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Seat module for a vehicle seat which can be actively ventilated and method of making same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60N-002/56
출원번호 US-0860592 (2001-05-21)
우선권정보 DE-0024880 (2000-05-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Buss, Henning
  • Kunkel, Joachim
  • Pfahler, Karl
출원인 / 주소
  • DaimlerChrysler AG
대리인 / 주소
    Crowell & Moring LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 173  인용 특허 : 11


A seat module is designed as a seat cushion or backrest and can be actively ventilated. The seat module includes a cushion, which has a cushion pad impermeable to air and an upholstered zone that extends over the latter and through which air can be made to flow and which is covered by an air-permeab


1. Seat module, which is designed as a seat cushion or backrest and can be actively ventilated, having a cushion, which has a cushion pad impermeable to air and an upholstered zone that extends over the latter and through which air can be made to flow and which is covered by an air-permeable cushion

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11)

  1. Weiss Michael,DEX ; Rauh Hans-Georg,DEX ; Lorenzen Gunter,DEX ; Schuller Ferdinand,DEX, Air-permeable heating device for a seat.
  2. Eksin Harun,DEX ; Kohfink Hermann,DEX ; Pfahler Karl,DEX ; Schwarz Rolf,DEX, Cushioning for the seat part and/or the backrest of a vehicle seat.
  3. Mills Duane R. ; Dipert Brian Lyn ; Sambandan Sachidanandan ; McCormick Bruce ; Pashley Richard D., Flash memory including a mode register for indicating synchronous or asynchronous mode of operation.
  4. Orizaris Vasillios,DEX ; Pfahler Karl,DEX, Heat vehicle seat and method of using same.
  5. Izumida Satoshi (Ayase JPX) Kitamura Katsumi (Ayase JPX), Seat structure.
  6. Faust Eberhard,DEX ; Klink Josef,DEX ; Pfahler Karl,DEX, Seat, especially a vehicle seat.
  7. Faust Eberhard,DEX ; Pfahler Karl,DEX, Vehicle seat.
  8. Faust Eberhard,DEX ; Pfahler Karl,DEX, Vehicle seat.
  9. Faust Eberhard,DEX ; Pfahler Karl,DEX ; Renner Lothar,DEX, Vehicle seat.
  10. Isono Hiroyuki (Tokyo JPX) Kurosawa Mutsuo (Tokyo JPX), Vehicle seat.
  11. Urai Muneharu (Tokyo JPX), Vehicle seat member integrally formed of synthetic resin material.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (173)

  1. Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Preuss, Kevin; Line, Johnathan Andrew; Hosbach, Christian J.; Lyons, David Frederick; Ferrier, Scott, Adjustable upper seatback module.
  2. Brykalski, Michael J.; Clark, Jay C.; Comiskey, Brian D., Air conditioned bed.
  3. Zhang, Jonathan, Air conditioned object in the interior of a motor vehicle with a switching device.
  4. Stoewe,Stefan; Spee,Rainer, Air conditioned seat and air conditioning apparatus for a ventilated seat.
  5. Stoewe,Stefan; Spee,Rainer, Air conditioned seat and air conditioning apparatus for a ventilated seat.
  6. Eckel, Peter, Air conditioning device for vehicle seats.
  7. Stoewe, Stefan; Ulbrich, Thomas; Harnisch, Jens, Air conditioning system for a seat.
  8. Helmenstein, Winfried, Air conveyor.
  9. Lofy, John, Air warmer.
  10. Salter, Stuart C.; Gardner, Cornel Lewis, Ambient functional lighting of a seat.
  11. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Ferretti, Daniel; Kolich, Michael; Jaranson, John Wayne, Anthropomorphic pivotable upper seatback support.
  12. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Ferretti, Daniel; Kolich, Michael; Jaranson, John Wayne, Anthropomorphic pivotable upper seatback support.
  13. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Ferretti, Daniel; Jaranson, John Wayne; Kolich, Michael, Anthropomorphic upper seatback.
  14. Kolich, Michael; Hall, Amber LaVerne, Apparatus for customizing a vehicle seat for an occupant.
  15. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marc; Jaranson, John W.; Hosbach, Christian J., Articulating cushion bolster for ingress/egress.
  16. Kondrad, Marc; Line, Johnathan Andrew; Groesbeck, Gunnar; Yan-rush, Yalie, Articulating head restraint.
  17. Kondrad, Marc; Line, Johnathan Andrew; Talamonti, Joe S.; Jaranson, John W.; Ferretti, Daniel, Articulating headrest assembly.
