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[미국특허] Vehicle positioning apparatus and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01C-021/00
  • G06G-007/78
  • A01D-034/00
출원번호 US-0830479 (1999-10-27)
우선권정보 AU-0006795 (1998-10-27)
국제출원번호 PCT/AU99/00930 (2001-08-08)
§371/§102 date 20010808 (20010808)
국제공개번호 WO00/24239 (2000-05-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mailer, Robert Lindsay
출원인 / 주소
  • Beeline Technologies Pty LTD
대리인 / 주소
    Gifford, Krass, Groh, Sprinkle, Anderson &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 39  인용 특허 : 16


There is disclosed a guidance assisting apparatus for aiding in the guidance of an agricultural vehicle (5) over arable land. The apparatus makes use of a GPS positional receiver (81) in order to determine if the vehicle (5) is overlapping previous passes of a paddock thereby reducing the likelihood


1. A vehicle guidance apparatus for guiding a land based agricultural vehicle over a paddock along a number of paths, the paths being offset from each other by a predetermined distance, said vehicle including steering means, said apparatus including:a satellite based global positioning system receiv

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16)

  1. Teach Ted L. (Dayton OH), Agricultural aircraft control system using the global positioning system.
  2. Lestradet, Denis, Apparatus for automatically guiding the movement of a vehicle, especially an off-road vehicle.
  3. Schutten Herman P. (Bayside WI) Stephenson Dwight B. (Savage MN) Johnson Oliver W. (Chaska MN), Automatic steering apparatus for crop vehicle.
  4. Winslow Phillip D., Correction control for guidance control system.
  5. Francis Travostino FR; A. John Santos ; Mark E. LaCroix ; Stephen J. Lyle, Digital sensor of relative position.
  6. Baird Charles A. (Melbourne Beach FL), Elevation map-referenced mechanism for updating vehicle navigation system estimates.
  7. Anderson Noel W., Field navigation system.
  8. Keller Russell J. ; Petrie Robert W.,NZX ; Price Gregory R.,NZX, Form line following guidance system.
  9. Keller Russell J. ; Lange Arthur F., GPS guidance system for use with circular cultivated agricultural fields.
  10. Gudat Adam J. ; Harrod Gregory R. ; Colburn Stephen, Method and apparatus for determining the location of seedlings during agricultural production.
  11. Dano Paul K. (Euless TX), Method of and apparatus for guiding agricultural aircraft.
  12. Keller Russell J. ; Nichols Mark E. ; Lange Arthur F., Methods and apparatus for precision agriculture operations utilizing real time kinematic global positioning system systems.
  13. Korver Kelvin ; Hawkinson Wesley ; Boedigheimer Donovan, Navigation/guidance system for a land-based vehicle.
  14. Kamimura Kenji (Saitama JPX) Tsuzuki Sadachika (Saitama JPX), Position detector for moving vehicle.
  15. Reinaud Guy F. (Dampierre en Yvelines FRX), Vehicle guidance system particularly for use in agriculture.
  16. Kyrtsos Christos T. (Peoria IL) Gudat Adam J. (Edelstein IL) Christensen Dana A. (Peoria IL) Friedrich Douglas W. (Pekin IL) Stafford Darrell E. (Dunlap IL), Vehicle position determination system and method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (39)

