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Biologically safe mail box 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-091/00
출원번호 US-0284079 (2002-10-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Webb, Winston S.
출원인 / 주소
  • Honeywell International Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Ingrassia Fisher & Lorenz
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 11


A mailbox contains a UV lamp to produce UV and ozone. The lamp is activated when the mailbox door is closed to destroy biological materials in the mail box.


1. A system for decontaminating mail comprising:a mail box;a mail box door on the mail box;a door lock;means for operating the door lock in response to a door lock signal to lock the door;means for providing a first signal when mail has been inserted into the mailbox;means for decontaminating conten

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11)

  1. Matschke Arthur L. (Bethel CT), Apparatus and method for a bio-conditioning germicidal dryer.
  2. Dhaemers Gregory L. (829 N. 27th Ave. West Duluth MN 55806), Armoire.
  3. Dhaemers Gregory L. (829 N. 27th Ave. W. Duluth MN 55806), Armoire adaptable to a sauna, drum dryer, and tubular lighted clothing dryer with humidity damper control of exhaust gas.
  4. Levitt Gary H. (1585 Sorrento Valley Rd. Ste. 103 San Diego CA 92121) Levitt Kaley A. (12555 High Bluff Dr. te 380 San Diego CA 92130), Dental hygiene system.
  5. Newman Paul Bernard,GBXITX EX20 3BT, Microbial decontamination of food.
  6. Lott Gene (896 Chestnut Lake Dr. Marietta GA 30068), Refrigerated waste container with germicidal lamp.
  7. McGady ; Donald L. ; Hooper ; Thomas M. ; Wilczynski ; Joseph E., Sterilizing system and automatic control therefor.
  8. Lowery Ginger E. ; Fassuliotis Thomas M., Toy washer and disinfector device.
  9. Jon L. Roberts, Trash receptacle sterilization method and apparatus.
  10. Richard P. Palestro ; Dale R. Morgan ; Michael Dee Iseman ; Donald P. Rosier, Ultraviolet germicidal system.
  11. Shodeen Keith (Otsego MN) Davenport Stewart (Portage MI) Melgaard Hans L. (North Oaks MN), Ultraviolet passthrough sterilization device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10)

  1. Avant,Oscar Lee, Handling potentially contaminated mail.
  2. Darty,Harry, Hazardous material mail collection point-of-use.
  3. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Internal sanitizing and communicating.
  4. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Sanitizing surfaces.
  5. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Sanitizing surfaces associated with assembly areas.
  6. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Sanitizing surfaces associated with seating.
  7. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Sports ball sterilizer.
  8. Charette, Keith; Nordyk, Lynn; Paolella, Karen, System and methods of preserving integrity and securely transporting biological specimens to a depository and devices for securely storing biological specimens.
  9. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Ultraviolet autonomous trolley for sanitizing aircraft.
  10. Kreitenberg, Arthur, Ultraviolet autonomous trolley for sanitizing aircraft.
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