  18. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Casey, Carol; Brinker, Rodney Charles, Articulating mechanical thigh extension composite trim payout linkage system.
  19. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcus Silva; Jaranson, John Wayne; Casey, Carol; Brinker, Rodney Charles, Articulating thigh extension trim tensioning slider mechanism.
  20. Bajic, Goran; Brennan, Lindy; Truant, Scott; Onica, Madalina, Automotive vehicle seat having a comfort system.
  21. Bajic,Goran; Brennan,Lindy; Truant,Scott; Onica,Madalina, Automotive vehicle seat having a comfort system.
  22. Bajic, Goran; Brennan, Lindy; Truant, Scott; Onica, Madalina, Automotive vehicle seat insert.
  23. Bajic,Goran; Brennan,Lindy; Truant,Scott; Onica,Madalina, Automotive vehicle seat insert.
  24. Bajic,Goran; Brennan,Lindy; White,Brennon Lewis; Liss,Anne Patrice; Fernandez,Lucas; Drobnjakovic,Valerija; Lazanja,Marinko, Automotive vehicle seat insert.
  25. Bajic,Goran; Brennan,Lindy; White,Brennon Lewis; Liss,Anne Patrice; Fernandez,Lucas; Drobnjakovic,Valerija; Lazanja,Marinko, Automotive vehicle seat insert.
  26. Lazanja, Marinko; Bajic, Goran; Marlovits, Ed; Axakov, Dmitri, Automotive vehicle seat insert.
  27. Lazanja, Marinko; Bajic, Goran; Marlovits, Ed; Axakov, Dmitri, Automotive vehicle seat insert.
  28. Lazanja, Marinko; Bajic, Goran; Marlovits, Ed; Axakov, Dmitri, Automotive vehicle seat insert.
  29. Lazanja, Marinko; Bajic, Goran; Marlovits, Ed; Axakov, Dmitri, Automotive vehicle seat insert.
  30. Lazanja,Marinko; Bajic,Goran; Marlovits,Ed; Axakov,Dmitri, Automotive vehicle seat insert.
  31. Brennan,Lindy; Bajic,Goran; Fernandez,Lucas; Drobnjakovic,Valerija, Automotive vehicle seating comfort system.
  32. Brennan,Lindy; Bajic,Goran; Fernandez,Lucas; Drobnjakovic,Valerija, Automotive vehicle seating comfort system.
  33. Brennan,Lindy; Bajic,Goran; Fernandez,Lucas; Drobnjakovic,Valerija, Automotive vehicle seating comfort system.
  34. Bajic, Goran; Brennan, Lindy; White, Brennon Lewis; Liss, Anne Patrice; Fernandez, Lucas; Drobnjakovic, Valerija; Lazanja, Marinko, Automotive vehicle seating insert.
  35. Llne, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marc Silva; Ronzi, Brett E.; Hosbach, Christian J.; Lyons, David Frederick, Back cushion module for a vehicle seating assembly.
  36. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Soyka, Jr., Richard Joseph; Hosbach, Christian J.; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Billardello, Nicholas Alphonse; Berry, S. M. Akbar, Back panel lower clip anchorage features for dynamic events.
  37. Minegishi,Takeshi; Kikuchi,Kazuo; Ebihara,Takashi, Breathable seat.
  38. Wolas, Scott R., Chair with air conditioning device.
  39. Lofy, John D.; Inaba, Masahiko, Climate control assembly.
  40. Comiskey, Brian; Terech, John, Climate control systems and methods.
  41. Brykalski, Michael J.; Terech, John; Petrovski, Dusko, Climate controlled bed assembly.
  42. Brykalski, Michael J.; Terech, John; Petrovski, Dusko, Climate controlled bed assembly.
  43. Brykalski, Michael J.; Marquette, David; Vidojevski, Robert, Climate controlled bed assembly with intermediate layer.
  44. Brykalski, Michael J.; Marquette, David; Vidojevski, Robert, Climate controlled bed assembly with intermediate layer.
  45. Marquette, David; Petrovski, Dusko; Comiskey, Brian D., Climate controlled beds and methods of operating the same.
  46. Lofy, John, Climate controlled beverage container.
  47. Lofy,John; Jackson,Todd; Terech,John, Climate controlled seat.
  48. Lofy, John, Climate controlled seating assembly with humidity sensor.
  49. Lofy, John, Climate controlled seating assembly with sensors.
  50. Brykalski, Michael J.; Marquette, David; Terech, John; Vidojevski, Robert, Climate-controlled topper member for beds.
