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Support for a seating device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60N-002/02
출원번호 US-0313407 (2002-12-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Congleton, Jerome J.
  • Benden, Mark E.
  • Boenigk, Rebecca Congleton
  • Guillen, John C.
출원인 / 주소
  • Neutral Posture, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Howrey Simon Arnold &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 17


A support apparatus is provided for use in the field of workstation design. The support apparatus is movably attachable to a seating device to selectively provide both dorsal and ventral support to a seated user. The support apparatus is movable, by a user in the seated position, between the positio


1. A support apparatus for use by a user seated on a seating device, the apparatus comprising:a support movably mountable to the seating device and attached to a pivot arm that is rotatably attachable to the seating device, the pivot arm having a first substantially horizontal member rotatably mount

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (17)

  1. Collins ; Jr. William T. (Bloomfield Hills MI), Adjustable vehicle seat.
  2. Ishida Keiichi (Toyota JPX) Harada Kuniyoshi (Takahama JPX), Air-controlled lumbar support device.
  3. Sabater Gonzlez Buenaventura (Denia 23 Barcelona ESX), Arrangement for the distribution of pressurized fluid to a seat unit having a backrest.
  4. Foster Daniel N. (3014 S.W. 41st La. ; Apt. #36D Gainesville FL 32608), Chair for the lower back.
  5. Tedesco Romeo (Ontario CAX), Chair having ergonomic lumbar support cushion.
  6. Schrewe Klaus,DEX ; Siedler Holger,DEX, Chair with a lumbar support.
  7. Simjian, Luther G., Chair with moving seat and moving mirror.
  8. Massara Andrew J. (Southfield MI) Wainwright John (Riverview MI), Lumbar support actuation.
  9. Hand R. Scott ; Pekar Robert W. ; Weber Jeffrey A., Office chair and adjustable lumbar support therefor.
  10. Benden Mark E. ; Boenigk Rebecca C. ; Belt Kendall A. ; Ebner David W., Pump assembly for a chair.
  11. Benden Mark E. ; Boenigk Rebecca C. ; Belt Kendall A. ; Ebner David W., Pump assembly for a chair.
  12. Bly Robert R., Reversible transfer bench.
  13. Scott Glenn (Ann Arbor MI), Seat assembly with inflatable bladder having a single non-reversible pump for inflating and deflating the bladder.
  14. Yoshida Youki (Yokosuka JPX) Ichikawa Kenji (Yokohama JPX), Seat having pneumatic component.
  15. Armstrong William H. (2552 Hampshire ; SE. Grand Rapids MI 49506), Seat pad with adjustable lumbar support.
  16. Serber Hector (200 Gate 5 Rd. ; Ste. 211 Sausalito CA 94965), Variable posture chair and method.
  17. Kamijo Ken (Zushi JPX) Shimizu Kenzo (Yokosuka JPX) Ueno Hiroshi (Yokosuka JPX), Vehicular seat.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11)

  1. Grenon, Daniel, Abdominal support swivel chair.
  2. Jahns, Henner, Chair.
  3. Hatcher,Stephen D.; Deimen,Michael L., Chair with backrest depth adjustment mechanism.
  4. Boenigk, Rebecca Congleton; Warren, Michelle, Cover for a seating device.
  5. Clausnitzer,Todd, Ergonomic chair.
  6. Wilder, William A., Patient transport apparatus.
  7. Manning,Michael Eugene, Reversible chair.
  8. Boenigk, Rebecca E.; Chapman, Anthony K.; Wich, Suzanne M.; Johnson, Larry D.; Congleton, Jerome J., Seating assembly having a seat-mounted attachment assembly for adjustable extension arm.
  9. Benden,Mark E.; Chapman,Anthony K.; Sanchez,Maria R., Seating device.
  10. Benden,Mark E; Chapman,Anthony K; Sanchez,Maria R., Seating device.
  11. Wang,Oliver, System and method for mounting wicker.
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