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[미국특허] Shock limited hydrofoil system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B63B-001/26
출원번호 US-0364589 (2003-02-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Levine, Gerald A.
대리인 / 주소
    Christopher &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 18


A shock mitigation system for a hydrofoil marine craft is provided, the shock mitigation system includes a pair of stacked lifting bodies, where an upper lifting body is used to provide initial lift for the craft. To mitigate the wave effects on the craft when operating at cruise speed, the distance


1. A hydrofoil craft configured to operate in a selected maximum wave height environment at a cruise height above a waterline, the hydrofoil craft comprising:at least one upper lifting surface; at least one lower lifting surface, wherein a vertical distance between the upper lifting surface and the

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (18) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bordat Andre Jules Edmond (Paris FR) Pouillot Michel Auguste Achille (Lambesc FR), Adjustable hydrodynamic section for submerged foils.
  2. Sachs Elmer B. (3371 Rexford St. Ventura CA 93003), Airplane.
  3. Harang Arlyn Orlando (Seattle WA) Scott John Hunt (Issaquah WA) Hirsch Irving Alfred (Bellevue WA), Automatic control system for hydrofoil craft.
  4. Hirsch Irving A. (Bellevue WA), Automatic control system for hydrofoil craft.
  5. Farris William E. (Bellevue WA), Automatic landing system for hydrofoil craft.
  6. Scott John H. (Issaquah WA) Harang Arlyn O. (Seattle WA), Automatic takeoff controller for hydrofoil craft.
  7. Gornstein Robert J. (Bellevue WA) Meldahl Kenneth R. (Bellevue WA), Hydrodynamic sections.
  8. Henkel Henry (430 E. 63rd St. New York NY 10021), Hydrofoil boat.
  9. Nesbitt Glenn Scott, Hydrofoil boat.
  10. Sachs Elmer B. (3371 Rexford Ventura CA 93003), Hydrofoil kit.
  11. Gornstein Robert J. (Vashon WA) Rust Richard J. (Westport WA) Husa William (Auburn WA) Rust Randolph J. (Westort WA), Hydrofoil propulsion system.
  12. Hoppe Karl Gunter Wilhelm,ZAX, Hydrofoil supported water craft.
  13. Thorpe Douglas T. (1715 E. Fairfield Mesa AZ 85203), Hydrofoil system.
  14. Thomas G. Lang, Low-drag, high-speed ship.
  15. Steinberg Amiram (11 Lochamei Gallipoli Street Moshav Avichail ; 42 910 ILX), Sea vessel.
  16. Wankel Felix (Fraunhoferstr. 10 899 Lindau (B) DEX), Water foil.
  17. Williams Marshall L. (Santa Monica CA) Peschel William P. (Venice CA), Water vehicles.
  18. Payne Peter R. (Severna Park MD), .

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Corn, James F., Assembly and method to attach a device such as a hydrofoil to an anti-ventilation plate.
  2. Corn, James F., Assembly and method to attach a device such as a hydrofoil to an antiventilation plate.
  3. Corn, James F., Boating accessory.
  4. Corn, James F., Boating accessory.
  5. Corn, James F., Boating accessory.
  6. Corn, James F., Boating accessory.
  7. Corn, James F., Boating accessory.
  8. Etcheparre, Jean; Morra, Flavien, Hydrofoil for remote-controlled toy.
  9. Hinderks, Mitja Victor, Marine hulls and drives.
  10. Levine,Gerald A., Shock limited hydrofoil system.

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