  51. Brykalski, Michael; Marquette, David; Terech, John; Vidojevski, Robert, Climate-controlled topper member for medical beds.
  52. Wicks, Christopher Donald; Madin, Mark Michael, Composite cam carrier.
  53. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Berry, S. M. Akbar; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Casey, Carol; Andree, David, Composite seat structure.
  54. Lofy, John, Condensation and humidity sensors for thermoelectric devices.
  55. Lofy, John, Condensation and humidity sensors for thermoelectric devices.
  56. Lofy, John D., Condensation and humidity sensors for thermoelectric devices.
  57. Inaba, Masahiko; Lindeman, Keith Alan; Lofy, John D., Conductive convective climate controlled seat.
  58. Petrovski, Dusko; Steele, Barry; Brykalski, Michael; Terech, John; Marquette, David, Control schemes and features for climate-controlled beds.
  59. Fernandez, Lucas; Majarov, Konstantin, Control system for operating automotive vehicle components.
  60. Fernandez, Lucas; Majarov, Konstantin, Control system for operating automotive vehicle components.
  61. Fernandez,Lucas; Majarov,Konstantin, Control system for operating automotive vehicle components.
  62. Petrovski, Dusko, Control system for thermal module in vehicle.
  63. Walsh, Ryan, Convective heater.
  64. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Berry, S. M. Akbar; Hosbach, Christian J.; Casey, Carol, Cross-tube attachment hook features for modular assembly and support.
  65. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Casey, Carol Diane; Gagnier, Todd; Soyka, Jr., Richard Joseph, Decorative and functional upper seatback closeout assembly.
  66. Dry, Alan George; Groesbeck, Gunnar; Talamonti, Joseph S., Electronic device holder for a vehicle seat.
  67. Brykalski, Michael J.; Terech, John; Petrovski, Dusko, Environmentally conditioned bed assembly.
  68. Brykalski, Michael J.; Terech, John; Petrovski, Dusko, Environmentally-conditioned bed.
  69. Brykalski, Michael J.; Terech, John; Petrovski, Dusko, Environmentally-conditioned bed.
  70. Brykalski, Michael J.; Marquette, David; Terech, John; Vidojevski, Robert, Environmentally-conditioned topper member for beds.
  71. Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Preuss, Kevin; Line, Johnathan Andrew; Lyons, David Frederick; Hosbach, Christian J., Extended seatback module head restraint attachment.
  72. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Ferretti, Daniel; Jaranson, John W.; Compton, Grant A.; Harper, Kendrick Alden; VanNieulande, Kevin, Flexible seatback system.
  73. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Ferretti, Daniel; Jaranson, John W.; Compton, Grant A.; Harper, Kendrick Alden; VanNieulande, Kevin, Flexible seatback system.
  74. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Ferretti, Daniel; Jaranson, John W.; Compton, Grant A.; Harper, Kendrick Alden; VanNieulande, Kevin, Flexible seatback system.
  75. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Ferretti, Daniel; VanNieulande, Kevin; Kondrad, Marc Silva; Jaranson, John W.; Harper, Kendrick Alden; Compton, Grant A., Flexible seatback system.
  76. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Ferretti, Daniel; VanNieulande, Kevin; Kondrad, Marc Silva; Jaranson, John W.; Harper, Kendrick Alden; Compton, Grant A., Flexible seatback system.
  77. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Ferretti, Daniel; VanNieulande, Kevin; Kondrad, Marc Silva; Jaranson, John W.; Harper, Kendrick Alden; Compton, Grant A., Flexible seatback system.
  78. Kolich, Michael; Hall, Amber LaVerne; Fannin, Sean David; Godin, Keith Allen, Head restraint with a multi-cell bladder assembly.
  79. Brykalski, Michael J.; Clark, Jay C.; Comiskey, Brian D., Heated and cooled bed assembly.
  80. Petrovski, Dusko, Heating and cooling systems for seating assemblies.
  81. Persson, Mattias; Tuskes, Milan; Leu, Cristian, Heating and ventilation inlay for a vehicle seat.
  82. Zhang, Jonathan Yu; Zhang, Yand Yanbing; Liang, Beck Hailong; Zhang, Fred Fufei, Heating device.
  83. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marc; Jaranson, John W.; Harper, Kendrick Alden; Ferretti, Daniel; Kolich, Michael; Lovelace, Lorne Joseph; VanNieulande, Kevin; Compton, Grant A., Independent cushion extension and thigh support.
