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[미국특허] Dynamically tunable optical amplifier and fiber optic light source 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01S-003/00
출원번호 US-0942457 (2001-08-29)
우선권정보 KR-0028259 (1998-07-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lee, Chang-Hee
  • Kim, Byoung Yoon
  • Yun, Seok Hyun
  • Kim, Hyo Sang
  • Baik, Jin-Serk
  • Park, Kun-Youl
  • Sorin, Wayne V.
출원인 / 주소
  • Novera Optics, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Blakely, Sokoloff, Taylor & Zafman LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 22


An optical amplifier comprises a wavelength tunable filter, one or more optical gain stages, and a controller for controlling a spectral profile of the wavelength tunable filter in response to a measured spectral characteristic of the amplifier. The controller may also control gain of the gain stage


An optical amplifier comprises a wavelength tunable filter, one or more optical gain stages, and a controller for controlling a spectral profile of the wavelength tunable filter in response to a measured spectral characteristic of the amplifier. The controller may also control gain of the gain stage

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Jacobovitz-Veselka Gloria R. (Morganville NJ) Walker Kenneth L. (New Providence NJ), 980 NM pumped erbium fiber amplifier.
  2. Kim Byoung Yoon,KRX ; Yun Seok Hyun,KRX ; Lee Bong Wan,KRX, Acousto-optic filter.
  3. Kim Byoung Yoon,KRX ; Yun Seok Hyun,KRX ; Lee Bong Wan,KRX, Acousto-optic filter.
  4. Zemon ; Stanley A. ; Dakss ; Mark L., Acoustooptic modulator for optical fiber waveguides.
  5. Kim Byoung Yoon,KRX ; Kim Hyo Sang,KRX ; Yun Seok Hyun,KRX ; Hwang In Kag,KRX, All-fiber acousto-optic tunable filter.
  6. Kim Byoung Y. (Menlo Park CA) Blake James N. (Phoenix AZ), Apparatus using two-mode optical waveguide with non-circular core.
  7. Ball Gary A. ; Sanders Paul, Dynamic optical amplifier.
  8. Tayebati Parviz, Electrically tunable optical filter utilizing a deformable multi-layer mirror.
  9. Risk William P. (Palo Alto CA) Kino Gordon S. (Stanford CA), Fiber optic apparatus and method for spectrum analysis and filtering.
  10. Kim Byoung Y. (Menlo Park CA) Shaw Herbert J. (Stanford CA) Engan Helege E. (Trondheim CA NOX) Blake James N. (Mountain View CA), Fiber optic inter-mode coupling single side band frequency shifter.
  11. Engan Helge E. (Trondheim CA NOX) Kim Byoung Y. (Menlo Park CA) Blake James N. (Phoenix AZ) Shaw Herbert J. (Stanford CA), Fiber optic intermode coupling single sideband frequency shifter.
  12. Kim Byoung Y. (Menlo Park CA) Sorin Wayne V. (Stanford CA) Shaw Herbert J. (Stanford CA), Fiber optic mode selector.
  13. Yang Dan Dan,CAX, High power broadband source with stable and equalized spectrum output.
  14. DeMarco John Joseph ; Judkins Justin Boyd ; Wysocki Paul Francis, High power multiwavelength light source.
  15. Moslehi Behzad ; Black Richard James ; Shaw Herbert John, Mode-routed fiber-optic add-drop filter.
  16. Susumu Kinoshita JP, Optical communication system and optical amplifier.
  17. Auracher Franz (Baierbrunn DEX), Optical transmission system for transmission of signals with a continuous application of the signals during transmission.
  18. Steinblatt Serge,ILX, Optical waveguide mode coupling using mechanical wave interference.
  19. Grasso Giorgio (Monza ITX) Righetti Aldo (Milan ITX) Tamburello Mario (Vimercate ITX), Optical-fibre telecommunications line with protection device for optical amplifiers.
  20. Krinsky Jeffrey A. (Renton WA) Rempt Raymond D. (Woodinville WA), Radiation-hardened optical repeater.
  21. Morey William W. (West Hartford CT) Leonberger Fred J. (Glastonbury CT) Glenn William H. (Vernon CT) Meltz Gerald (Avon CT), Variable optical fiber Bragg filter arrangement.
  22. Kim Kyong-Hon (Daejeon KRX) Lee Hak-Kyu (Daejeon KRX) Park Seo-Yeon (Daejeon KRX) Lee El-Hang (Daejeon KRX), Wavelength-varying multi-wavelength optical filter laser using a single pump light source.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Noguchi,Masaji; Ueno,Tomohiro; Nakagawa,Goji; Kai,Yutaka, Acousto-optic tunable filter control apparatus automatically adjusting frequency and power of radio frequency signal.
  2. Eiselt,Michael H., Compensation for spectral power tilt from scattering.
  3. Eiselt,Michael H., Compensation for spectral power tilt from scattering.
  4. Yoshimoto, Masahiro; Izumi, Futoshi; Takakuwa, Makoto, Dispersion compensating method and dispersion compensating apparatus.
  5. Harbers, Rik; Schildknecht, Kurt, Increasing the usable dynamic range in photometry.
  6. Jasti,Chandra Sekhar; Gysel,Hermann; Ramachandran,Mani, Method and apparatus for automatically adjusting the optical power directed to a dispersion compensating element.
  7. Shukunami, Norifumi; Tsuzuki, Tatsuya; Ooi, Hiroki, Optical amplifier with feedback to obtain set gain and gain tilt.
  8. Nagai, Yusuke, Optical analyzer.
  9. Banno, Eiichi; Kato, Takatoshi; Tsumura, Eiji, Optical transceiver implementing erbium doped fiber amplifier.
  10. Parkhurst,Ray Myron; Jansen,Bartholomeus Hendrik; Camnitz,Lovell H.; Lesko,Camille A, RF power amplifier with load insensitive indirect forward power detector.

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