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[미국특허] High index curable photochromic composition and its process 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C08F-002/46
  • C08F-002/50
출원번호 US-0269091 (2002-10-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Zheng, Qiang
  • Nelson, Donald Scott
  • Carper, Jr., Charles William
  • Melzig, Manfred
  • Schuster, Herbert
  • Zinner, Herbert
출원인 / 주소
  • Rodenstock GmbH
대리인 / 주소
    Crowell &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 24


A high refractive index, curable, synthetic resin composition comprising a core resin composition composed of a mixture of ethylenically unsaturated compounds, and an initiation system containing both photo and thermal initiators, particularly a photochromic resin composition which further includes


1. A high refractive index core resin composition comprising(i) 2 to 70 parts by weight of at least one first compound corresponding to formula (I): ?wherein n and n′ independently are 3-5, R1-R4 independently represent H or C1-C6 alkyl, X is O, S, SO2, CO2, CH2, CH?CH, C(CH3)2 or a single bond, and

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (24) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kawabata Yuichiro,JPX ; Tanizawa Tsuneyoshi,JPX ; Hara Tadashi,JPX, Chromene compound.
  2. Kawabata Yuichiro,JPX ; Tanizawa Tsuneyoshi,JPX ; Hara Tadashi,JPX, Chromene compound.
  3. Melzig Manfred,DEX ; Zinner Herbert,DEX, Diaryl-2H-naphthopyrans.
  4. Melzig Manfred,DEX ; Zinner Herbert,DEX, Diaryl-2H-naphthopyrans.
  5. Melzig Manfred,DEX ; Zinner Herbert,DEX, Diaryl-2h-napthopyrans.
  6. Claudia Mann DE; Manfred Melzig DE; Udo Weigand DE, Neutral-colored gray photochromic plastic object.
  7. Effer Erhard (Pcking DEX) Melzig Manfred (Wessling DEX) Schuster Herbert (Emmering DEX) Martinuzzi Guiseppe (Eichenau DEX), Optically transparent photochromic plastic material.
  8. Chan You-Ping,FRX ; Henry David,FRX ; Meyrueix Remy,FRX ; Vial Jacques Jean,FRX, Organic photochromic materials with high refractive index, their preparation and articles formed from these materials.
  9. Melzig Manfred (Wessling DEX), Photochrome alkyl substituted spiroindoline compounds.
  10. Melzig Manfred,DEX ; Zinner Herbert,DEX, Photochromic 3H-naphthopyrans.
  11. Kobayakawa Takashi (Tokuyama JPX) Momoda Junji (Tokuyama JPX), Photochromic composition and method producing photochromic cured product.
  12. Melzig Manfred (Wessling DEX) Zinner Herbert (Pentling DEX), Photochromic compounds.
  13. Melzig Manfred,DEX ; Zinner Herbert,DEX, Photochromic compounds (7).
  14. Zinner Herbert,DEX ; Melzig Manfred,DEX, Photochromic diaryl-3H-naphthopyrane.
  15. Rickwood Martin (Southport GBX) Smith Katharine E. (Dewsbury GBX) Gabbutt Christopher D. (Blackburn GBX) Hepworth John D. (Preston GBX), Photochromic naphthopyran compounds.
  16. Melzig Manfred,DEX ; Mann Claudia,DEX ; Weigand Udo,DEX, Photochromic naphtopyrane colorants, method for the production and use thereof, photochromic object.
  17. Henry David,FRX ; Vial Jacques,FRX, Photochromic organic materials.
  18. Mann Claudia,DEX ; Weigand Udo,DEX ; Melzig Manfred,DEX, Photochromic spirofluorenopyran compounds.
  19. Melzig Manfred,DEX, Photochromically colored object.
  20. Herold Robert D. ; Daughenbaugh Randy E. ; Wiedrich Charles R., Polymerizable composition.
  21. Henry David,FRX ; Vachet Andre,FRX, Preparation of organic pieces of optical quality and especially organic lenses.
  22. Imura Satoshi,JPX ; Nishitake Toshihiro,JPX, Process for production of photochromic cured product.
  23. Effer Erhard,DEX ; Melzig Manfred,DEX ; Zinner Herbert,DEX ; Schuster Herbert,DEX, Process for the production of a photochromic object.
  24. Florent Frederic Henri,FRX ; Henry David,FRX ; Vachet Andre Jean,FRX ; Vial Jacques Jean,FRX, Temperature stable and sunlight protected photochromic articles.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Choi, Hyeon; Kim, Jee-Seon; Kim, Woo-Sung; Hong, Young-Jun, Photochromic compositions and photochromic films.
  2. Atkinson, Hayden; Riggs, Paul; Gibson, John; Warren, Tim; Dover, Ronnie; Williams, Arthur; Cowden, Jennifer; Gunner, Michael, Thermal curing methods and systems for forming contact lenses.
  3. Atkinson, Hayden; Riggs, Paul; Gibson, John; Warren, Tim; Dover, Ronnie; Williams, Arthur; Cowden, Jennifer; Gunner, Michael, Thermal curing methods and systems for forming contact lenses.
  4. Atkinson, Hayden; Riggs, Paul; Gibson, John; Warren, Tim; Dover, Ronnie; Williams, Arthur; Cowden, Jennifer; Gunner, Michael, Thermal curing methods and systems for forming contact lenses.
  5. Eskra, Jennifer; Geddes, Pamela A.; Harrison, Daniel J.; Jalbert, Claire A.; Marginean, Barry L.; Przybylo, John, Thermal transfer ribbon.

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