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[미국특허] Steerable parachute control system and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64D-017/00
출원번호 US-0315466 (2002-12-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Preston, Daniel
출원인 / 주소
  • Atair Aerospace, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Bourque &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 7


An autonomous guided parachute system for cargo drops that divides the requirements of guidance and soft landing into separate parachutes. Said invention includes a high wing-loaded ram air parachute for guidance, a larger round parachute for soft landing, a harness/container system, flight computer


1. A controllable parachute system for controlled guidance and delivery of an air dropped payload, the system comprising:a steering ram air guidance parachute, connectable to the payload for a first period of time following launch adapted to quickly move the payload after drop to a first altitude su

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hiroshi Yoneda JP; Atsushi Amito JP, Automatic guidance system for flight vehicle having parafoil and navigation guidance apparatus for the system.
  2. Rooney, Harry B., Automatic guidance unit for aerial delivery unit.
  3. Fisher Jeffrey A. ; Miller Edward V., Deployable wing with propulsion for range extension.
  4. Keeler Arthur A. (Mt. Waverley AUX) Rice William M. (Altona AUX) Tremayne Edward C. (North Coburg AUX), Parachute control apparatus.
  5. Fisher Jeffrey A. (Huntsville AL), Passive control assembly for gliding device.
  6. Woodall Robert ; Garcia Felipe, Precision, airborne deployed, GPS guided standoff torpedo.
  7. Hetzer Walter (Grasbrunn DEX) Rieger Ulrich (Feldkirchen-Westerham DEX), Steering device for a glider.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Strong,Edward, Aerial delivery device.
  2. Yates, William M., Airborne drone delivery network and method of operating same.
  3. Bernhardt, Roger David, Airdrop controller system.
  4. Farley, Rodger; MacCallum, Taber Kyle; Lee, G. Ryan; Padilla, Sebastian, Continuous multi-chamber super pressure balloon.
  5. Dunker, Storm; Gilbert, Martin, Deployment brake release for a parachute.
  6. Hoffmann, Frank, Drogue parachute drag force actuated programmable controller to generate an event trigger signal.
  7. Cholhan, Hilary J.; Cholhan, Remy, Emergency notification apparatus and method.
  8. Harber, Benjamin A., Flight path control system for aircraft.
  9. Cholhan, Hilary J; Cholhan, Remy, Helmet and method of use for emergency notification.
  10. MacCallum, Taber Kyle; Padilla, Sebastian; Farley, Rodger; Beveridge, Iain; Lee, G. Ryan; Basta, Tim; Leidich, Jared; Straus, John; Maccagnano, John Z., High altitude balloon systems and methods.
  11. Smith, John J.; Witkowski, Allen C., Method and apparatus for parachute reefing control.
  12. Preston, Daniel J., Method and apparatuses for controlling high wing loaded parafoils.
  13. Smith, John J.; Witkowski, Allen C., Method for parachute reefing control.
  14. MacCallum, Taber K.; Dang, Jacob H.; Eustace, Robert Alan; Maccagnano, John Zaniel; Nott, Julian R.; Padilla, Sebastian A.; Shankarnarayan, Sreenivasan; Straus, John; Leidich, Jared; Blignaut, Daniel Pieter Jacobus, Near-space operation systems.
  15. Gefken, Paul Robert; Edward Ziemba, Adam Arnold; Simons, Jeffrey Williams; Holeman, Dennis Leigh, Net engagement with parachute slowdown (NEPS) system.
  16. Hoisington, Zachary Charles; Rawdon, Blaine Knight, Precision aerial delivery system.
  17. Berge, Michael Scott, Releasable pack for parachuting when carrying equipment.
  18. Leidich, Jared; MacCallum, Taber Kyle; Bowen, Ty, Rigidized assisted opening system for high altitude parafoils.
  19. Bohlen, Carsten; Bohlen, Holger, System and method for deploying loads out of an aircraft.
  20. Neal, III, David Anthony; Ehlmann, Kevin Marlan; Gressick, William Thomas; Bateman, Alec Jacob Devine; Horneman, Kenneth Richard, Systems, devices, and/or methods for managing targeted payload descent.
  21. Neal, III, David Anthony; Ehlmann, Kevin Marlan; Gressick, William Thomas; Bateman, Alec Jacob Devine; Horneman, Kenneth Richard, Systems, devices, and/or methods for managing targeted payload descent.
  22. Yates, William M., Unmanned supply delivery aircraft.

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