The snow vehicle includes a frame, a swing arm, a track carriage, an endless loop track, a snow compacting ramp, an elongated steering member and a ski. The swing


A motor driven or pedal powered snow vehicle designed to emulate the steering and balancing characteristics of motorcycles and bicycles. The snow vehicle includes a frame, a swing arm, a track carriage, an endless loop track, a snow compacting ramp, an elongated steering member and a ski. The swing

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (42) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bradley ; Jr. Robert F., Adjustable position handle assemblies for snowmobile.
  2. Terry D. A. (Bayles Lake Loda IL 60948), Automobile snow assembly.
  3. Cook James S. ; Olson Chad M., Bearing for snowmobile track.
  4. Bahiman Hossein (Landover Hills MD), Belt for transmitting power from a cogged driving member to a cogged driven member.
  5. Shaw Charles T., Conversion system for all terrain vehicles.
  6. Timmer Dana (Wattmanngasse 10 1130 Vienna ATX), Cycle attachment for mounting oversize wheels.
  7. Bruzzone Riccardo (Viale Des Geneys 29A/4 16148 Genova ITX), Device and attendant equipment for converting a motor-scooter into a vehicle suitable for operating on snowy ground.
  8. Erlich Giora ; Horvath Tibor, Drive track for self-propelled pool cleaner.
  9. Moss Alvin (3 Gushue Avenue New Town ; Mount Pearl ; Newfoundland ; A1N 2R2 CAX) Shepherd Charles G. (P.O. Box 46 Oakville ; Ontario ; L6J 4Z5 CAX) Malcolm Craig G. (46 Autumn Drive Caleson ; Ontario, Endless belt driven cycle.
  10. Tucker Emmitt M. ; Tucker ; Jr. Jasper J. ; Sullivan Maralee V., Endless track unit for four-tracked vehicles.
  11. Yasui Toshihiro (Iwata JPX) Sugita Masanori (Iwata JPX) Isobe Tsuneo (Iwata JPX) Nakanosono Haruhiko (Iwata JPX), Engine mounting arrangement and drive mechanism for small snowmobiles.
  12. Simons Harold M. (Orem UT), Granulating and activating metal to form metal hydride.
  13. Okudaira Shigenori (Ninomiya JPX) Irie Takefumi (Chigasaki JPX) Uchida Hiroshi (Chigasaki JPX) Fukasawa Eiichi (Samukawa JPX) Kobayashi Kazuhiko (Chigasaki JPX) Yamaguchi Masanori (Nakai JPX), Method for producing titanium alloy.
  14. Bibollet Jean-Claude (Thones FRX) Isambert Alain (Charvonnex FRX), Motorized snow vehicle.
  15. Chittal Nandan R. (10/6 ; Sahajivan Barve Nagar ; Bombay 400084 INX), Powered monocycle.
  16. Furusawa Masao,JPX, Rear suspension for snowmobile.
  17. Boivin Denis,CAX ; Boivin Alain,CAX, Rear suspension system for a land vehicle.
  18. Stacy ; Jr. Jack C. (Rte. 3 ; Box 107A Santa Fe NM 87501), Single laterally bendable track snowmobile.
  19. Yasui, Toshihiro, Slide rail track drive system for a snowmobile.
  20. Hisatomi Itaru (Iwata JPX), Small-sized snowmobile.
  21. Rhode Randall E. (W7149 N. Shore Dr. Portage WI 53901), Snow cycle.
  22. Rhode Randall E. (W7149 N. Shore Dr. Portage WI 53901), Snow cycle attachment for a bicycle frame.
  23. Plourde Aime (2E RANG CENTRE Trois-Pistoles CAX), Snow cycle vehicle.
  24. Harris Walter L. (9736 Reeder Overland Park KS 66214), Snow traction attachment for motorcycles.
  25. Forbes Vernal D., Snow vehicle.
  26. Grinde James E. (Anoka MN), Snow vehicle.
  27. Kouchi Takao (Saitama JPX) Suzuki Hideaki (Saitama JPX), Snow vehicle.
  28. Pertile Liano (Strada Capinera 20 I-18038 Sanremo ; Province of Imperia ITX), Snow vehicle.
