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[미국특허] Containerized rocket assisted payload (RAP) launch system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F41F-003/042
  • F41F-003/055
출원번호 US-0749553 (2004-01-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wright, James E.
대리인 / 주소
    Hoffman, Wasson &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 14


A rocket assisted payload launch system includes a heavy gauge metal shipping container that houses an array of containerized concentric launch tubes, or canisters. Spacers on each containerized concentric launch tube contact the adjacent tubes and retain the centers of the tubes a predetermined dis


1. A rocket assisted payload launch system comprising:a) a metal container including first and second end walls, said end walls being parallel to each other; b) said container further including first and second side walls, said side walls being parallel to each other; c) a bottom wall extending betw

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. von Hoessle Wolfgang (Riemerling DEX) Seiffarth Ernst-August (Taufkirchen DEX), Apparatus for the remote control of missiles or torpedoes.
  2. Carter William M. (Glendora CA) Klauschie Robert W. (Claremont CA) Schillreff George H. (Glendora CA), Decoy launcher system.
  3. Basak Leszek Stanislaw, High missile packing density launching system.
  4. Borgwarth Dennis Wolfgang ; Breeggemann Bradley James, Matrix gun system.
  5. Raimondi Peter K. (Woodbridge VA), Method of autonomous target acquisition.
  6. Pat H. McIngvale, Missile system and method for performing automatic fire control.
  7. Yagla Jon J., Multi-warfare area launcher.
  8. Bovee Stan P. (St. Cloud MN) Boudreau David R. (Brooklyn Park MN), Multipurpose launcher and controls.
  9. Authie Christian (Muret FRX) Cassagne Philippe (Fonsorbes FRX), Munition constituting a cartridge-launcher loader, in particular for countermeasure cartridge-launcher on aircraft.
  10. Fischer Nikolaus H. J. (Troisdorf DEX) Mathey Christoph (Ockenfels DEX) Schffl Rainer (Odenthal DEX), Practice ammunition system.
  11. Dennis W. Borgwarth ; Brad J. Breeggemann, Remote fire system.
  12. Mead Donald C. ; Foster Carl G., System and method for simultaneously guiding multiple missiles.
  13. Ivy Robert Leon ; Goetz George Henry ; Preston Timothy John, System for controlling and independently firing multiple missiles of different types.
  14. Stoffberg Pieter Andries,ZAX, Upgrading a missile launcher system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Jacq, Emmanuel Daniel Martn, Autonomous unmanned tower military mobile intermodal container and method of using the same.
  2. Smoker, Thomas William, Launched air vehicle system.
  3. Sisemore, Carl L.; Thomas, II, Myron Lyn, Mobile vertical missile launcher.
  4. Cox, Donald P; Knox, Robert W; Wall, Derek S; Stokes, Michael D; Smith, Darren C; Martin, Scott G; Holt, Michael J; Gaul, Bradley M, Payload deployment system and method.
  5. Angeloff, Mark A.; McMahon, Roy P., Systems and methods for launching munitions.

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