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[미국특허] Electrically driven aircraft cabin ventilation and environmental control system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25D-009/00
출원번호 US-0672651 (2003-09-26)
§371/§102 date 20040302 (20040302)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lents, Charles E.
  • Squier, Steven E.
  • Thresher, Wayne A.
출원인 / 주소
  • Hamilton Sunstrand Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Bachman &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 28  인용 특허 : 18


The present invention relates to an electrically driven aircraft cabin and ventilation and environmental control system. The system includes at least one inlet for capturing ram air, an electrically driven compressor for pressurizing the ram air, and a thermal conditioning subsystem for thermally co


1. An electrically driven aircraft cabin ventilation and environmental control system comprising:means for capturing ram air; means for creating a first flow of said ram air and a second flow of said ram air; electrically driven means for receiving said first flow of ram air and for creating a press

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (18) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sauterleute Alfred,DEX, Air-conditioning system for airplane cabin.
  2. Mueller Wolfgang,DEX, Aircraft air-conditioning apparatus with water separators.
  3. Bescoby Frank A. (Rancho Palos Verdes CA) Araki Roy T. (Redondo Beach CA), Aircraft cabin air conditioning system with improved fresh air supply.
  4. Wehner Jeffrey M. (San Diego CA) Bettenga James L. (San Diego CA) Biagini Guido (Poway CA) Godecker William J. (San Diego CA) Wigmore David B. (San Diego CA), Cooling system for an aircraft pod.
  5. George Afeiche ; Kathrine J. Clarke ; Roger Murry ; Michel A. Jonqueres, ECS with 2-stage water separation.
  6. Cronin Michael J. (Sherman Oaks CA) Seid Gordon (Los Angeles CA), ESC energy recovery system for fuel-efficient aircraft.
  7. Lents, Charles E.; Squier, Steven E.; Thresher, Wayne A., Electrically driven aircraft cabin ventilation and environmental control system.
  8. Williams Kenneth Roy, Electrically powered differential air-cycle air conditioning machine.
  9. Strang James E. ; Linnett Kim E. ; Matulich Dan, Environmental control system including air cycle machine and electrical machine.
  10. Hipsky Harold, Environmental control system utilizing two air cycle machines.
  11. Severson Mark Hamilton ; Squier Steven Eric, Environmental control system with energy recovery and bleed air assist.
  12. Brunskill Michael R. (Rolling Hills Estates CA), Fluid conditioning apparatus and system.
  13. Campbell Carl D. (Cerritos CA), Fluid conditioning apparatus and system.
  14. Farrington Franklin D., High efficiency environmental control systems and methods.
  15. Williams Kenneth R., Integrated air conditioning and power unit.
  16. Williams Kenneth R., Multi-mode secondary power unit.
  17. Niggeman Richard E., Multiple mode environmental control system for pressurized aircraft cabin.
  18. Murry Roger P. ; Clarke Kathrine J. ; Matulich Dan S., Two spool environmental control system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (28) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Parikh, Pradip G.; Willie, Robert H., Air inlet and method for a highspeed mobile platform.
  2. Zhou, Rui; Winter, Stephen Francis; Kyriazopoulos, Athanasios; Muller, Jones Ricardo; Parilla, Javier Armando, Aircraft energy management system including engine fan discharge air boosted environmental control system.
  3. Johnson, Andrew T., Aircraft environmental control system and method.
  4. Johnson, Andrew T., Aircraft environmental control system and method.
  5. Hipsky, Harold W., Cabin air compressor motor cooling.
  6. Mansfield-Marcoux, Danielle; Vignali, Mark, Cabin air compressor outlet duct.
  7. Parikh, Pradip G., Combined cabin air and heat exchanger RAM air inlets for aircraft environmental control systems, and associated methods of use.
  8. Said, Waleed; Chai, Huazhen, Control of pole-change induction motors.
  9. Atkey,Warren A.; Bernier,Alan T.; Bowman,Michael D.; Campbell,Thomas A.; Cruse,Jonathan M.; Fiterman,Charles J.; Meis,Charles S.; Ng,Casey Y. K.; Nozari,Farhad; Zielinski,Edward, Electric-based secondary power system architectures for aircraft.
  10. Atkey,Warren A.; Bernier,Alan T.; Bowman,Michael D.; Campbell,Thomas A.; Cruse,Jonathan M.; Fiterman,Charles J.; Meis,Charles S.; Ng,Casey Y. K.; Nozari,Farhad; Zielinski,Edward, Electric-based secondary power system architectures for aircraft.
  11. Shander, Mark S.; Cote, Richard A.; Drake, Michael L.; Carter, III, Howard; Peters, John T.; Ng, Casey Y. K.; Hoag, Michael S.; Paterson, John T., Electrical systems architecture for an aircraft, and related operating methods.
  12. Schiff,Peter, Environmental control system and method for an aircraft.
  13. Army, Donald E.; Peacos, Frederick; Polifka, John; Zager, Michael, Environmental control system pack pallets.
  14. Ullman, Alan Z.; Newman, Clyde D., Evaporative cooling for an aircraft subsystem.
  15. Vignali, Mark; Rupp, Caroline, Generally wye shaped elbow for cabin air flow system.
  16. Zywiak, Thomas M.; DeFrancesco, Gregory L.; Hall, David E., Hybrid third air condition pack.
  17. Bayliss, Andrew J.; Paterson, John T.; Retz, Kevin, Independent power generation in aircraft.
  18. Bayliss, Andrew J.; Paterson, John T.; Retz, Kevin, Independent power generation in aircraft.
  19. Lui, Clarence W. T.; Derouineau, Jean Luc; Claeys, Henry M., Integrated environmental control and auxiliary power system for an aircraft.
  20. Coons, Terry L., Method and system for providing cooling and power.
  21. Beers, Craig M.; Hipsky, Harold W., Motor cooling blower and containment structure.
  22. Powell, Patrick, Powered air ram with energy recovery.
  23. Hipsky, Harold W.; Colson, Darryl A., Ram air fan motor cooling.
  24. Eowsakul, Vanwijak, Self-cooling loop with electric ram fan for motor driven compressor.
  25. Schiff, Peter, System and method for replacing an engine powered air conditioning unit with an electric air conditioning unit in an aircraft.
  26. Space, David R.; Matera, Jane V.; Atkey, Warren A.; Fiterman, Charles J.; Gray, John; Arnaud, Timothy J., Systems and methods for providing airflow in an aerospace vehicle.
  27. Zielinski, Edward; Bernier, Alan T.; Knechtel, Kent W.; Campbell, Thomas A.; White, Jeffrey J.; Ralston, Mark D., Systems and methods for starting aircraft engines.
  28. Karimi, Kamiar J.; Liu, Shengyi; Liffring, Mark E.; Helton, Steven B.; Fu, Sheau-Wei (Johnny), Vehicle electrical power management and distribution.

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