  29. Yoshioka Toshiharu (Saitama JPX) Ohzeki Takashi (Saitama JPX) Suzuki Hideaki (Saitama JPX) Tottori Takumi (Saitama JPX) Nakamura Munehito (Saitama JPX) Matsui Mamoru (Saitama JPX) Ohkubo Michio (Sait, Snow vehicle.
  30. Oka Yoshio,JPX ; Yamamoto Kazuhiro,JPX, Snowmobile.
  31. Yamamoto Kazuhiro,JPX ; Kouchi Takao,JPX, Snowmobile.
  32. Courtemanche Denis,CAX, Snowmobile drive track with noise reducing tread pattern.
  33. Thompson Mark B. ; Bedard Serge A.,CAX, Snowmobile track profile.
  34. Kawano Shizuo,JPX ; Nagata Tadaaki,JPX, Suspension device for a snowmobile.
  35. Tamura Joji (Iwata JPX), Suspension mechanism for tracked vehicles.
  36. Meisel ; Jr. Thomas C. (Peoria IL), Track assembly for crawler-type vehicles.
  37. Cartwright Richard D. (Beaverton OR), Track vehicle.
  38. Thompson Herb (127 N. Devon East Wenatchee WA 98801), Traction enhancement system.
  39. Bissett Fred L. (1300 Florence St. Aurora CO 80010), Tread powered ski.
  40. Karpik Gerard J. ; Karpik David J. ; Miers Scott A. ; Lehman Michael A., Vehicle suspension system with variable geometry.
  41. Svensson Assar (Ersmark SEX) Granlund Dan (Skellefte SEX), Vehicle track.
  42. Condon Richard W. (Frankfurt IL) Stewart Charles (Bourbonnais IL), Vehicle with power driven ski.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (26) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bedard, Yvon; Pard, Jean-Sebastien, Drive track for a tracked vehicle.
  2. Degtyarev, Sergey Aleksandrovich, Endless elastic track.
  3. Degtyarev, Sergey Aleksandrovich, Endless elastic track.
  4. Degtyarev, Sergey Aleksandrovich, Endless elastic track for a land vehicle.
  5. Zuchoski, Jeremie; Jean, Bernard, Endless track for traction of an off-road vehicle such as an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) or a snowmobile.
  6. Zuchoski, Jeremie; Jean, Bernard, Endless track of an off-road vehicle.
  7. Zuchoski, Jeremie; Jean, Bernard, Endless track of an off-road vehicle.
  8. Blake, Dallas J., Engine having active exhaust valve position control system and method.
  9. Dandurand, Jules, Multi-edge traction lug track.
  10. Reeves,Kyle, Rear drive assembly for a snow bicycle.
  11. Giese, Timothy J.; Hedlund, Darren J.; Kerner, Richard D.; Borud, Eric J.; Fisher, Cameron D., Snowmobile.
  12. Hedlund, Darren J.; Vistad, Jan R.; Mertens, Dustin A.; Mills, Andrew J., Snowmobile.
  13. Hedlund, Michael A.; Fugleberg, Michael L.; Prusak, Matthew J., Snowmobile.
  14. Ogura, Kotaro; Amano, Shinobu; Yoshihara, Masanori, Snowmobile.
  15. Okada, Hiroyuki; Ogura, Koutaro, Snowmobile.
  16. Giese, Timothy James; Bates, Jr., Richard H., Snowmobile and rear suspension for snowmobile.
  17. Giese, Timothy James; Aramayo, II, Gustavo Augusto, Snowmobile frame assembly.
  18. Girouard, Bruno; Pard, Jean-Sebastien; Lambert, Jean-Francois, Snowmobile powertrain.
  19. Giese, Timothy James, Snowmobile rear suspension.
  20. Watling, Shawn, Snowmobile suspension and drive train.
  21. Sampson, Martin, Snowmobile track lugs.
  22. Simmons, Val J., Suspension for tracked vehicles.
  23. Simmons, Val J.; Williamson, Kirk, Suspension for tracked vehicles.
  24. Boivin, Denis; Boivin, Alain, Track assembly for an all-terrain vehicle.
  25. Paradis, Michel; Oddo, Rémy, Track belt guide wheels assembly.
  26. Vezina, Sebastien; Fortier, Jonathan, Vehicle having an inertia wheel.

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