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[미국특허] Telescoping adjustable-length shelf 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47F-005/08
  • A47H-001/02
출원번호 US-0041208 (2002-01-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Saulnier-Matteini, Anne Louise
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 26


An adjustable-length shelf system attached to a telescoping rod assembly formed by two hollow tubes, allowing this rod to house a chosen tension mechanism, so that the shelf can then be secured between two supports. The shelf system consists of the main shelf piece attached to the first hollow tube,


An adjustable-length shelf system attached to a telescoping rod assembly formed by two hollow tubes, allowing this rod to house a chosen tension mechanism, so that the shelf can then be secured between two supports. The shelf system consists of the main shelf piece attached to the first hollow tube,

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (26) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Finger Gary E. (Voorhees NJ), Adjustable shelving system.
  2. Bernard Priminano, Beverage display tray.
  3. Corniel Samuel R., Clothes hanging system.
  4. Benedict Charles E. (Tallahassee FL) McGinnis Judith B. (Tallahassee FL), Clothing accessory rack.
  5. Eisenberg Stephanie (New York NY), Expandable rack.
  6. Thorkildson Joel B. (6321 Fourth Ave. ; South Richfield MN 55423), Extendable shelf.
  7. Mink Jerry C. (711-B Durham La. Ventura CA 93004), Mini-blind cleaning rack apparatus.
  8. Lorentz Hilel,ILX ; Levy Rony,ILX, Modular storage and display device.
  9. Schlattl Alice,DEX, Parts tray for use in an opened engine compartment.
  10. Gross Leo H. (546 NE. 73rd St. Miami FL 33138), Portable hanging shelf.
  11. Monroe Sean, Portable safety anchor.
  12. Lee Juang J. (6F-1 ; 49 ; Sec. 2 ; Chang An E. Rd. Taipei TWX), Rack structure for balls and related equipment.
  13. Dorf ; Helen A., Recreational vehicle shelf bars.
  14. Liang Shan-Kuai (Suite 5 ; 6F ; No. 52 ; Chung Chin First Street ; Ren Der Shiang Tainan Hsien TWX), Retractable laundry suspension rod.
  15. Demarest ; Jr. Russell G. (60 Forest Rd. Glen Rock NJ 07452), Self-contained portable hanging clothes dryer.
  16. Hampshire James (Solon OH), Shower and tub caddy.
  17. Emery William W. (Berkeley Heights NJ), Shower caddy.
  18. Winter Paul H., Shower caddy.
  19. Meyers Robert D. (P.O. Drawer “B”Chester MD 21619), Shower shelving unit.
  20. John H. Welsch, Structural support system having free-standing vertical standards.
  21. Brent Adam (2631 W. Estes Chicago IL 60645) Shimabukuro Jill R. (Chicago IL), Structure for supporting articles against vehicles.
  22. Darlak Mariann (6 Concord Creek Rd. Glen Mills PA 19342), Surgical instrument rack and facilitator.
  23. McEvers Wilber C. (655 Ave. C. ; SW. Winter Haven FL 33880), Telescoping neckwear rack.
  24. Haake Lawrence H. (Prairie Village KS) Anderson Herschel B. (Kansas City MO), Universal animal shelf.
  25. Kay Leslie A. (1522 NE. Quayside Ter. Miami FL 33138), Ventilated wooden closet shelf and its method of construction.
  26. Tien-Tsai Chang TW, Washroom rack for holding an object.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Roddy, Kelvin, Curtain rod and window blind holder.
  2. Dorfman, John Miles, Exercise device for pull-ups and hanging.
  3. Whyzel, Robert H. J., Grab bar.
  4. Crawbuck, Cynthia A.; Burchell, James R.; Moss, Edward J.; Burchell, John C., Integrated shelf allocation management system.
  5. Nicholson, Jeffrey M, Pressure mounted drawer apparatus.
  6. Nicholson, Jeffrey M, Pressure mounted storage apparatus.
  7. Davison, Max Matthew; Cronje, Martin; Tilley, Bevan; Lambrechts, Melanie, Product display unit.
  8. Vind, Krista K.; Vind, Clayton J., Shelf for overlying a shower barrier.
  9. Richards, Gary, Thawing rack.
  10. Bliss, Jr., Richard Chase; Utpat, Ajay Dhananjay; Dahatonde, Harishchandra, Universal modular storage for a vehicle.

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