  84. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marc; Jaranson, John W.; Harper, Kendrick Alden; Ferretti, Daniel; Kolich, Michael; Lovelace, Lorne Joseph; VanNieulande, Kevin; Compton, Grant A., Independent cushion extension and thigh support.
  85. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Jaranson, John Wayne; Ferretti, Daniel; Kolich, Michael, Independent cushion extension with optimized leg-splay angle.
  86. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Ferretti, Daniel; Jaranson, John Wayne; Kolich, Michael, Independent cushion thigh support.
  87. Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Line, Johnathan Andrew; Brinker, Rodney Charles; Gagnier, Todd; Soyka, Jr., Richard J., Independent thigh extension and support trim carrier.
  88. Wolas, Scott R., Insert duct piece for thermal electric module.
  89. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Lyons, David Frederick; Preuss, Kevin; Ferretti, Daniel; Hosbach, Christian J., Integrated independent thigh supports.
  90. Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Hosbach, Christian J.; Line, Johnathan Andrew; Brinker, Rodney Charles; Billardello, Nicholas Alphonse, Integrated power thigh extender.
  91. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Fannin, Sean David; Godin, Keith Allen; Kondrad, Marcos Silva, Integrated seatback storage.
  92. Ferretti, Daniel; Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Preuss, Kevin; Godin, Keith Allen; Lyons, David Frederick, Integrated sound system.
  93. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Ferretti, Daniel; Jaranson, John W.; Compton, Grant A.; Harper, Kendrick Alden, Integrated thin flex composite headrest assembly.
  94. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Berry, S. M. Akbar, Kinematic back panel.
  95. Hall, Amber LaVerne; Kolich, Michael; Fannin, Sean David; Godin, Keith Allen, Lane departure feedback system.
  96. Lofy, John; Walsh, Ryan, Low-profile blowers and methods.
  97. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Hosbach, Christian J.; Nichols, Brandon W.; Iacoban, Paul; Sidhu, Mandeep Singh, Manual independent thigh extensions.
  98. Hosbach, Christian J.; Sachs, Adam; Kondrad, Marc; Line, Johnathan Andrew; Nisbett, Jason; Sidhu, Mandeep Singh, Manual lumbar pump assembly.
  99. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Hosbach, Christian J.; Roorda, Brian John; Nichols, Brandon W.; Sidhu, Mandeep Singh, Manual upper seatback support.
  100. Hosbach, Christian J.; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Roorda, Brian John; Line, Johnathan Andrew, Mechanical manual leg tilt.
  101. Petrovski, Dusko; Zheng, Sihai; Maass, Michael, Method and system for controlling an operation of a thermoelectric device.
  102. Iqbal,Syed R.; Alionte,Corina S.; Bajic,Goran; Howick,Shaun C.; Panic,Zoran; Drobnjakovic,Valerija; Lazanja,Marinko; K��hler,Simone; N��gele,Peter; Stoewe,Stefan; Zlotin,Boris; Ulan,Piter; Gerasimov,Vladimir; Proseanik,Vladimir, Method for ventilating a seat.
  103. Knoll,Peter R.; Brady,Benson J.; Bevan,Michael J., Modular comfort assembly for occupant support.
  104. Brykalski, Michael; Marquette, David, Moisture abatement in heating operation of climate controlled systems.
  105. Dry, Alan George; Talamonti, Joseph S., Multi-cell seat cushion assembly.
  106. Rauh, Hans-Georg; Dorn, Richard; Zuzga, Matthew; Iqbal, Syed; Spasojevic, Igor, Occupancy sensor that measures electric current through a heating element.
  107. Marquette, David; Petrovski, Dusko; Comiskey, Brian D., Operational control schemes for ventilated seat or bed assemblies.
  108. Marquette, David; Petrovski, Dusko; Comiskey, Brian D., Operational schemes for climate controlled beds.
  109. Dry, Alan George; Talamonti, Joseph S., Passive air suspended seat comfort layer having areas of differing pressures.
  110. Dry, Alan George; Talamonti, Joseph S., Passive air suspended seat comfort layer having areas of differing pressures.
  111. Dry, Alan George; Talamonti, Joseph S., Passive conformal seat with hybrid air/liquid cells.
  112. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Billardello, Nicholas Alphonse; Lyons, Jr., David Frederick; Hosbach, Christian J.; Yan-rush, Yalie, Powered head restraint electrical connector.
