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[미국특허] Proxy apparatus and method for streaming media information and for increasing the quality of stored media information 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-015/16
출원번호 US-0466631 (1999-12-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Markowitz, Robert Edward
  • O'Neil, Joseph Thomas
  • Rosen, Kenneth H.
  • Stuntebeck, Peter H.
출원인 / 주소
  • AT&T Corp.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 45  인용 특허 : 10


A proxy apparatus and method for streaming media information via at least one network and for building-up a good quality version of the media information. When a user device communicates with the proxy apparatus using a particular bandwidth and requests that media information be provided from a medi


A proxy apparatus and method for streaming media information via at least one network and for building-up a good quality version of the media information. When a user device communicates with the proxy apparatus using a particular bandwidth and requests that media information be provided from a medi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

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  2. Kenichi Sasaki JP; Tatsuro Matsumoto JP; Takayuki Hasebe JP; Hiroaki Kato JP; Morito Yamamoto JP; Takashi Matsushima JP, Data transmission and data receiving apparatus that obtains file differences during transmission.
  3. Lo W. Steven ; Padmanabhan Krishnan, Error correction system for packet switching networks.
  4. Hanko James G. ; Ruberg Alan T., Method and apparatus for providing error correction.
  5. Banga Gaurav ; Douglis Frederick ; Jagadish Hosagrahar Visvesvaraya ; Rabinovich Michael, Method for reducing perceived delay between a time data is requested and a time data is available for display.
  6. Bushmitch Dennis ; Mukherjee Sarit, Method for reliable real-time multimedia streaming.
  7. Bruno Richard Frank ; Katseff Howard Paul ; Markowitz Robert Edward ; Perea Carlos Alberto ; Robinson Bethany Scott ; Suresh Sethuraman ; Williams Hugh L., Network access to internet and stored multimedia services from a terminal supporting the H.320 protocol.
  8. Hughes James P. ; Olson Steve A., Policy caching method and apparatus for use in a communication device based on contents of one data unit in a subset of.
  9. Robert Edward Markowitz ; Joseph Thomas O'Neil ; Kenneth H Rosen ; Peter H Stuntebeck, Proxy apparatus and method for streaming media information.
  10. Klemets Anders Edgar ; Cannon Anthony William ; Vellanki Srinivas Prasad ; Ravi Hemanth Srinivas, Selective retransmission for efficient and reliable streaming of multimedia packets in a computer network.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (45)

