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[미국특허] Method for using three GPS frequencies to resolve carrier-phase integer ambiguities 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01C-021/00
출원번호 US-0682553 (2003-10-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hatch, Ronald R.
출원인 / 주소
  • NavCom Technology, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Morgan, Lewis &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 21  인용 특허 : 3


A method for generating an ambiguity-resolved, refraction-corrected, and noise-minimized carrier-phase measurement. The method includes forming a first composite measurement using GPS carrier-phase measurements on the L1, L2 and L5 frequencies. To reduce the noise in the first composite measurement,


1. A method for obtaining an ambiguity-resolved, refraction-corrected GPS carrier-phase measurement, comprising:obtaining carrier-phase measurements on three carrier frequencies; forming at least two wide-lane carrier phase measurements based on the carrier-phase measurements on the three carrier fr

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Allison Michael T. (Santa Clara CA) Deaver Phillip (Cupertino CA) Dreier Scott (San Francisco CA), Determination of phase ambiguities in satellite ranges.
  2. Allison Michael T. (Santa Clara CA), Differential position determination using satellites.
  3. Milton Kevin ; Meyer Ron, Method and apparatus for eliminating ionospheric delay error in global positioning system signals.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (21)

  1. Showen, Robert L., Acoustic survey methods in weapons location system.
  2. Showen, Robert L., Acoustic survey methods in weapons location systems.
  3. Liu, Junjie; Vollath, Ulrich; West, Peter Ian; Klose, Soeren Ulf, Fast decimeter-level GNSS positioning.
  4. Talbot, Nicholas Charles; Vollath, Ulrich, GNSS moving base positioning.
  5. Talbot, Nicholas Charles; Vollath, Ulrich, GNSS position coasting.
  6. Vollath, Ulrich, GNSS signal processing methods and apparatus.
  7. Seeger, Stephan, GNSS signal processing to estimate MW biases.
  8. Leandro, Rodrigo; Glocker, Markus; Seeger, Stephan, GNSS signal processing to estimate phase-leveled clocks.
  9. Leandro, Rodrigo; Vollath, Ulrich; Talbot, Nicholas Charles, GNSS signal processing with known position for reconvergence.
  10. Leandro, Rodrigo, GNSS signal processing with rover ambiguity fixing.
  11. Vollath, Ulrich; Chen, Xiaoming; Leandro, Rodrigo, GNSS signal processing with synthesized base station data.
  12. Vollath, Ulrich; Talbot, Nicholas Charles, GNSS surveying methods and apparatus.
  13. Williamson, Walton R., GPS/INS sensor fusion using GPS wind up model.
  14. Vollath, Ulrich, Generalized partial fixing.
  15. Berchin, Gregory John; Kelley, David Charles, Method and apparatus for modeling of GNSS pseudorange measurements for interpolation, extrapolation, reduction of measurement errors, and data compression.
  16. Kelley, David Charles; Berchin, Gregory John, Method and apparatus for reducing satellite position message payload by adaptive data compression techniques.
  17. Hatch, Ronald R., Method for using three GPS frequencies to resolve whole-cycle carrier-phase ambiguities.
  18. Euler, Hans-Jürgen, Phase ambiguity resolution method for a satellite based positioning system.
  19. Doucet, Ken; Vollath, Ulrich, Position tracking device and method.
  20. Vollath, Ulrich; Klose, Soeren Ulf, Post-processed accuracy prediction for GNSS positioning.
  21. Scheitlin, Joseph E.; Brenner, Mats Anders; Class, Kim A.; Johnson, Bruce G.; Reuter, Randy J.; Howard, John M., Satellite measurement screening to protect the integrity of existing monitors in the presence of phase scintillation.

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