  113. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marc; Jaranson, John W.; Ferretti, Daniel; Hosbach, Christian; Sidhu, Mandeep Singh, Quick-connect trim carrier attachment.
  114. Sachs, Adam; Craig, Benjamin; Hosbach, Christian J.; Line, Johnathan Andrew, Rear seat modular cushion.
  115. Comiskey, Brian; Terech, John, Seat climate control system.
  116. Bajic, Goran; Iqbal, Syed; Axakov, Dmitri; Zuzga, Matthew, Seat conditioning module and method.
  117. Llne, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marc Silva; Ronzi, Brett E.; Hosbach, Christian J.; Brinker, Rodney Charles; Godin, Keith Allen, Seat cushion module for a vehicle seating assembly.
  118. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Godin, Keith Allen; Fannin, Sean David, Seat having ambient lighting.
  119. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Soyka, Richard Joseph; Gagnier, Todd; Berry, S. M. Akbar; Andree, David; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Ferretti, Daniel; Billardello, Nicholas Alphonse, Seatback comfort carrier.
  120. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Soyka, Jr., Richard Joseph; Carr, Lisa Marie; Billardello, Nicholas Alphonse, Seatback flexible slip plane joint for side air bag deployment.
  121. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Hoke, Paul Bryan; Kolich, Michael; Jaranson, John W.; Kondrad, Marc, Seating assembly with air distribution system.
  122. Lofy, John, Segmented thermoelectric device.
  123. Sachs, Adam; Line, Johnathan Andrew; Berry, S. M. Akbar, Semi rigid push/pull vented envelope system.
  124. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos S.; Yilma, Benjamin; Koth, Lisa; Padilla, Beatriz Esthela, Side airbag assembly for a vehicle seat.
  125. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Soyka, Jr., Richard Joseph; Voelker, Martin; Desai, Manoj; Hosbach, Christian J., Side airbag energy management system.
  126. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Soyka, Jr., Richard Joseph; Voelker, Martin; Desai, Manoj; Hosbach, Christian J., Side airbag energy management system.
  127. Terech, John; Marquette, David, Structure based fluid distribution system.
  128. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kolich, Michael; Ferretti, Daniel, Suspension seat back and cushion system having an inner suspension panel.
  129. Lofy, John; Marquette, David, System and method for thermoelectrically cooling inductive charging assemblies.
  130. Lofy, John; Marquette, David, Systems and methods for cooling inductive charging assemblies.
  131. Lofy, John; Marquette, David, Systems and methods for thermoelectrically cooling inductive charging stations.
  132. Lofy, John; Marquette, David, Systems and methods for thermoelectrically cooling inductive charging stations.
  133. Fries, Thomas; Hou, Hauk Yingqiu; Liu, Andy (Jianming); Zhang, Jonathan Yu; Rauh, Hans-Georg, Temperature control system for an electrochemical voltage source.
  134. Petrovski, Dusko, Thermal conditioning system for climate-controlled seat assemblies.
  135. Petrovski, Dusko, Thermal module for climate-controlled seat assemblies.
  136. Brykalski, Michael J.; Clark, Jay C.; Comiskey, Brian D., Thermally conditioned bed assembly.
  137. Lofy, John, Thermoelectric device.
  138. Petrovski, Dusko, Thermoelectric device.
  139. Petrovski, Dusko; Zheng, Sihai; Maass, Michael, Thermoelectric device controls and methods.
  140. Inaba, Masahiko; Clark, Jay Christopher; Comiskey, Brian, Thermoelectric device with internal sensor.
  141. Bell, Lon E., Thermoelectric heat exchanger.
  142. Voros, Gabor, Thermostat device.
  143. Dry, Alan George; Groesbeck, Gunnar; Line, Johnathan Andrew, Thigh support for customer accommodation seat.
  144. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Zhong, Harry; Jaranson, John W.; Ferretti, Daniel; Compton, Grant A.; VanNieulande, Kevin, Thin seat flex rest composite cushion extension.
  145. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Ferretti, Daniel; Jaranson, John W.; Compton, Grant A., Thin seat leg support system and suspension.
  146. Giffin, Steven C.; Wolas, Scott R., Tie strap for climate controlled seat.
  147. Brykalski, Michael J.; Marquette, David; Terech, John; Vidojevski, Robert, Topper member for bed.
  148. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Casey, Carol Diane; Billardello, Nicholas Alphonse; Brinker, Rodney Charles, Torsion bar upper seatback support assembly.
