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[미국특허] Container and lid 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 07-07
출원번호 US-0163217 (2002-06-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dais, Brian C.
  • Perushek, Joseph
  • McCumber, Donald E.
  • Angell, Charles A.
출원인 / 주소
  • S. C. Johnson Home Storage, Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 72  인용 특허 : 74


초록이 없습니다.


20020211, 2002-073559

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (74) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bernhardt, Daniel, Anti-spill recloseable container.
  2. Rush Jonathan E. (Phillipsburg NJ) Toczek Thomas R. (Nazareth PA), Beverage cup lid having an annular flange extension for increased cap retention force, and method of manufacture.
  3. Feer David L. (Dorchester MA) Pesa William A. (Wooster OH), Bowl lid having integral lever mechanism.
  4. Feer David L. (Dorchester MA) Pesa William A. (Wooster OH), Bowl lid having integral lever mechanism.
  5. Taylor William D. (Wooster OH) Dilyard Richard D. (Wooster OH), Center press outer seal bowl lid.
  6. Hupp Matthew Todd ; Randall Catherine Jean, Collapsible container and method of making.
  7. Fishman Aaron H. (Hewlett Harbor NY) Bottitta Joseph (Belleville NJ), Combination storage container and triple seal lid.
  8. Klein Gerald B. (13451 Stuart Ct. Broomfield CO 80020), Conical can end with a gate and opening tab at the cone apex.
  9. Hotta Masashi (Osaka JPX), Constant temperature box.
  10. Zettle Jeffrey J. ; Steichen Richard T., Container.
  11. Porchia Jose ; Zettle Jeffey J., Container Having a selectively detachable lid including an interrupted reinforcing bead.
  12. Cassel Timothy S. (Boxborough MA), Container and sealing lid.
  13. Daenen Robert H. C. M. (Hekelgem BEX), Container closure alignment device.
  14. Landis H. Richard (Oak Lawn IL), Container closure with external ribs.
  15. Maxwell Jason ; Sutthiwan Greg ; Warner Jim ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  16. Maxwell Jason ; Sutthiwan Greg ; Warner Jim ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  17. Maxwell Jason ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  18. Maxwell Jason ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  19. Maxwell Jason R. ; Tucker Edward ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  20. Tucker Edward (Romeoville IL) Lueken George (Fort Wayne IN) Gross Luke (Churubusco IN) Cruz Mark (Fort Wayne IN) Melvan Jack F. (Oak Forest IL), Container for food.
  21. Tucker Edward ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  22. Tucker Edward ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  23. Tucker Edward ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  24. Langenbeck Keith A. (3112 Purdue St. Dallas TX 75225), Container for storing and transporting letter mail and other flat articles.
  25. Freedland Darryle (20110 NE 23rd Ct. North Miami Beach FL 33180), Container for the storage and serving of food products.
  26. Zettle Jeffey J. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Container having a selectively detachable lid including a rigid tab member.
  27. Zettle Jeffey J. ; Wilson Daniel C. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Container having a snap fit selectively detachable lid.