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  2. Patel, Vipul; Gould, Kenneth; Chen, David, Apparatus and methods for multimedia coordination.
  3. Malmskog, Steven A.; Hoche-Mong, Michel; Chang, Thomas, Clustered network acceleration devices having shared cache.
  4. Aoki, Kazuo, Communication data controller.
  5. Suzuki,Yasuhiro; Yoshida,Hiroshi, Data communication apparatus and data communication method.
  6. Dazzi, Alain, Efficient streaming server.
  7. Menn, Valerian; Fang, Nicholas; Virdi, Gurpratap; Bowra, Todd, Intelligent retransmission of data stream segments.
  8. Lango,Jason; Tsai,Robert; Wu,Stephen, Live stream archiving method and apparatus.
  9. LaJoie, Michael L., Method and apparatus for network bandwidth conservation.
  10. Yadav, Sandeep; Roussos, Konstantinos; Endo, Yasuhiro, Method and apparatus to efficiently transmit streaming media.
  11. Yadav,Sandeep; Wu,Stephen; Rao,Anureita; Ks,Venkatesh, Method and system for unified caching of media content.
  12. Hasek, Charles A., Methods and apparatus for business-based network resource allocation.
  13. Hasek, Charles, Methods and apparatus for content caching in a video network.
  14. Hasek, Charles A., Methods and apparatus for content caching in a video network.
  15. Hasek, Charles A., Methods and apparatus for content caching in a video network.
  16. Hasek, Charles A., Methods and apparatus for content caching in a video network.
  17. Peters, Michael James; Hasek, Charles A.; Hardin, Glen, Methods and apparatus for content delivery and replacement in a network.
  18. Hasek, Charles; Markley, Jeffrey, Methods and apparatus for device capabilities discovery and utilization within a content distribution network.
  19. Hasek, Charles; Markley, Jeffrey P., Methods and apparatus for device capabilities discovery and utilization within a content distribution network.
  20. Lango,Jason; Roussos,Konstantinos; Tsai,Robert Lieh Yuan; Wagner,J. Christopher, Methods and apparatus for pacing delivery of streaming media data.
  21. Sarosi, George W.; Cholas, Chris, Methods and apparatus for premises content distribution.
  22. Riedl, Steven; Santangelo, Bryan; Zimbelman, Gabe, Methods and apparatus for revenue-optimized delivery of content in a network.
  23. Hasek, Charles A.; Markley, Jeffrey P., Methods and apparatus for selecting digital access technology for programming and data delivery.
  24. Markley, Jeffrey P.; Hasek, Charles A., Methods and apparatus for selecting digital interface technology for programming and data delivery.
  25. LaJoie, Michael L., Methods and apparatus for user-based targeted content delivery.
  26. Miller, Thomas D.; Prakash, Adityo; So, Hon Hing; Haulotte, Kendall R., Multi-tier video delivery network.
  27. Arye,Ram, Multicasting transmission of multimedia information.
  28. Dazzi, Alain; Krishnan, Arun, Naming scheme for media storage.
  29. Malmskog, Steven A., Network acceleration device cache supporting multiple historical versions of content.
  30. Malmskog, Steven A., Network acceleration device cache supporting multiple historical versions of content.
  31. Malmskog, Steven A.; Hoche-Mong, Michel; Chang, Thomas, Network acceleration device having persistent in-memory cache.
  32. Malmskog, Steven A.; Hoche-Mong, Michel; Chang, Thomas, Network acceleration device having persistent in-memory cache.
  33. Markowitz, Robert E.; O'Neil, Joseph T.; Rosen, Kenneth H.; Stuntebeck, Peter H., Proxy apparatus and method for streaming media information and for increasing the quality of stored media information.
  34. Markowitz, Robert Edward; O'Neil, Joseph Thomas; Rosen, Kenneth H.; Stuntebeck, Peter H., Proxy apparatus and method for streaming media information and for increasing the quality of stored media information.
  35. Markowitz, Robert; O'Neil, Joseph; Rosen, Kenneth; Stuntebeck, Peter, Proxy apparatus and method for streaming media information and for increasing the quality of stored media information.
  36. Markowitz,Robert Edward; O'Neil,Joseph Thomas; Rosen,Kenneth H.; Stantebeck,Peter H., Proxy apparatus and method for streaming media information and for increasing the quality of stored media information.
  37. Ash, Leslie E.; Wiebel, Michael F.; Elven, Darren R.; Burton, Christopher L.; Lee, Ryan P. B.; Thomas, Michael, Real-time streaming media measurement system and method.
  38. Hu,Wei; Loaiza,Juan, Retry technique for multi-tier network communication systems.
  39. Chatani, Masayuki; Inoue, Sachiko, Selection of content in response to communication environment.
  40. Chatani,Masayuki; Inoue,Sachiko, Selection of content in response to communication environment.
  41. Jafari, Reza; Bui, Hung Viet; Dhanoa, Shingara Singh, Simultaneous viewing and reliable recording of multimedia content over a network.
  42. Nortz, Douglas M.; Altom, Mark W.; Sayko, Robert J., System and method for delivering content over a multicast network.
  43. Nortz, Douglas M.; Altom, Mark W.; Sayko, Robert J., System and method for delivering content over a multicast network.
  44. Nortz, Douglas M.; Altom, Mark W.; Sayko, Robert J., System and method for delivering content over a multicast network.
  45. Nortz, Douglas M.; Altom, Mark W.; Sayko, Robert J., System and method for delivering content over a multicast network.
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