  149. Yadav, Shailendra, Torsion spring bushing.
  150. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Sidhu, Mandeep Singh; Hosbach, Christian J., Trim and foam assembly for a vehicle seat.
  151. Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Berry, S. M. Akbar; Soyka, Jr., Richard Joseph; Line, Johnathan Andrew; Billardello, Nicholas Alphonse, Tuned flexible support member and flexible suspension features for comfort carriers.
  152. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Ferretti, Daniel; Jaranson, John W.; Compton, Grant A.; Harper, Kendrick Alden, Upper seatback pivot system.
  153. Bajic, Goran; Lazanja, Marinko; Panic, Zoran; Zlotin, Boris; Ulan, Peter; Gerasimov, Vladimir; Proseanik, Vladimir, Valve layer for a seat.
  154. Bajic,Goran; Lazanja,Marinko; Panic,Zoran; Zlotin,Boris; Ulan,Peter; Gerasimov,Vladimir; Proseanic,Vladimir, Valve layer for a seat.
  155. Steinman, Adam Joseph; Bunyak, Kenneth James; Orlando, Bruno Antonio, Vehicle headliner assembly for zonal comfort.
  156. Hartwich,Dirk, Vehicle seat.
  157. Nii, Tomoki; Hatano, Hiroyuki, Vehicle seat.
  158. Stoewe,Stefan, Vehicle seat and associated air conditioning apparatus.
  159. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marc Silva; Ronzi, Brett; Hosbach, Christian J.; Godin, Keith Allen; Lyons, Jr., David Frederick, Vehicle seat assembly with side-impact airbag deployment mechanism.
  160. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marc Silva; Ronzi, Brett; Hosbach, Christian J.; Godin, Keith Allen; Lyons, Jr., David Frederick, Vehicle seat assembly with side-impact airbag deployment mechanism.
  161. Ota, Hiroki; Nii, Tomoki; Toyama, Kazuaki; Taniguchi, Mitsuaki; Murata, Yoshiyuki; Hayashida, Tetsuo; Jyoujima, Ryousuke; Ito, Masahiko; Ishikawa, Asakiyo; Kaneko, Shinya, Vehicle seat component.
  162. Kolich, Michael; Hall, Amber LaVerne, Vehicle seat configured to improve access.
  163. Park, Jang Su; Park, Chan Uk; Oh, Man Ju, Vehicle seat for cooling and heating.
  164. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Ferretti, Daniel; Jaranson, John W.; Compton, Grant A.; Harper, Kendrick Alden, Vehicle seatback with side airbag deployment.
  165. Hosbach, Christian J.; Nichols, Brandon W.; Line, Johnathan Andrew; Sidhu, Mandeep Singh; Nisbett, Jason William, Vehicle seating assembly with manual cushion tilt.
  166. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Hosbach, Christian J.; Nichols, Brandon W.; Sidhu, Mandeep Singh; Reddy, Balakrishna, Vehicle seating assembly with manual independent thigh supports.
  167. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Hosbach, Christian J.; Nichols, Brandon W.; Sidhu, Mandeep Singh; Reddy, Balakrishna, Vehicle seating assembly with manual independent thigh supports.
  168. Line, Johnathan Andrew; Kondrad, Marcos Silva; Billardello, Nicholas Alphonse; Hosbach, Christian J.; Lyons, Jr., David Frederick, Vehicle seating assembly with side airbag deployment.
  169. Iqbal,Syed Rafat; Alionte,Corina Simona; Bajic,Goran; Howick,Shaun Calvin; Panic,Zoran; Drobnjakovic,Valerija; Lazanja,Marinko; Kohler,Simone; Nagele,Peter; Stoewe,Stefan; Zlotin,Boris; Ulan,Piter; Gerasimov,Vladimir; Proseanik,Vladimir, Ventilated seat.
  170. Krobok, Martin, Ventilation means.
  171. Stoll, Andreas; Zhang, Johnathan; Fries, Thomas; Tong, Yu; Philipp, Denise, Ventilation system.
  172. Stoll, Andreas; Zhang, Jonathan; Fries, Thomas; Yu, Eric (Tong); Philipp, Denise, Ventilation system.
  173. Wolas, Scott R., Ventilation system for seat.
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안녕하세요, AI-Helper입니다. 좌측 "선택된 텍스트"에서 텍스트를 선택하여 요약, 번역, 용어설명을 실행하세요.
※ AI-Helper는 부적절한 답변을 할 수 있습니다.

선택된 텍스트