  28. Leong Christopher (Cumberland Park AUX), Container lid with temperature responsive vents.
  29. Ahern ; Jr. Richard B. (Akron OH) Jenkins Dennis K. (Medina OH), Container with handles and cover.
  30. Brier John J. (Beta Theta Pi ; College Ave. Orono ME 04469), Container with integral cooling means.
  31. Morris Richard (2780 NE. 183rd #917 North Miami Beach FL 33160), Cooler container.
  32. Tucker Edward ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Corner of container lid.
  33. Fritz Jill A. (Fairport NY) Hansen Darryl P. (Shortsville NY), Disposable microwavable food container.
  34. Kolosowski Jadwiga M. (1411 Falcon Dr. Troy MI 48098), Double boiler container.
  35. Andress Bradley W. (Hudson WI) Rude Dale V. (St. Paul MN) VanKeuren Dick E. (River Falls WI), Double seal container.
  36. Littlejohn Mark (Appleton WI) Juneau Michael P. (Neenah WI), Double seal food container.
  37. Hadtke Frederick (New Providence NJ), Food container.
  38. Kong Soo S. (No. 22 ; Jalan SS21/11 Damansara Utama ; 47400 Petaling Jaya MYX), Food container.
  39. Slaughter Marion W. (Houston TX), Food container.
  40. Sedlak Mirko S. (1991 Delowe Drive ; SW. Atlanta GA 30311), Food plate service cover.
  41. Edward M. Poslinski ; Brent E. D'Alessio, Food storage container.
  42. VanValkenburg Terry L. (Elk River MN) Andress Bradley W. (Hudson WI) Davis Gregg M. (Columbus OH) Koenig John W. (Columbus OH), Food storage container.
  43. Saunders Craig ; Robbins ; III Edward S. ; White Ronald, Food storage containers.
  44. Terauds Oskar R. (Willoughby OH), Frozen food package and cover lid.
  45. Terauds Oskar R. (Willoughby OH), Frozen food package and cover lid.
  46. Hayes Thomas J. ; Sagan Michael J. A. ; Gomoll James N., High-strength gusseted lid for a food container.
  47. Wyslotsky Ihor (Rolling Meadows IL) Mello Frank C. (Zeeland MI), Improved method of providing resealable containers and matching lockable lids.
  48. Stackhouse Wells F. (124 Tamarisk Way Leesburg FL 32748), Lazy susan.
  49. Rogers J. David (Toronto CAX), Lid for drinks container.
  50. Berenfield Leonard H. (Wyoming OH) Wise Haron W. (Montgomery OH) Bordner Paul G. (Pickerington OH), Lid structure having fastening means.
  51. Longbottom Karl (Burton-on-Trent GB2) Whiteley Norman (Walsall GB2) Bagnall Paul J. H. (NR. Rugeley GB2), Lidded containers.
  52. Schlosser Edward P. (509 Lawton Ave. Ridgefield NJ 07657), Method and apparatus for maintaining products at selected temperatures.
  53. Conklin Hale (Santa Ana CA), Method of making a wall section for a thermal enclosure.
  54. Howe David J. (Milford MA), Method of making controlled heating baking pan.
  55. Blackwell Tommie R. ; Wallo Matthew, Microwavable single-serving meal container.
  56. Piepenbrink Joseph J. (714 Lincoln McHenry IL 60050), Nestable cooling bowl.
  57. Jarecki James J. (Greendale WI) Polzin Bruce C. (Greendale WI), Paint kit including sealable tray assembly.
  58. Douglas David (Indian Wells CA), Recloseable container.
  59. Zettle Jeffrey J. ; Evers Peter T. ; Hodge Donald E., Rectangular container with lid.
  60. Fishman Aaron H. (Hewlett Harbor NY), Refrigerator container.
  61. Tucker Edward ; Racana Lawrence John ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Reusable container for food.
  62. Tucker Edward ; Racana Lawrence John ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Reusable container for food.
  63. Graff Stewart M. (c/o Douglas Stephens Plastics ; Inc. ; 101 E. Main St. Little Falls NJ 07424), Reusable resiliently distortable sheet plastic closure for application to rimmed containers.
  64. Wilson Daniel C. ; Zettle Jeffey J. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Round container with lid.
  65. Bazemore Gertrude R. (T-4 English Village Apartments North Wales PA 19454) Cardy Mark A. (T-4 English Village Apartments North Wales PA 19454), Salad bowl having a refrigerant chamber.
  66. Olsen Eskil H. (Gentofte DKX) Lillelund Stig (Gentofte DKX) Daenen Robert H. C. M. (Erembodegen BEX), Seal with automatic release.
