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[미국특허] Medium containing computer peripheral device maintenance guide program, computer peripheral device maintenance guide device, and computer peripheral device maintenance guide method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-015/177
  • G06F-001/24
출원번호 US-0445076 (1999-12-02)
우선권정보 JP-0107906 (1998-04-17)
국제출원번호 PCT/JP99/01990 (1999-04-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Tanaka, Shinji
출원인 / 주소
  • Seiko Epson Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Sughrue Mion, PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 3


In a case where maintenance operations are sequentially performed while the status of a computer peripheral device is determined, the status of the computer peripheral device may not be clearly determined, and it may be difficult for a user to perform the next operation. In a setup operation of a pr


1. A computer program product, having a computer readable medium with a printer installation operation guide program, for enabling a computer of a computer system to perform predetermined steps, the computer system further including a printer to be installed, the printer diagnosing its status at pre

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Ito Masaji (Ageo JPX) Midorikawa Akira (Yokohama JPX) Shinada Masayuki (Yokohama JPX) Hirono Tatsuo (Yokohama JPX) Yoshino Hirobumi (Tokyo JPX) Shibusawa Mitsuo (Yokohama JPX), Guidance device for manipulation of machine.
  2. Mayhew Debra Lee ; Powell Miriam Sarah ; Shough David E., Method and apparatus for leading a user through a software installation procedure via interaction with displayed graphs.
  3. Shinomura Masahiko,JPX, Method for automatically enabling peripheral devices and a storage medium for storing automatic enable program for peri.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Saito,Akiya; Kanada,Yoriaki; Shibasaki,Etsuo; Furukawa,Shunsuke; Nakajima,Koichi; Sako,Yoichiro; Inoue,Akiko; Kijima,Kaoru, Data recording medium, program starting method, and program.
  2. Rashkovskiy, Oleg B.; Wymore, Ben S., Electronic programming guide with selectable categories.
  3. Rashkovskiy, Oleg B.; Wymore, Ben S., Electronic programming guide with selectable categories.
  4. Rashkovskiy, Oleg B.; Wymore, Ben S., Electronic programming guide with selectable categories.
  5. Baxter, III, James E; Sokao, Russell John, Method and system for maintenance of a data-processing apparatus.
  6. Bartoy, Martin H.; Gregor, Michael L.; Howland, Michael J.; King, Kenneth D.; Rogers, Paul E., Method, system and program product for grouping related program sequences.
  7. Thiruvengada, Hari; Tessier, Patrick; Finch, Heidi, Methods systems and tools for determining a wiring configuration for an HVAC controller.
  8. Machida, Haruo, Network system, information processing apparatus, information processing method, and control program for remote driver installation.
  9. Hedberg, Mats; Chiba, Takuya, Printer maintenance guide device and printer maintenance guide method.
  10. Hedberg, Mats; Chiba, Takuya, Printer maintenance guide device and printer maintenance guide method.
  11. Miwa, Shiro; Takeuchi, Takeshi; Kawano, Kimihiro; Kanada, Kentaro; Suzuki, Atsushi; Oshima, Yasuhiro, Setting program, device control apparatus, and setting method.
  12. Dorsey, Jonathan A.; Matthews, David S.; Goldstein, Jonathan A., Video/text bi-directional linkage for software fault clearance applications.
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