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[미국특허] Sleeves and album pages for flat items 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-085/57
출원번호 US-0267155 (2002-10-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fu, David
  • Shipp, Robert D.
출원인 / 주소
  • Ultra Pro LP
대리인 / 주소
    Weiss David
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 39


Double-sided sleeves and album pages for holding flat items such as compact discs or photographs, including an embedded synthetic paper strip with exposed write-on areas in respective positional association with the pockets of the sleeve or album page.


1. A sleeve for holding flat items, comprising in combination:a flexible first sheet, a flexible second sheet, and a flexible third sheet interposed between said first and second sheets, said first, second and third sheets welded together to form a pocket between said first and third sheets includin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (39)

  1. Seaborn Paul E. (Los Gatos CA), Album.
  2. Wihlke Hans (Strmkarlsvgen 57 S-161 38 Bromma SEX), Album leaf with pockets for insertion of photographic paper prints and similar articles.
  3. Matteau Paul Raymond ; Jordan John P. ; Mylander Paul, Album page.
  4. Hoffmeister Thomas (Sunapee NH), Album page for bi-directional insertion and centering of rectangular images.
  5. Daly Douglas P. (115 Osborne Ave. Mamaroneck NY 10543), Album page for storing computer disks or similar article.
  6. Ruebens Jason I. (Chatsworth CA), Bi-directional album with memo area.
  7. Muscoplat Richard D. (1435 Quebec Ave. North Golden Valley MN 55427), Card negative holder and method of manufacture.
  8. Youngs Ross O. (5185 Willow Grove P1. North Dublin OH 43017), Compact disc storage container with non-scratching surface.
  9. Bergh James Allen (Boulder CO) Drew Terrence Martin (Superior CO) Storz Johann Peter Konrad (Boulder CO), Compact disc storage device for a vehicle visor.
  10. Temple James Manson ; Bergh James Allen, Compact disc wallet.
  11. Temple James M. (Boulder CO) Bergh James A. (Boulder CO) Stanley Robert P. (Longmont CO), Container for compact disks and the like.
  12. Temple James M. (Boulder CO) Bergh James A. (Boulder CO), Containers for compact discs.
  13. Ong Bon S., Custom presentation folder.
  14. Hammond Peter J. (34 Melanesia Road Kohimarama ; Auckland NZX), Disc sleeve.
  15. Drew Terrence Martin, Double sided sleeve with a single sheet non-woven material for holding compact discs.
  16. Timothy J. Flynn ; Patrick J. Flynn ; Kenneth A. Kritz, Envelope having ring binder holes.
  17. Arimoto Keigo (Wakayama JPX) Tanibata Toru (Wakayama JPX), Film storing sheet.
  18. Bradley Velma L. (503 2nd St. Naches WA 98937), Inserted labels - address book.
  19. Ashby Robert E. (Quakertown PA), Mailer with die cut insert and self-imaging area.
  20. Latino Richard M. (Worcester MA), Means for storing and indexing microfiche.
  21. Temple James M. (Boulder CO) Bergh James A. (Boulder CO) Stanley Robert P. (Longmont CO), Multi-leaf holder for compact disks.
  22. Srinivasan Ramesh, Nonwoven fabric having both UV stability and flame retardancy.
  23. Baldwin Judith A. M. (New York NY), Notebook with selectively changeable, removeable and replaceable information carriers.
  24. Diamond Maxwell (c/o Design Images 71-58 Austin St. Forest Hills NY 11375) Rose Jack (c/o Design Images 71-58 Austin St. Forest Hills NY 11375), Page construction for a stamp album.
  25. Barrick Ralph E. (Kirk Line ; R.R. #2 Bracebridge ; Ontario CAX P0B 1C0), Photograph negative organizer.
  26. Miyajima Norihisa (Urawa JPX) Ozaki Issei (Urawa JPX) Fukada Hajime (Urawa JPX), Pressure sensitive adhesive sheet a pressure sensitive label and a laminate utilizing a specified pressure sensitive adh.
  27. Miller William R. (Walnut CA), Protective holders for disks.
  28. Ranalli Anthony G. (Park Ridge IL), Protective plastic laminates and method of manufacturing laminated protective plastic sleeves.
  29. Ackerman Don (Scotch Plains NJ), Removable material swatch display incorporating type matched fixed material swatches.
  30. Bergh James Allen ; Drew Terrence Martin, Sleeve for holding digital video discs and graphics.
  31. Bergh James Allen ; Drew Terrence Martin, Sleeve for holding digital video discs and graphics.
  32. Bergh James Allen ; Drew Terrence Martin, Sleeve for holding digital video discs with a write-on title strip.
  33. Youngs Ross O. (Dublin OH), Storage container with integral flap.
  34. Yu Jackson,TWX, Storage device.
  35. Miller William R. (Walnut CA), Thermocontact welding method and welded product.
  36. Bergh James Allen ; Drew Terrence Martin, Three ring binder page for holding compact discs.
  37. Kaplan Gary M. (Eugene OR) Karau Robert T. (Eugene OR) Winney ; Jr. Norman E. (Springfield OR) Brader David G. (Eugene OR), Universal package for prerecorded computer disk and associated instructional material.
  38. Drew Terrence Martin, Variable position compact disc storage device for a vehicle visor.
  39. Lincoln Joyce L., Video cassette storage sleeve.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5)

  1. Fu,David, Album for holding photographs, negatives and a digital disc.
  2. Ballantine,William Scott, Disc sleeve with retention feature.
  3. Martinetti,Dominick, Interchangeable CD-page.
  4. Ballantine,William Scott, Portion of a diskette sleeve.
  5. Bergh,James Allen; Drew,Terrence Martin, Sleeve for holding digital video discs and graphics.

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