  67. Tucker Edward ; Lueken George ; Gross Luke ; Cruz Mark ; Melvan Jack F., Sealing container.
  68. Armentrout ; James L. ; Schneider ; George H., Sterile container.
  69. Pomroy James F. (St. Paul MN), Storage and cooking container with lid release tab.
  70. Tucker Edward ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Tab for container lid.
  71. Wilson Daniel C. ; Zettle Jeffrey J. ; Hodge Daniel E. ; Schaper Eric B., Tall round container with lid.
  72. Conklin Hale (Santa Ana CA), Thermal enclosure and method.
  73. Fujii Takafumi,JPX ; Yamada Masashi,JPX ; Furuyama Kensuke,JPX ; Tanaka Atsuhiko,JPX ; Kamachi Hidefumi,JPX, Thermally insulated synthetic resin container and thermally insulated synthetic resin lid.
  74. Borst Rodney D. (Oregon WI), Vacuum-formed container with u-shaped lock.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (72) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Miller, Michael David; Wan, Jacquelyn Hui-Yan; Daley, Bennett P.; Rezac, Peter; Coker, Timothy Bernard; Hall, Ryan Neil Peter; Vanderpoel, Timothy Andrew, Bottle cap.
  2. Baker, Steven, Container.
  3. Baker, Steven, Container.
  4. Capraro, Peter I.; Singh, Rishabh; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  5. Mather, David P.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Gosen, Craig R.; Thurin, Matthew N.; Smith, Troy D.; Hanson, Michael R.; Trahan, Jason S., Container.
  6. Parikh, Samir R.; Chenat, Sajith, Container.
  7. Pickard, Keith; Erway, Charles, Container.
  8. Singh, Rishabh; Velzy, Allan Freas; Capraro, Peter I., Container.
  9. Snedden, Craig R.; Sifuentes, Gandhi B.; Wexler, Eric; Mudahar, Gurmail, Container.
  10. Tamshe, Amir; Katseli, Victor; Sifuentes, Gandhi B., Container.
  11. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  12. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  13. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  14. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  15. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  16. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  17. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  18. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  19. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  20. Thurin, Matthew N.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Sandoval, Rachel, Container.
  21. Thurin, Matthew N.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Sandoval, Rachel, Container.
  22. Shapiro, Catherine M.; Sweley, Jess C.; Degner, Brian M.; Koestring, Darin Charles; Yunker, Todd Preston; Meissbach, Kenneth Paul, Container assembly.
  23. Baker, Steven R.; Bortolotti, Rebecca A.; Hunter, Raquelle E.; McDonald, Krista K.; Pappas, Kari Ann Brackelsberg; Pence, Michael Alan; Sweley, Jess Cristen; Skrypec, MaryKay; Fitzgibbon, Ryan; Guo, Judy; Hwang, Grace J.; Janisse, Laura Diane; Kahn, Nicole Sarah; Luna, Elle; Prieto, Santiago; Raj, Jenny Fan; Shimek, Lauren; Stevenson, Neil Owen; Von Stroheim, Dorinda, Container assembly and foldable container system.
  24. France, David W.; Baker, Steven Robert, Container basket.
  25. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container bowl.
  26. Tucker,Edward B.; Ramanujam,Anand; Racana,Lawrence John; Marasligiller,Ares; Phillips,Jason; Dhuru,Yashodhan; Thomas,Gordon D.; Zieker,Scott, Container for food.
  27. Kim,Chang Ho, Container for storing foods.
  28. Shapiro, Catherine M.; Sweley, Jess C.; Degner, Brian M.; Koestring, Darin Charles; Yunker, Todd Preston; Meissbach, Kenneth Paul, Container lid.
  29. Thurin, Matthew N.; Wlezien, Christopher M., Container lid.
  30. France, David W.; Pawlick, Adam, Cooking apparatus and food product.
  31. France, David W.; Baker, Steven R., Cooking method and apparatus.
  32. Pawlick, Adam; France, David W.; Baker, Steven R., Cooking method and apparatus.
  33. Pawlick, Adam; Goerl, Keith; Opat, Jr., Michael R.; Zielke, Julia A.; Baker, Steven R.; France, David W., Cooking method and apparatus.