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  2. Joughin, Alan Robert, Apparatus and method to mount steering actuator.
  3. Stratton, John; Payne, Matthew K.; Dollinger, Tyson J.; Lindsey, Matthew, Automatic swath generation device and methods.
  4. Matthews, Paul Ross, Automating distribution of work in a field.
  5. Lange, Arthur F., Calibrated farming system.
  6. Hudson, Adam, Control apparatus for automating the operation of machinery.
  7. McClure, John A.; Stichter, Aaron C., Control for dispensing material from vehicle.
  8. Nagasawa, Atsuo, Delivery vehicle and method and program for controlling drive of delivery vehicle.
  9. Alberola, Gabriel; Bourbonnais, Olivier; Couturier, Maxime; Peich, Xavier, Electronic device and method for providing travel information.
  10. Lange, Arthur F., Farm apparatus having implement sidehill drift compensation.
  11. Lange, Arthur F., Farm sidehill compensation.
  12. Webber, Mark R.; Jones, Keith R.; McClure, John A.; Roberge, Andre C.; Feller, Walter J.; Whitehead, Michael L., GNSS and optical guidance and machine control.
  13. Webber, Mark R.; Jones, Keith R.; McClure, John A.; Roberge, Andre C.; Feller, Walter J.; Whitehead, Michael L., GNSS and optical guidance and machine control.
  14. Webber, Mark R.; Jones, Keith R.; McClure, John A.; Roberge, Andre C.; Feller, Walter J.; Whitehead, Michael L., GNSS and optical guidance and machine control.
  15. Lange,Arthur; Price,Gregory Robin; Wallace,Gregory Craig, GPS receiver with autopilot and integrated lightbar display.
  16. Adamchuk, Viacheslav; Pouliot, Antoine; Stanhope, Trevor, Guidance system and steering control device for an agricultural vehicle.
  17. Gattis, Joshua M.; Koch, Steven A., Hydraulic interrupter safety system and method.
  18. Gattis, Joshua M.; Koch, Steven A., Implement and boom height control system and method.
  19. Miichi, Tadahiro; Asahara, Tatsuya; Shimo, Kazutoshi, Information display device and course setting method.
  20. Medagoda, Eran D. B.; Sullivan, Timothy J.; Dang, Tri M., Line acquisition path generation.
  21. Gattis, Joshua M.; Koch, Steven A.; Anderson, Mark W., Machine control system and method.
  22. Missotten, Bart M. A.; Coen, Tom, Method and device for predictive control of agricultural vehicle systems.
  23. Notstrand, Joakim; Norberg, Pär; Ivansson, Johan; Skarman, Erik, Method and system for generating a route.
  24. Senneff, Aaron Matthew; Leiran, Brandon G.; Roszhart, Timothy J., Method and system for generating end turns.
  25. Gibson, Mark; Manning, Charles; Lange, Arthur F., Method and system for implementing automatic vehicle control with parameter-driven disengagement.
  26. Dix, Peter J., Method for creating end of row turns for agricultural vehicles.
  27. Flann,Nicholas Simon; Hansen,Shane Lynn; Gray,Sarah Ann, Path planner and method for planning a path plan having a spiral component.
  28. McClure, John A., Portable base station network for local differential GNSS corrections.
  29. McClure, John A.; Collins, Dennis M., Raster-based contour swathing for guidance and variable-rate chemical application.
  30. Ariyur, Kartik B.; Johnson, Daniel P.; Subramanian, Dharmashankar, Real time planning and scheduling for a team of unmanned vehicles.
  31. Cantin,Daniel; Babin,Fran��ois; L��vesque,Marc, Real-time measuring of the spatial distribution of sprayed aerosol particles.
  32. Beams, Darren; Cawse, Neil, Reversing vehicle remote telematics detection.
  33. Medagoda, Eran D. B.; Ramm, Andreas F.; Dang, Tri M.; Boseley, Adam, Sensor alignment calibration.
  34. Medagoda, Eran D. B.; Sullivan, Timothy J.; Joiner, Brendan M.; Ramm, Andreas F.; Dang, Tri M., Single-mode implement steering.
  35. Mortimer, Raymond; Miller, Steven R.; Ganz, Brian; Hutchings, James; Syverson, Charles D., Steering controller for precision farming.
  36. Eglington,Michael; O'Connor,Michael L.; Leckie,Lars G.; Sapilewski,Glen A., System and method for interactive selection and determination of agricultural vehicle guide paths offset from each other with varying curvature along their length.
  37. Wang, Guoping; Aznavorian, Todd; Natarajan, Arun; Nejad, Kousha Moaveni, System and method for synchronized control of a harvester and transport vehicle.
  38. Lange, Arthur F., System for guiding a farm implement between swaths.
  39. Drew, Bernard; Dwyer, Sean, Yard maintenance vehicle route and orientation mapping system.

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