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[미국특허] Paddle lock 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E05B-013/10
출원번호 US-0277522 (2002-10-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Linares, Rodolfo
출원인 / 주소
  • S.P.E.P. Acquisition Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Christie, Parker &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 17


A paddle lock. The paddle lock has a housing with a well, a lock with locked and unlocked positions that is attached to the housing and a cam connected to the lock with the cam having a locking portion and an unlocking portion. A cam spring biases the cam to the locking position and the lock to the


1. A paddle lock, comprising:a housing; a lock, with locked and unlocked positions, attached to the housing; a cam connected to the lock, the cam having a locking portion and an unlocking portion; a cam biasing spring which biases the cam to a locking position and the lock to the locked position; a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (17)

  1. Esaki Takanobu (Tokyo JPX) Yamada Kenichi (Tokyo JPX), Door locking handle assembly of pull-out and side-swinging lever-action type.
  2. Shirou Segawa JP, Door locking handle assembly of pull-out and side-swinging lever-action type.
  3. Yamada Kenichi (Tokyo JPX), Door locking handle assembly of pull-out and side-swinging lever-action type.
  4. Graham, Roderick; Linares, Rodolfo A.; Alvarado, George N., Flush mounted latch.
  5. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Arthurs Scott A. (Brunswick OH), Handle operable rotary latch and lock.
  6. Weinerman Lee S. (Medina OH) Kuminski Arthur J. (Parma OH) Hollingsworth James L. (Middleburg Heights OH) Arthurs Scott A. (Brunswick OH), Handle operable rotary latch and lock.
  7. Larsen Marvin L. ; McConnell Ken L. ; Eschweiler Kevin P. ; Glaser Theresa M. ; Wildeboer Chris J., Latch system for movable closure.
  8. Weinerman, Lee S.; Arthurs, Scott A., Lockable paddle handle with disconnect feature for operating remotely located latches.
  9. Parikh Bhupendra ; McFarland Donald J., Lockable slammable cam latch with handle key hole cover.
  10. Parikh Bhupendra ; McFarland Donald J., Lockable slammable paddle latch.
  11. Sadler Dennis, Paddle lock.
  12. Pastva ; Jr. John V. (Parma Hts. OH), Paddle locks with handle disconnect features.
  13. Bhupendra Parikh, Rotary latch operated by a T-handle with multiple latch actuator connection points.
  14. Gleason Stephen J. (Charles City IA), Sealed latch assembly.
  15. Karbstein, Henning; Kuhl, Mario; Borst, Alfred; Haas, Michael, Switchable tappet for directly transmitting a cam lift onto a tappet push rod.
  16. Dieter Ramsauer DE, Swivelling lever control that can be locked after being swivelled inwards and for closing switchboard cabinet doors or the like.
  17. Parikh Bhupendra, Weatherproof paddle latch.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22)

  1. Czeresko, Jr., Paul J., Cable eye paddle handle element.
  2. Burns, Jayden; Root, David L.; Everett, Alexander C.; Bearman, Jennifer L, Free floating paddle actuation system.
  3. Hidding, Matthew L.; Schwickerath, Toby, Free floating paddle handle for vehicle doors.
  4. Weinerman, Lee S.; Arthurs, Scott, Latch assembly.
  5. Mazolf,Ricci L.; Playford,Martin John, Lock system for movable closure element.
  6. Bacon, Bruce, Lock system for vehicles and the like.
  7. Bacon, Bruce C., Locking paddle handle latch assembly for closures and the like.
  8. Gulley,Thomas D., Paddle handle.
  9. Czeresko, Jr., Paul J., Paddle handle with cable eye.
  10. Burns, Sean T., Paddle handle with raised finger area.
  11. Le, Tam, Paddle latch.
  12. Le, Tam, Paddle latch.
  13. Wollacott, Martin; Downing, Matthew, Paddle latch.
  14. Ramsauer, Dieter, Recessed grip.
  15. Bacon, Bruce C., Remotely operated locking paddle handle latch assembly.
  16. Bacon, Bruce C., Remotely operated locking paddle handle latch assembly for closures and the like.
  17. Strum, Brandon Gene; Auer, Ronald Frank, Safety cabinet with interlock mechanism.
  18. Strum, Brandon Gene; Auer, Ronald Frank, Safety cabinet with interlock mechanism.
  19. Mueller, Wesley J.; Deedrich, Dennis Michael; Auer, Ronald Frank; Bunting, Jeffrey Dale, Safety cabinet with sequential door-closing system.
  20. Bacon, Bruce C., Touch pad lock assembly.
  21. Bacon, Bruce C., Touch pad lock assembly.
  22. Loret de Mola, Manuel, Two assembly parts latch system.

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