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[미국특허] Microbial process for the preparation of acetic acid, as well as solvent for its extraction from the fermentation broth 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C12P-007/54
  • C12P-001/04
  • C12P-039/00
  • C12N-001/20
출원번호 US-0053195 (2002-01-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gaddy, James L.
  • Clausen, Edgar C.
  • Ko, Ching-Whan
  • Wade, Leslie E.
  • Wikstrom, Carl V.
출원인 / 주소
  • Bioengineering Resources, Inc., Celanese International Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Howson and Howson
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 34  인용 특허 : 6


A modified water-immiscible solvent useful in the extraction of acetic acid from aqueous streams is a substantially pure mixture of isomers of highly branched di-alkyl amines. Solvent mixtures formed of such a modified solvent with a desired co-solvent, preferably a low boiling hydrocarbon, are usef


1. An anaerobic microbial fermentation process for the production of acetic acid, said process comprising the steps of:(a) fermenting in a bioreactor at least one gas selected from the group consisting of (1) carbon monoxide, (2) carbon dioxide and hydrogen, (3) carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

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  2. Crews George M. (Gonzales LA) Ji Shen (Donaldsonville LA) Pittman ; Jr. Charles U. (Tuscaloosa AL) Ran Ruicheng (Starkville MS), Ammeline-melamine-formaldehyde resins (AMFR) and method of preparation.
  3. James L. Gaddy, Biological production of products from waste gases.
  4. Gaddy James L. (2207 Tall Oaks Dr. Fayetteville AR 72703), Clostridium stain which produces acetic acid from waste gases.
  5. Wise Donald L. (Belmont MA), Process for manufacture of alkaline earth acetates.
  6. Wojtech Bernhard (Bad Soden am Taunus DEX) Steppich Walter (Wiesbaden DEX) Freudenberger Dieter (Hofheim am Taunus DEX) Riedel Knut (Hofheim am Taunus DEX), Process for the extraction of carboxylic acids from dilute aqueous solutions.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (34)

  1. Simpson, Sean Dennis, Acid production by fermentation.
  2. Barker, Will David; Bromley, Jason Carl; Mihalcea, Christophe Daniel, Alcohol production process.
  3. Barker, Will David; Heijstra, Bjorn Daniel; Chan, Wing Chuen; Mihalcea, Christophe Daniel; Tran, Loan Phuong; Collet, Christophe; Bromley, Jason Carl; Al-Sinawi, Bakir, Alcohol production process.
  4. Forster, Richard Llewellyn Sydney; Simpson, Sean Dennis; Collet, Christophe, Alcohol production process.
  5. Simpson, Sean Dennis; Forster, Richard Llewellyn Sydney; Rowe, Matthew James; Tran, Phuong Loan; Collet, Christophe, Alcohol production process.
  6. Simpson, Sean Dennis; Tizard, Joseph Henry, Alcohol production process.
  7. Simpson, Sean Dennis; Forster, Richard Llewellyn Sydney; Tran, Phuong Loan; Rowe, Matthew James; Warner, Ian Linstrand, Bacteria and methods of use thereof.
  8. Oakley, Simon David, Carbon capture in fermentation.
  9. Simpson, Sean Dennis; Collet, Christophe; Forster, Richard Llewellyn Sydney; Cockrem, Michael Charles Milner; Oakley, Simon David, Carbon capture in fermentation.
  10. Simpson, Sean Dennis; Collet, Christophe; Forster, Richard Llewellyn Sydney; Cockrem, Michael Charles Milner; Oakley, Simon David; Kopke, Michael, Carbon capture in fermentation.
  11. Simpson, Sean Dennis; Collet, Christophe; Cockrem, Michael; Oakley, Simon David; Koepke, Michael, Carbon capture in fermentation using blended gaseous substrate.
  12. Zahn, James A.; Saxena, Jyotisna, Ethanologenic Clostridium species, Clostridium coskatii .
  13. Zahn, James A.; Saxena, Jyotisna, Ethanologenic Clostridium species, Clostridium coskatii .
  14. Trevethick, Simon Richard, Fermentation of gaseous substrates.
  15. Trevethick, Simon Richard; Bromley, Jason Carl; Simpson, Sean Dennis; Khosla, Vinod, Fermentation of gaseous substrates.
  16. Smart, Kathleen Frances; Mueller, Alexander Paul; Mawdsley, Michael James Harry; Mihalcea, Christophe Daniel, Fermentation process.
  17. Tran, Loan Phuong; Simpson, Sean Dennis, Fermentation process.
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  19. Huhnke, Raymond L.; Lewis, Randy S.; Tanner, Ralph S., Isolation and characterization of novel clostridial species.
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  24. Gaddy,James L.; Clausen,Edgar C.; Ko,Ching Whan; Wade,Leslie E.; Wikstrom,Carl V., Microbial process for the preparation of acetic acid as well as solvent for its extraction from the fermentation broth.
  25. Collet, Christophe; Ng, Jan Yan; Aston, David Nathaniel, Multiple reactor system for continuous gas fermentation.
  26. Simpson, Sean Dennis; Warner, Ian Lindstrand; Eung, Jennifer Mon Yee; Kopke, Michael, Optimised media containing nickel for fermentation of carbonmonoxide.
  27. Bell, Peter Simpson; Ko, Ching-Whan, Process for fermentation of syngas.
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  29. Koepke, Michael; Simpson, Sean Dennis; Liew, FungMin, Recombinant microorganism and methods of production thereof.
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  31. Evanko, William A.; Eyal, Aharon M.; Glassner, David A.; Miao, Fudu; Aristidou, Aristos A.; Evans, Kent; Gruber, Patrick R.; Hawkins, Andrew C., Recovery of higher alcohols from dilute aqueous solutions.
  32. Evanko, William A.; Eyal, Aharon M.; Glassner, David A.; Miao, Fudu; Aristidou, Aristos A.; Evans, Kent; Gruber, Patrick R.; Hawkins, Andrew C., Recovery of higher alcohols from dilute aqueous solutions.
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  34. Bolduc, Isabelle; Couffin, Anne-Claude; Dong, Shuojia; Godin, Danick; Koutlakis, George; Lachapelle, Nicole; Laforest, André; Lavergne, Caroline; Nettel, Vladimiro; Nourry, Nicolas; Picard, Frédéric; Suarez-Hernandez, Oscar; Theriault, Catherine, Superabsorbent surface-treated carboxyalkylated polysaccharides and process for producing same.
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