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[미국특허] Non-involute gears with conformal contact 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16H-05508
출원번호 US-0059389 (2002-01-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hawkins, Richard M.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 12


Several embodiments of various non-involute gear tooth profiles incorporate relief areas formed across the area of the tooth face generally symmetrically to each side of the pitch circle of the gear. The relief area serves to preclude contact across the areas of meshing or mating gear teeth where co


1. A gear tooth, comprising:a gear tooth having a first contact face and a second contact face disposed generally opposite said first contact face, the gear tooth further having a convex addendum portion and concave dedendum portion, defined by a pitch circle therebetween, the convex addendum portio

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. LaBate Joseph (Bethel CT), Beveled spur gear.
  2. Carter Willis M. (Lexington KY), Bevolute gear system.
  3. Carter Willis M. (Lexington KY), Bevolute gear system.
  4. F\Geppert Erwin (Oakland County MI), Concave-convex gear pair having staggered teeth.
  5. Colbourne John Robert,CAX ; Berlinger ; Jr. Bernard E., Gear form constructions.
  6. Rivin Evgeny I. (1114 Pierre Windsor ; Ontario CAX), Gears having resilient coatings.
  7. Litvin Faydor L. ; Feng Pin Hao ; Lagutin Sergey A,RUX ; Townsend Dennis P ; Sep Thomas M, Helical and spur gear drive with double crowned pinion tooth surfaces and conjugated gear tooth surfaces.
  8. Drago Raymond (Glenn Mills PA), High profile contact ratio, non-involute gear tooth form and method.
  9. Baxter ; Jr. Meriwether L. (86 New Wickham Dr. Penfield NY 14526), Non-involute gear.
  10. Boiko Leonid S. (ulitsa Deputatskaya ; 6 ; kv. 26 Kiev SUX) Korotkin Viktor I. (prospekt Stachki ; 193/2 ; kv. 73 Rostov-na-Donu SUX) Veretennikov Viktor Y. (ulitsa Repina ; 19 ; kv. 12 Izhevsk SUX) , Novikov gearing.
  11. Steele Ronald J. (Wyndmoor PA) Lorincz Eugene M. (Cinnaminson NJ), One-way gear.
  12. Kasuya Katsuhiko (Ibaraki JPX) Mori Hidetomo (Ibaraki JPX) Fujiwara Mitsuru (Ibaraki JPX) Matsunaga Tetsuzo (Ibaraki JPX), Rotor tooth form for a screw rotor machine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Stanovskoi, Viktor V.; Kazakiavichius, Sergei M.; Kuznetsov, Vladimir M.; Skovorodin, Aleksandr V.; Remneva, Tatiana A.; Zakharkin, Nikolai V., Actuator of a rotary positive displacement machine.
  2. Benedict, Dale K.; Gutman, Yevsey, Controlled relative radius of curvature forged bevel gears with involute section.
  3. Benedict, Dale K.; Gutman, Yevsey, Controlled relative radius of curvature forged bevel gears with involute section.
  4. Whinnery, Joseph; Peterson, Dave; Burns, Ken, DC motor with directionally determined torque.
  5. Tanabe, Yosuke; Abbas, Jason; Saikalis, George, Fuel pump for an internal combustion engine.
  6. Zhuravlev, German Alexandrovich, Gear drive.
  7. Ando,Teruhisa; Kojima,Masataka; Tsunemi,Masahiro; Okufuji,Hidekazu, Gear mechanism and reduction planetary gear.
  8. Somschor, Bernd; Panowitz, Dieter; Mahler, Milos, Gear mechanism having helical toothing.
  9. Fan, Qi, Optimization of face cone element for spiral bevel and hypoid gears.
  10. Ando, Yoshiaki; Takeshima, Masayuki; Hirota, Ikuko, Processing method and processing device for concave-convex gear.

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