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[미국특허] Hydraulic powered screed 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E01C-019/22
출원번호 US-0057920 (2002-01-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Piccoli, Mario
출원인 / 주소
  • N. Piccoli Construction
대리인 / 주소
    Marks & Clerk
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 20


This invention relates to a vibrating screed for compacting and smoothing flowable cementitious materials. More specifically, this invention relates to a self-contained hydraulic powered concrete screed. This hydraulic screed consists of a relatively lightweight screed unit having a hydraulic powere


1. A portable vibrating screed system for compacting and smoothing cementitious materials and operable by a sole operator, comprising: a vibrating screed unit having a hydraulic vibrator mounted to a frame, a screed blade mounted to a bottom side of said frame, and a handle mounted to said frame

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Breeding Kenny D., Backpack mounted pivoting motor for concrete finishing.
  2. Kraft Simon (7501 W. 99th Ter. Overland Park KS 66212), Concrete finishing float with rear fitting bar.
  3. Nightengale Stanley A. (35297 Weld County Rd. 41 Eaton CO 80615) Burrows Harvey P. (1633 26th Ave. Ct. Greeley CO 80631), Concrete prefinishing tool.
  4. Lindley Thomas R. (7845 Wice Church Rd. Boaz KY 42027), Concrete striking equipment.
  5. Allen J. Dewayne (Paragould AK), Floating vibrational screed.
  6. Kojima Atsushi,JPX ; Nakaya Tomomi,JPX ; Warashina Makoto,JPX, Knapsack type working machine.
  7. Lindley Joseph (Paducah KY) Lindley Thomas R. (Boaz KY), Material-leveling apparatus.
  8. Naser Charles F. (Atlanta GA) Aldridge Steven L. (Alpharetta GA), Multi-purpose concrete working tool.
  9. Davis Larry L. ; Frazier Roy K., Portable vibratory wet screed.
  10. Glenn James Anderson NZ, Recreational devices.
  11. Allen J. Dewayne ; Guinn Timmy D., Transformable two-person floating screed with automatic grade control.
  12. Owens Joe M. (842 Lake Holiday Dr. Sandwich IL 60548), User-mounted concrete screed.
  13. Owens Joe M. (842 Lake Holiday Dr. Sandwich IL 60548), User-mounted concrete screed.
  14. Harding ; Jr. Edward M. (Middletown MD), Variable pitch power trowel.
  15. Owens Joe M., Vibrating screed.
  16. Robert E. Suckow, Vibrating screed and method for using same.
  17. Rijkers Wilhelmus Cornelis Henricus Maria,BEX, Vibrating screed and method of making same.
  18. Rouillard Roger,CAX, Vibrating screed for surfacing concrete.
  19. Lievers Johannes Franciscus,NLX, Vibratory screed device for levelling freshly poured concrete surfaces.
  20. Allen J. Dewayne (Paragould AR), Vibratory screed including a spreading device for leveling and distributing plastic concrete in front of the screed.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lindley,Joe, Apparatus for finishing concrete.
  2. Rozinski,Richard M., Concrete finishing tool with handle-mounted vibrating arrangement.
  3. Biodrowski, Richard, Concrete screed apparatus.
  4. Sina,Paul M., Concrete screed with vibration isolation.
  5. Sina,Paul M., Concrete screed with vibration isolation.
  6. Argento, Settimio; Argento, Michele, Leveling blade, vibrating screed including the blade, and kit for assembling the same.
  7. Schmitt,Michael W.; Sina,Paul M., Screed bar for vibratory screed.

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