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[미국특허] Cryogenic coupling device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B05B-015/00
  • B05B-015/08
출원번호 US-0618198 (2003-07-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lambert, Todd D.
  • Anderson, Keith J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Parker-Hannifin Corporation
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 15


A cryogenic coupling device includes a valved receptacle and a valved nozzle. Rollers in an outer collar of the receptacle are received in helical channels along a collar of the nozzle. A notch or detent in each of the channels provides a vent position to vent fluid before the nozzle is fully discon


1. A coupling device, comprising:a nozzle including a nozzle collar and handle assembly fixed together, and a valve body and fitting fixed together, the nozzle collar and handle assembly outwardly surrounding and rotatably supported with respect to the valve body and fitting, the valve body includin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15)

  1. Brown Albert W. (1207 Pembroke La. Newport Beach CA 92660), Aircraft under-wing fueling nozzle system.
  2. Rose Joseph Lorney,CAX ; Corriveau Anthony Joseph Francis,CAX ; Dobbs Kirk Alan,CAX, Automatic dry release valve coupling.
  3. Sarson Charles R. (Willoughby Hills OH), Connector assembly.
  4. McMath Jack Alan (Fort Thomas KY) Wilder Paul R. (Cincinnati OH) Alderson Larry Lee (Valley Center KS), Coupler.
  5. Hanson Lowell R. (Cedar MN), Coupling device.
  6. Tocha Klaus,DEX, Coupling for connecting two vacuum-insulated lines via a coupling socket and a coupling plug.
  7. Brzyski Glenn M. (Depew NY) Gordon Martin E. (Clarence NY) Griffin Patrick K. (Cowlesville NY) Holzinger John J. (Can Gabriel CA), Cryogenic fluid coupling.
  8. Maguire James F. ; Winn Peter M. ; Sidi-Yekhelf Ahmed ; Bushko Dariusz Antoni, Detachable cryogenic refrigerator expander.
  9. Mueller John R. (Wauwatosa WI) Anderson ; Jr. Henry M. (Belding MI), Diverter valve for shower spray systems.
  10. Cornford Arthur Selwyn,CAX ; Elsdon Stanley Robert,CAX ; Fairles Gordon Elford,CAX, Dry disconnect coupling with improved poppet seal.
  11. Stockel Ivar H. (Bangor ME), High flow rate nozzle system with production of uniform size droplets.
  12. Sandgren Kurt K. (Grdinge SEX) Selving Hans V. L. (Skrholmen SEX), Method of impregnating a cable.
  13. Mark Randall McClaran, Pressure fuel servicing nozzle.
  14. McClaran Mark Randall, Pressure fuel servicing nozzle.
  15. Westfall Randell W. (8215 River Glade Houston TX 77095), Receptacle valve assembly and seal.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8)

  1. Cosse, Carlos; Gill, Jaskaran; Johnson, Don, Fluid system connection nozzle assembly.
  2. Thomas, Chad; Glavin, Michael T.; Howard, Jeffrey S., Leak resistant and serviceable receptacle.
  3. Hunt, Gary Wilson; Pettenuzzo, Mark Andrew, Liquid filling system.
  4. Konishi, Howard M., Rapid-connect coupler.
  5. Konishi, Howard M., Rapid-connect coupler with vent stop.
  6. Konishi, Howard M., Rapid-connect coupler with vent stop.
  7. Konishi, Howard M., Rapid-connect coupler with vent-stop.
  8. Konishi, Howard M., Rapid-connect coupler with vent-stop.

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