  34. Ablo,Famia E.; Cautereels,Victor J. J., Cover for a container.
  35. Snedden, Craig Richard; Sifuentes, Gandhi Bonergue; Chen, Yu Wen, Deep lid for food container.
  36. Foss, Aaron, Food container.
  37. Foss,Aaron, Food container.
  38. Sim,Victor, Food container.
  39. Snedden, Craig Richard; Sifuentes, Gandhi Bonergue; Chen, Yu Wen, Food container.
  40. Snedden,Craig Richard; Sifuentes,Gandhi Bonergue, Food container.
  41. Snedden, Craig Richard; Sifuentes, Gandhi Bonergue; Chen, Yu Wen, Food container with deep lid.
  42. Snedden, Craig Richard; Sifuentes, Gandhi Bonergue; Chen, Yu Wen, Food container with shallow lid.
  43. Furlong, Brian Douglas, Food storage container lid.
  44. Furlong, Brian Douglas, Food storage container lid.
  45. Roth, Donna; Roth, Henry, Food storage system.
  46. Roth, Donna; Roth, Henry, Food storage system.
  47. Roth, Donna; Roth, Henry, Food storage system.
  48. Roth, Donna; Roth, Henry, Food storage system.
  49. Parsons, Steven M., Food tray.
  50. Parsons, Steven M., Food tray.
  51. Parsons, Steven M., Food tray.
  52. Roth,Donna; Roth,Henry, Lid for a container.
  53. Kim,Chang Ho, Lid for container.
  54. Shapiro, Catherine M.; Berends, Corey L.; Degner, Brian M.; Sweley, Jess C.; Bills, Stephanie L.; Branda, Christopher M.; Folta, Kim M.; Kim, Robert; Lai, Sue; Poulis, Pamela A.; Spungin, Jesse Jay; Bartholomew, Katie M.; Deakin, Lynda A.; Holscher, Todd T. S.; Hwang, Grace J.; Kavanagh, Mark M.; Lee, Michelle S. K.; Mack, Adam M.; Morgan, Eleanor D.; Smith, John W.; Thomsen, David C.; Trionfi, Gabriel M.; Chang, Ana T. Yuan, Multi-component packaging system and apparatus.
  55. Enriquez,Jose; Pho,Jimmy, Multiple compartment square food container.
  56. Sloat, Jeffrey T.; Resurreccion, Jr., Fermin P., Package for combined steam and microwave heating of food.
  57. Jones, Joshua; Sohoni, Payal; Rajput, Uzair, Packaging.
  58. Pickard, Keith; Erway, Charles, Packaging container for produce.
  59. Pickard, Keith; Erway, Charles, Packaging container for produce.
  60. Pickard, Keith; Erway, Charles, Packaging container for produce.
  61. Pickard, Keith; Erway, Charles, Packaging container for produce.
  62. Pickard, Keith; Erway, Charles, Packaging container for produce.
  63. Snedden, Craig Richard; Sifuentes, Gandhi Bonergue; Chen, Yu Wen, Shallow lid for food container.
  64. France, David; Baker, Steven Robert, Steam cooking apparatus.
  65. LeBoeuf, William E.; Schofield, Robert T.; Petersen, Sean T.; Boda, James C., Storage container lids.
  66. Gosen, Craig R.; Wazny, Katie M.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Thurin, Matthew N.; Mather, David P.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Chaudry, Saad; Rathgeber, Martin, Storage container systems.
  67. Gosen, Craig R.; Wazny, Katie M.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Thurin, Matthew N.; Mather, David P.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Chaudry, Saad; Rathgeber, Martin, Storage container systems.
  68. Gosen, Craig R.; Wazny, Katie M.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Thurin, Matthew N.; Mather, David P.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Chaudry, Saad; Rathgeber, Martin, Storage container systems.
  69. Golota, George A.; Drozek, Michael A.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Forowycz, Roman; Sanfilippo, John E.; Soria, Francisco J., Tamper resistant packaging lid.
  70. Anthony, Patricia M., Versatile container lid.
  71. Anthony, Patricia M., Versatile rectangle container lid.
  72. Anthony, Patricia M., Versatile square container lid.

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